Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1041revise certain nonresident license requirements to fish.
HB 1042authorize the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to revise the expiration date of certain hunting licenses.
HB 1043modify the nonresident licensure requirements for hunting sandhill crane.
HB 1090restrict hunting from within certain public right-of- way areas that are adjacent to certain shooting preserves.
HB 1098allow certain party hunting practices in the hunting of big game.
HB 1127place certain safety zone restrictions on hunting in state-owned railroad rights-of-way.
HB 1161increase the authorized number of nonresident waterfowl hunting licenses.
HB 1223increase the penalties for certain trespassing offenses.
HB 1249restrict the use of certain artificial lights to locate wild animals
HB 1264revise certain provisions regarding aerial hunting.
HB 1267direct the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to enter into negotiations with Indian tribes related to the management of Bear Butte State Park.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 44modify the areas where the Game, Fish and Parks Commission may require a park license.
SB 69authorize counties to regulate hunting for certain fire protection purposes.
SB 77prohibit big game hunting on certain railroad rights-of-way.
SB 78increase the hunting safety zone distance.
SB 98provide certain limitations on land purchases made by the state.
SB 130provide for the implementation of certain prairie dog management plans or activities with legislative approval.
SB 139revise the number of allowable hunting days for certain nonresident waterfowl licenses.
SB 146revise the issuance and validity of certain fall three-day temporary nonresident waterfowl licenses.