House of Representatives — 2011
Active Bills
HCR 1011Expressing support for civic education in the public schools in South Dakota, and recognizing March 9, 2011, as Civic Education Day at the state capitol.
Inactive Bills
HB 1012change the terminology for mental retard, mentally retarded, mental retardation, and other similar terms in statute and to provide for the change in printed materials and signage.
HB 1039permit a written promise to appear for violators of overweight vehicle provisions.
HB 1046revise the composition of the State Brand Board and to provide for its election by district.
HB 1048provide for the distribution of the proceeds of certain civil fines and civil penalties.
HB 1049require that funds from the sale of certain estrays and livestock on "hold" status be deposited in the permanent school fund.
HB 1050revise the voting requirements for the county board of adjustment.
HB 1054increase the amount that the court may assess against the defendant for failure to appear in regard to certain motor vehicle violations.
HB 1055prohibit employers from restricting employees who are volunteer emergency responders in their response to emergencies during working hours.
HB 1059revise the examination required to practice cosmetology.
HB 1061provide for the practice and regulation of registered midwives.
HB 1063provide for the deposit in the general fund of the proceeds from the sale of certain contraband or abandoned items by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
HB 1064deposit certain funds associated with snowmobiles and motorized boats into the state highway fund.
HB 1065transfer money from the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to South Dakota State University for wildlife and fisheries instruction.
HB 1066provide a penalty for violations of custody or visitation decrees.
HB 1068require that certain land acquisitions by the State of South Dakota be conditioned upon subsequent legislative approval.
HB 1070prohibit school districts from employing school counselors who are not certified.
HB 1071revise certain provisions relating to the salaries and per diem of county commissioners.
HB 1072provide for a study of the feasibility of establishing an equine processing facility and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1073authorize a loan from the REDI fund for the purpose of constructing an equine processing facility.
HB 1074revise the allowable time periods for use of nonresident small game hunting licenses.
HB 1075provide for legislative redistricting based on single-member house districts.
HB 1076increase the fee for a payor to withhold child support.
HB 1077establish performance standards for principals, to require an annual evaluation of principals, and to provide for the development of a model evaluation instrument.
HB 1078allow municipalities, counties, and school districts to post certain information on the internet in addition to or in lieu of certain publication requirements.
HB 1082provide for reduced hunting license fees for senior citizens.
HB 1083revise certain state education benefits for veterans.
HB 1084require drug screening for county sheriffs.
HB 1086require the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to receive the approval of the Senate before acquiring certain land.
HB 1088make certain legislative findings concerning the constitutionality of certain federal health care laws.
HB 1089prohibit political contributions by certain state employees to gubernatorial candidates.
HB 1090provide for legislative redistricting based on single-member house districts.
HB 1091repeal the provision requiring certain school districts with a fall enrollment of less than one hundred to reorganize.
HB 1095prohibit certain acts of sexual contact between certain school employees and students and to provide penalties therefor.
HB 1097provide for the assessment of certain agricultural land as noncropland.
HB 1100prohibit certain business entities and affiliated persons from making political campaign contributions to state officeholders or candidates if the business entity does contractual business with certain state agencies.
HB 1101provide for legislative redistricting by a bipartisan, nonlegislative commission and to declare an emergency.
HB 1102revise certain provisions concerning the presumption of legitimacy of children born or conceived in wedlock.
HB 1103revise certain provisions regarding zero based budgeting requirements.
HB 1105restrict political events in the vicinity of certain state-sponsored events.
HB 1106provide a time period before certain action on the general appropriation bill may commence.
HB 1107provide for a process to limit state government spending.
HB 1109revise certain provisions concerning the township road system.
HB 1111revise the amount reverted to the general fund from the financing statement and annual reporting filing fund.
HB 1112affect health care.
HB 1115make an appropriation to the Board of Regents for the general operation of the regental system.
HB 1116revise the state aid to education formula and to make an appropriation.
HB 1117permit public bodies to keep minutes of executive session and restrict who may review the minutes.
HB 1120require persons applying or receiving certain aid or assistance from the state to submit to drug and substances tests.
HB 1121revise certain legislative policies relating to the establishment of legislative districts.
HB 1122restrict certain state purchases of gasoline to ethanol blends.
HB 1123provide for reciprocal nonresident trapping licenses.
HB 1124authorize the taking of carp by snagging.
