Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1014place certain substances on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency.
HB 1015revise certain provisions regarding banks.
HB 1016revise certain provisions regarding money transmission.
HB 1017provide for certain insurer corporate governance disclosure requirements.
HB 1018revise certain provisions regarding life and health insurance insolvencies.
HB 1019revise certain references to the Internal Revenue Code.
HB 1020revise certain provisions regarding the use of exemption certificates.
HB 1021revise certain provisions regarding the South Dakota Lottery Commission.
HB 1022revise certain provisions regarding dealer licenses for motor vehicle, snowmobile, and boat sales.
HB 1023permit the secretary of revenue to issue cease and desist orders and to impose a civil penalty on certain public auctions.
HB 1024make an appropriation for the payment of extraordinary litigation expenses and to declare an emergency.
HB 1025revise certain provisions regarding plugging and performance bonds for oil and gas wells.
HB 1026revise certain provisions relating to use of security for cleanup and remediation of environmental problems.
HB 1027make an appropriation from the coordinated natural resources conservation fund to the State Conservation Commission and to declare an emergency.
HB 1028revise certain provisions regarding pesticide registration and application.
HB 1029make an appropriation for costs related to suppression of wildfires in the state and to declare an emergency.
HB 1030revise certain provisions regarding the Board of Technical Education.
HB 1031revise certain provisions regarding school district fiduciary funds.
HB 1032revise the authority of the Board of Education Standards to promulgate rules regarding certification.
HB 1033provide for the prevention of aquatic invasive species contamination in public waters and to declare an emergency.
HB 1034make an appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1035make an appropriation from the water and environment fund and its revolving fund subfunds for various water and environmental purposes, to revise the water resources projects list, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1036revise provisions regarding the issuance of certain military specialty plates.
HB 1037update the adoption of certain American Society for Testing and Materials and National Institute of Standards and Technology standards and certain federal regulations.
HB 1038revise certain provisions regarding manufactured home construction and safety standards.
HB 1039revise the rule-making authority of the Human Resources Commissioner regarding the drug screening program for certain state employees.
HB 1040increase the frequency of background investigations for certain state employees.
HB 1041revise provisions authorizing state employees to opt-out of the state employee health plan and to declare an emergency.
HB 1042revise the special education property tax levy for school districts and to revise the state aid to special education formula.
HB 1043revise the property tax levies for the general fund of school districts and to revise the state aid to education formula.
HB 1044make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to fund the development of the Cyber Incubator and Entrepreneurial Center at Dakota State University and to declare an emergency.
HB 1045authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design, renovation of, and addition to, the E.Y. Berry Library on the campus of Black Hills State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1046authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design, renovation of, and addition to, the Devereaux Library on the campus of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1047revise certain provisions regarding human trafficking.
HB 1048revise certain requirements for certain advisory committees under the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners, Board of Nursing, and Board of Social Work Examiners.
HB 1049establish a maximum on the number of words contained in a statement of a proponent or opponent for the ballot question pamphlet.
HB 1050provide for voter registration through an online voter registration system provided by the Office of the Secretary of State.
HB 1051revise certain provisions regarding public access to voter registration data.
HB 1052change a reference from a secondary election to a runoff election to maintain consistency in terms.
HB 1053revise certain provisions regarding the submission process for ballot measures.
HB 1054revise the documentation required for voter registration.
HB 1055revise certain provisions regarding the termination of a political committee under certain circumstances.
HB 1086repeal certain fees charged by a clerk of courts.
HB 1087authorize a clerk of courts to provide certain notices by electronic mail.
HB 1088create a penalty for violation of a vulnerable adult protection order and to revise certain provisions regarding protection orders.
HB 1089provide for the discharge of certain persons who received a suspended imposition of sentence for a misdemeanor.
HB 1105revise certain provisions regarding restrictions on State Investment Council members.
HB 1106authorize the state investment officer to include an indemnity provision in certain investment-related documents.
HB 1117repeal and revise certain provisions regarding riot, to establish the crime of incitement to riot, and to revise provisions regarding civil liability for riot and riot boosting.
HB 1206revise certain provisions regarding the commitment of a delinquent child to the Department of Corrections.
HB 1207extend the termination date for the Juvenile Justice Public Safety Oversight Council.
HB 1291appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.
HB 1295revise provisions regarding contagious disease control and enforcement and to declare an emergency.
HB 1296revise the authority of the Governor in times of a disaster, act of terrorism, or emergency and to declare an emergency.
HB 1297grant the secretary of health certain authority during a public health emergency and to declare an emergency.
