Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1001revise certain sales and use tax provisions.
HB 1002revise certain provisions regarding the waiver of a patient's privilege on communications with a physician or psychotherapist.
HB 1003prohibit the use of genetic tests in the offer, sale, or renewal of certain types of insurance.
HB 1004require notice to schools if a student commits certain crimes.
HB 1005prohibit the discharge of a firearm within six hundred sixty feet of an occupied dwelling, church, schoolhouse, or certain livestock while on certain public waters, and to provide a penalty.
HB 1006adjust the use of the capital outlay fund.
HB 1007revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula.
HB 1008repeal the restrictions on certain school district transfers.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 1require written informed consent before genetic testing.
SB 2prohibit employers from obtaining, seeking, or using genetic information.
SB 3provide the director of insurance with rule-making authority regarding personal nonpublic financial information.
SB 4regulate the disclosure of and access to a patient's health care information.
SB 8establish a public policy of protecting cropland and pasture in county drainage plans.
SB 9revise certain provisions pertaining to landowner liability for injuries sustained on flooded land.
SB 10clarify certain provisions concerning the ownership of public water and public access thereto.
SB 11permit the fencing of certain lakes, ponds, and sloughs for the containment of livestock.
SB 12prohibit the launching of boats from public highways under certain circumstances and to provide penalties therefor.
SB 13allow a school district to deposit the proceeds from the sale of surplus property into its capital outlay fund.