HB 1125increase the amount of certain veterans' bonus payments.
HB 1126revise the salary schedule for veterans' service officers.
HB 1127repeal the requirement that rear vehicle registration plates be illuminated.
HB 1129define a loaded firearm.
HB 1131lower the state sales and use tax on certain food items and to increase the rate of taxation for the sales and use tax on certain goods and services.
HB 1132exempt certain seasonal employees from obtaining a applicator license to apply pesticides.
HB 1134provide for certain revisions to the medicaid program.
HB 1135require certification for operators of boilers in public buildings.
HB 1136extend the current fee charged for annual report filings for one year.
HB 1137prohibit the sale of caffeinated alcoholic beverages.
HB 1138provide for the licensure and regulation of private detectives.
HB 1140require the development of school safety plans and to require the conduct of lockdown drills in accredited schools.
HB 1142repeal certain tort liability arising out of causes of action based on seduction, abduction, and alienation of affections.
HB 1143establish special duck hunting seasons for nonresidents.
HB 1146limit copayment or coinsurance amounts for chiropractic services.
HB 1150revise the calculation of the state aid to education formula by eliminating the two-year averaging option for school districts with a declining enrollment.
HB 1151provide procedures by which adopted persons may obtain their original birth certificates.
HB 1152provide for drug testing for certain TANF recipients.
HB 1153prohibit the Board of Education from adopting certain standards for the subject of history.
HB 1156define intentional strangulation as aggravated assault and provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1158revise the filing deadlines for the nomination of certain independent candidates.
HB 1159create an ombudsman position to assist taxpayers with property assessment appeals.
HB 1160regulate certain automatic periodic financial transfers for the purpose of funding political contributions.
HB 1163allow certain disabled veterans to obtain a disabled hunter permit.
HB 1164authorize senior citizens to hunt from vehicles.
HB 1165establish certain legislative findings, to prohibit the enforcement of certain federal health care laws, and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1166restrict, under certain circumstances, the transfer of certain land parcels by the federal government.
HB 1167provide for the taxation of severed mineral interests and to provide for the extinction of de minimis claims through the utilization of tax deeds.
HB 1168revise certain provisions regarding the public records open to inspection and copying.
HB 1170require schools to provide instruction on certain historical documents and speeches.
HB 1171expand the definition of justifiable homicide to provide for the protection of certain unborn children.
HB 1172require the issuance of a request for proposals concerning the administration of the Medicaid program.
HB 1176prohibit county commissioners from providing health insurance for themselves or other part-time county employees.
HB 1177revise certain provisions regarding the use of eminent domain.
HB 1178restrict the entry of conservation officers onto certain private land without permission.
HB 1181authorize the release of information related to users of certain state lodging facilities.
HB 1182provide for the release of information relating to persons attending or invited to certain state-sponsored events.
HB 1183protect the rights of public employees to participate in certain political activities and to have contact with elected officials.
HB 1186require certain children to be in booster seats when in motor vehicles.
HB 1187provide for an interim study of the exemptions provided for the sales, use, and excise taxes imposed by the state.
HB 1188authorize landowners and lessees to possess certain game animal and game bird trophies.
HB 1189impose a fee on certain pipelines carrying crude oil and to create a crude oil pipeline compensation fund that may be used in the event of a crude oil spill.
HB 1190exempt certain wind farms from taxation if located in an Indian reservation on land held in trust by the United States.
HB 1191authorize school district boards to provide licensed day care facilities on or off school district property.
HB 1193clarify certain statutes prohibiting political subdivisions from restricting firearms.
HB 1195restrict, under certain circumstances, the creation and transfer of conservation easements.
HB 1197require the party affiliations of candidates for municipal and school elections to be printed on the ballot.
HB 1198provide for the state and local enforcement of certain federal immigration laws, to criminalize the knowing transportation, concealment, or solicitation of illegal aliens, and to provide penalties therefor.
HB 1199provide for a compact concerning citizenship.
HB 1200include certain state officials in protections afforded law enforcement and judicial officers.
HB 1202require the state to provide the public with access to an electronic database containing certain information on any loans, grants, or tax rebates provided by the state for the purpose of economic development.
HB 1203allow school districts, for a period of two years, to transfer funds from the capital outlay fund to the general fund under certain circumstances.
HB 1204prohibit businesses and employers from establishing certain policies against the ability of an invitee or employee to store firearms and ammunition in a locked motor vehicle parked on the premises.