HB 1298provide for the postponement of certain elections and to declare an emergency.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 6revise certain conditions under which presumptive probation may be applied.
SB 7revise the eligibility for presumptive probation.
SB 8revise certain provisions regarding insurance holding companies.
SB 9repeal the Department of Labor and Regulation's retirement plan and to transfer plan members and funds to the South Dakota Retirement System.
SB 10revise certain provisions regarding cosmetology licensees.
SB 11revise certain provisions regarding third party insurance plan administrators.
SB 13revise certain educational requirements for the practice of barbering.
SB 14revise registration requirements for motor vehicles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, trailers, and semitrailers.
SB 15revise certain provisions regarding the retention of motor vehicle title documents by the Department of Revenue.
SB 16make an appropriation to reimburse certain health care professionals who have complied with the requirements for certain health care recruitment assistance programs and to declare an emergency.
SB 17make an appropriation for the plugging and surface reclamation of natural gas wells and to declare an emergency.
SB 18revise certain provisions regarding professional counselors.
SB 19revise certain provisions regarding marriage and family therapists.
SB 20create a monitor to review and respond to complaints related to the care provided to youth in the custody or care of certain care facilities, treatment centers, and programs.
SB 21authorize temporary variable speed limits on state highways under certain circumstances.
SB 22to revise certain provisions regarding pesticide registration, pesticide application, and enforcement of pesticide laws.
SB 23repeal the high school graduation or equivalent requirement for certain licensed professionals.
SB 24revise the fees for pesticide registration, private applicator licenses, commercial applicator licenses, and pesticide dealer licenses.
SB 25establish certain requirements to maintain state compliance with the Master Settlement Agreement.
SB 26increase the assessment of liquidated court costs and to revise the disposition of the funds collected.
SB 27establish a missing persons clearinghouse.
SB 28repeal provisions regarding the restricted real estate broker's license for auctioneers and to revise certain provisions regarding real estate licensing.
SB 29repeal provisions regarding manufactured and mobile home plumbing licenses and revise provisions regarding plumbing repair work.
SB 30update references to certain federal motor carrier regulations.
SB 31revise and repeal certain provisions relating to the South Dakota Retirement System.
SB 32revise certain provisions regarding the administration of certain family and surviving spouse benefits of the South Dakota Retirement System.
SB 33authorize the Department of the Military to construct a storage building located in Brown County, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 34establish a qualified benefit preservation arrangement for eligible members of the South Dakota Retirement System.
SB 35revise the appropriation for the State Veterans' Cemetery and to declare an emergency.
SB 36transfer funds from the budget reserve fund and to declare an emergency.
SB 37make an appropriation for costs related to disasters in the state and to declare an emergency.
SB 38revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2020.
SB 39establish the Jobs for South Dakota's Graduates program and the special donation fund.
SB 40authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the construction of an Allied Health Facility and the demolition of Julian Hall and the Julian Hall Addition to the University of South Dakota, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 41authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the construction of a facilities building at the University of South Dakota and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 42authorize the Board of Regents to demolish three storage structures and contract for the construction of a grounds facility at the University of South Dakota and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 43authorize the South Dakota Building Authority to issue revenue bonds to provide for maintenance and repair on facilities controlled by the Board of Regents and to provide appropriation therefor.
SB 44authorize the use of crime victims' compensation funds to reimburse law enforcement for certain emergency expenses incurred for victims.
SB 45transfer the functions of the South Dakota Value Added Finance Authority to the South Dakota Economic Development Finance Authority and the South Dakota Board of Economic Development and to abolish the South Dakota Value Added Finance Authority.
SB 46revise provisions related to the restoration to competency of criminal defendants.
SB 47revise certain provisions regarding sex offender registration statutes.
SB 157revise certain provisions regarding the county zoning and appeals process.
SB 186revise certain leave policies for state employees.
SB 187revise certain provisions regarding reemployment assistance benefits in response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 and to declare an emergency.
SB 188account for educational opportunities provided to students during a state of emergency and to declare an emergency.
SB 189provide exemptions from certain requirements for the 2019-2020 school year and to declare an emergency.
SB 190revise certain driver licensing requirements to allow for an extension during a statewide emergency or disaster and to declare an emergency.
SB 191provide emergency authority to counties, community improvement districts, and municipalities in the event of a public health crisis and to declare an emergency.
SB 192create the small business economic disaster relief subfund, to provide for the transfer of certain funds into the subfund, to authorize the Economic Development Finance Authority to make a grant to the subfund, to provide for the continuous appropriation of the subfund, and to declare an emergency.