Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1050revise the definition of a grain dealer.
HB 1051revise the definition of a state agency regarding certain disclosures by a state agency of information concerning a private entity.
HB 1140provide for a universal service fund regarding telecommunications services.
HB 1228provide for the creation of a no solicitation calls list for persons wishing not to receive unsolicited telephone calls, to create a telephone solicitation account, and to establish certain fees and civil penalties.
HB 1240revise certain provisions relating to the Statewide One-Call Notification Board, to create enforcement authority for the board, and to provide for certain penalties.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 119provide for the establishment of a no telephone solicitation contact list.
SB 132revise the provisions for moving a structure under or across a utility line and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 167revise the contractor's excise tax provisions for a commercial power production facility.