SC 7 Commending and honoring the 2015 Habitat for Humanity--South Dako...
State of South Dakota  


Introduced by:    Senators Parsley, Bradford, Brown, Buhl O'Donnell, Cammack, Fiegen, Frerichs, Greenfield (Brock), Heineman (Phyllis), Heinert, Holien, Hunhoff (Bernie), Jensen (Phil), Novstrup (David), Olson, Otten (Ernie), Peterson (Jim), Rusch, Shorma, Solano, Sutton, Tieszen, and Vehle and Representatives Ring, Bartling, Bordeaux, Brunner, Dryden, Feickert, Gibson, Harrison, Hawley, Jensen (Alex), Killer, Kirschman, McCleerey, Partridge, Romkema, Rounds, Rozum, Schrempp, Soli, Solum, and Wiik

        A LEGISLATIVE COMMEMORATION, Commending and honoring the 2015 Habitat for Humanity--South Dakota Habitat Supporters of the Year.

    WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity--South Dakota recently celebrated the hard work and volunteerism of the eleven Habitat for Humanity affiliates throughout South Dakota by recognizing the work of the Habitat Supporters of the Year at the 2015 Fundraiser and Recognition Banquet; and

    WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity throughout South Dakota has achieved another milestone of the construction of the four hundred eighty-fifth Habitat home in South Dakota, which is made possible by the generosity of countless volunteers, as well as many hours of sweat equity contributed by the homeowner families; and

    WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that the South Dakota Legislature acknowledge the selfless work of these Habitat Supporters of the Year toward the goal of creating affordable housing and eliminating impoverished housing in South Dakota:

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT COMMEMORATED, by the Ninety-First Legislature of the State of South Dakota, that the following have all achieved the distinction of Habitat for Humanity Supporters of the Year for 2015 in South Dakota: the Leadership Aberdeen Class of 2015, Bill Campbell, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, Brookings Family Selection Committee, Olivet Congregational, UCC of St. Paul, MN, Tom Chap, Mitchell Fusion Church, Bank West, Pierre Branch and the Board of Directors, LATI Building Trades Students and Instructors, Jim Schramm, Architect, and First Financial Bank USA of Dupree, South Dakota.