HB 1018 | authorize the Department of Health to establish a program for processing waiver requests for international medical graduates and to establish a fee for processing waiver requests. |
HB 1019 | revise certain requirements and fees regarding various agricultural related licenses, certificates, registrations, and inspections and to provide for the disposition of certain fees. |
HB 1020 | revise certain dairy inspection fees. |
HB 1021 | revise certain provisions regarding liability for violations regarding plant quarantines and to establish certain fees for inspections and issuances of certificates for the movement of plants and plant products. |
HB 1026 | provide rule-making authority for certain fees for the certification of interpreters for the deaf. |
HB 1077 | permit the court to impose certain costs and fees as part of the disposition for a child adjudicated as a child in need of supervision. |
HB 1078 | permit the court to impose certain costs and fees as part of the disposition for a delinquent child. |
HB 1137 | restrict certain developmental or technical fees associated with the sale of agricultural seed, chemical, and fertilizer products. |
HB 1202 | provide for the recovery of reasonable attorney's fees and costs in actions for deceit. |
HB 1205 | provide for the licensing of certain real estate corporations and limited liability companies. |
HB 1213 | establish a beverage container deposit and refund program. |
HB 1219 | allow certain interstate shipments of wine. |
HB 1295 | allow certain interstate shipments of wine. |
SB 43 | establish within the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners a disciplinary committee and an ethics committee and to authorize a fee for peer review. |
SB 58 | establish certain fees for filing and indexing records pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code, to establish a fund, and to appropriate the fund. |
SB 61 | authorize the state historical society board of trustees to set fees for copies of the surveyor general's records and to provide for the disposition of such fees. |
SB 170 | remove the fee for special vehicle license plates for firefighters. |
SB 210 | establish a refundable checkoff program for swine. |
SB 235 | allow certain interstate shipments of wine. |