HB 1205provide for the distribution of certain stimulus money as state aid to education.
HB 1206revise certain provisions relating to grandparent visitation and to declare an emergency.
HB 1209provide for the establishment of rural community-based energy development projects.
HB 1210provide for the lease of hunting rights on certain school and public lands.
HB 1211establish provisions to enhance education in the state concerning the history of labor and collective bargaining.
HB 1212revise certain provisions regarding the county wheel tax.
HB 1213limit increases in state government spending.
HB 1214revise the period of time in which a refund of certain commercial motor vehicle license fees may be requested.
HB 1218prohibit surrogate mother contracts, to prohibit enforcement of such arrangements, and to establish standards to award custody of children born as a result of such arrangements.
HB 1220permit a nonresident youth to purchase a resident small game hunting license.
HB 1222temporarily increase the state sales and use tax to fund education and other budget needs and to declare an emergency.
HB 1223revise licensure fees for, and to prohibit certain harassment practices by, persons engaging in the business of payday loans and title loans.
HB 1224provide a maximum finance charge for payday loans and title loans.
HB 1225conduct a study on the feasibility of maintaining aircraft under the control of the Department of Transportation.
HB 1226impose additional real estate transfer fees on certain agricultural land and apportion the revenue to local taxing districts.
HB 1227transfer money from the health care trust fund.
HB 1236provide for a temporary decrease of legislator salaries.
HB 1237provide for an individual mandate to adult citizens to provide for the self defense of themselves and others.
HB 1238revise who may be issued special alcoholic beverage licenses in conjunction with a special event and to require local governing bodies to establish rules regulating and restricting the operation of special alcoholic beverage licenses.
HB 1239increase the amount transferred from the health care and education enhancement trust funds.
HB 1241revise certain penalties for the sale or service of an alcoholic beverage to a person under the age of twenty-one.
HB 1250revise certain provisions regarding the South Dakota opportunity scholarship program.
HB 1252grant certain authority to municipalities and counties regarding outdoor advertising structures.
HB 1253establish provisions for military and overseas voters.
HB 1254prohibit the use of bisephenol A and cadmium in certain products.
HCR 1006In support of reforming the federal Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.
HCR 1010Recognizing the needs of certain veterans for state assistance.
HCR 1012Urging local safety measures relating to horses and other animal entries in parades.
HJR 1001To propose a constitutional amendment to provide for the purchase, construction, and operation of a horse processing plant.
HJR 1002Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to Article XI of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to the limitation of expenditures for the State of South Dakota.
HJR 1003Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to Article III, section 6 of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to four-year legislative terms and term limits.
HJR 1004Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to Article V, section 1 of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota relating to prohibiting the application of international law, the law of foreign nations, and certain foreign religious or moral codes in the state courts of South Dakota.
SB 7authorize the Bureau of Administration to construct a maintenance shop in Pierre, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 31revise certain provisions regarding the expungement of arrest records.
SB 71prohibit the use of certain handheld electronic wireless devices for electronic messaging while driving.
SB 81require the Supreme Court to promulgate rules for parenting coordinators.
SB 84revise certain provisions regarding administrative penalties when filing campaign finance disclosure statements.
SB 88revise certain penalties involving the bribery of a voter.
SB 99revise the provisions that determine the amount of the motor vehicle registration fees that shall be applied based on the age of the vehicles.
SB 123allow military spouses to receive unemployment compensation if they leave their jobs due to a spouse's military transfer.
SB 124authorize the Bureau of Administration to construct a maintenance shop in Pierre, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 136enhance certain provider services.
SB 141grant limited immunity from arrest and prosecution for certain alcohol consumption related offenses to persons who assist certain persons in need of emergency assistance or who are themselves in need of emergency assistance.
SB 153revise fees for resident nurserymen and nursery stock dealers.
SB 156prohibit the employment of unauthorized aliens, and to provide penalties therefor.
SB 164revise certain provisions regarding the regulation of traffic on municipal streets.
SB 172reduce the interest rate applied for certain judgements, liens, and damages.
SB 185revise and provide for the adjustment of the per student allocation for the state aid to general education formula.
SB 186revise certain provisions related to distribution of funds to sparse school districts.
SB 188revise certain provisions regarding the eligibility of National Guard members for certain graduate tuition reductions.
Sponsored Bills
No Sponsored Bills