House Commerce and Energy — 2011
Active Bills
No Active Bills
Inactive Bills
HB 1135require certification for operators of boilers in public buildings.
HB 1137prohibit the sale of caffeinated alcoholic beverages.
HB 1202require the state to provide the public with access to an electronic database containing certain information on any loans, grants, or tax rebates provided by the state for the purpose of economic development.
HB 1209provide for the establishment of rural community-based energy development projects.
HB 1223revise licensure fees for, and to prohibit certain harassment practices by, persons engaging in the business of payday loans and title loans.
HB 1224provide a maximum finance charge for payday loans and title loans.
HB 1238revise who may be issued special alcoholic beverage licenses in conjunction with a special event and to require local governing bodies to establish rules regulating and restricting the operation of special alcoholic beverage licenses.
Sponsored Bills
HB 1030revise the provisions relating to placement of surplus lines insurance and tax allocation of surplus lines insurance.
HB 1031increase the national registry fee for real estate appraisers.
HB 1032authorize imposition of a permanent injunction upon any person engaged in an unlicensed real estate appraisal practice.
HB 1033provide for the registration and regulation of appraisal management companies.
HB 1034repeal the requirement for motor vehicle liability insurance safety rating discounts for certain older motor vehicle drivers.
HB 1035revise the process for the collection of the annual insurance company examination assessment fee.