HB 1076 | permit certain persons whose driving privileges have been suspended or revoked to attend counseling programs. |
HB 1154 | clarify the application of certain driving privilege penalties with regard to juvenile adjudications. |
HB 1228 | provide for the suspension of driving privileges of certain students who are truant or who have been suspended or expelled from school. |
HB 1269 | require evidence of financial responsibility at the time of motor vehicle registration, to provide for the suspension of vehicle registrations, and to provide for the seizure of certain license plates. |
HB 1283 | permit certain traffic violators to take a driver improvement course in lieu of certain penalties. |
SB 115 | revise certain provisions concerning driver licenses and commercial driver licenses. |
SB 204 | permit tribal identification cards in lieu of other identification when applying for a driver's license. |
SB 233 | require certain minimum penalties for second or subsequent offenses for driving under the influence. |