HB 1030 | authorize the highway patrol to promulgate rules regarding splash aprons and flaps for motor vehicles. |
HB 1038 | authorize certain law enforcement vehicles to exceed speed limits without the use of an audible siren, air horn, or flashing emergency lights under certain conditions. |
HB 1039 | allow an application for a concealed pistol permit to be filed electronically. |
HB 1055 | require that certain vehicle accident reports include information on the use of cellular phones or communication devices. |
HB 1061 | prohibit the use of mobile telephones in moving vehicles under certain circumstances. |
HB 1062 | increase certain penalties for eluding a law enforcement officer. |
HB 1107 | revise certain provisions regarding pistol permits held by retired law enforcement officers. |
HB 1129 | revise certain provisions regarding concealed pistol permits. |
HB 1157 | require law enforcement agencies to inform victims of possible rape or incest of the availability of post-coitus contraception. |
HB 1163 | require social workers to include background checks in home study reports and to prohibit adoptions by persons convicted of certain crimes. |
HB 1170 | provide certain provisions regarding assaults against law enforcement personnel and certain emergency personnel and to provide a criminal penalty therefor. |
HB 1235 | establish a penalty for certain assaults against law enforcement officers. |
HB 1292 | require certain statistics regarding traffic law enforcement to be collected and maintained. |
SB 63 | repeal the restrictions placed on persons who have possessed, used, or distributed controlled substances or marijuana from participation in certain extracurricular activities or financial aid assistance. |
SB 101 | provide for the release of the booking photographs of prisoners under certain conditions. |