Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1132establish a Children's Mental Health Task Force.
HB 1168provide for a study of the legislative article and related legislative provisions of the South Dakota Constitution.
HB 1213affect education in South Dakota.
HB 1236declare a disaster in certain federal forest areas and to authorize state and local remedial action.
HB 1251require that hoghouse amendments have a two-thirds majority vote for consideration.
HB 1267direct the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to enter into negotiations with Indian tribes related to the management of Bear Butte State Park.
HB 1302provide for the establishment of standard guidelines to be used regarding child custody and visitation.
Bill Type: House Joint Resolution
HJR 1007Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to Article III, section 5, of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota to clarify the responsibility of the Legislature to provide for its own apportionment.
HJR 1009Proposing and submitting to the electors at the June 2002 primary election amendments to Article XVII of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to restrictions on corporate farming.
HJR 1010proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to Article IV, section 4, of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, extending the time allowed for the Governor's review of legislation passed by the Legislature.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 76provide for legislative redistricting by a bipartisan, nonlegislative commission.
SB 98provide certain limitations on land purchases made by the state.
SB 111revise per diem for certain legislative committees and to declare an emergency.
SB 130provide for the implementation of certain prairie dog management plans or activities with legislative approval.