Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1020revise the term of retention of certain records by insurers and to require certain delivery receipts to be forwarded to an insurer.
HB 1021revise the record retention period for certain insurance licensees and registrants.
HB 1022repeal the requirement that certain affiliated companies be treated as one health insurance carrier.
HB 1027revise certain residency requirements regarding the issuance and renewal of insurance.
HB 1029repeal certain producer licensing requirements, to revise certain producer and administrator standards for licensure, and to provide procedural requirements for certain disciplinary proceedings.
HB 1073require direct reimbursement to ambulance services under certain circumstances.
HB 1117provide rule-making authority regarding the use of credit histories by insurers when underwriting or rating certain insurance applications or renewing insurance policies.
HB 1134revise the time at which bond is required of a surplus line broker.
HB 1141provide certain standards for utilization review for property and casualty insurers.
HB 1148establish a comprehensive health association to provide insurance coverage to eligible persons.
HB 1153provide procedural requirements for ineligibility orders issued by the division of insurance and to repeal a surplus line insurer's responsibility to remit surplus lines tax not remitted by an unlicensed surplus lines broker.
HB 1181prohibit directed suretyship.
HB 1190revise certain insurance provisions regarding the surety bonds that are exempt from the requirements of countersignature by resident agents.
HB 1256revise certain provisions regarding title insurance reserves.
HB 1281lengthen the period required for notice of nonrenewal of certain insurance policies.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 27revise the requirement for review of an insurance company's actuarial data after credit unemployment rate filings.
SB 37modify the permissible exclusions for life insurance policies.
SB 56repeal mandated coverage for prostate cancer screening.
SB 72provide for a renewal fee for nonresident insurance producers and to revise the renewal period for resident insurance producers from annual to biennial.
SB 106provide a privilege for insurance compliance self-audits.
SB 108require the acceptance of certain uniform life insurance and annuity request forms and to revise certain provisions regarding the required disclosure provisions in health insurance policies.
SB 109exempt certain insurers and intermediaries from mortgage lending licensing.
SB 121revise certain provisions regarding the family exclusion for auto insurance coverage.
SB 152allow the offer of an individual health benefit plan without certain mandates.
SB 163prohibit discrimination by health insurers against individuals who participate in certain activities.
SB 164require damage disclosure statements for certain large boats.
SB 172revise the effective date of certain provisions related to insurance taxes.