Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1011increase the funds that may be expended to construct a student wellness center at South Dakota State University.
HB 1012authorize the Board of Regents to construct an advanced materials processing and joining laboratory foundry addition to the Metallurgy Foundry Building at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1013make an appropriation to the Board of Regents for the construction, remodeling, or renovation of various structures or facilities on the campuses of the state's universities to provide additional support for women's athletic programs in furtherance of the policies and objectives of Title IX of the Education Act Amendments of 1972.
HB 1014authorize the Board of Regents to remodel certain locker room facilities and to renovate spectator, concession, press, and coaching facilities at the O'Harra Stadium at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1015authorize the Board of Regents to acquire an equestrian facility for South Dakota State University and to declare an emergency.
HB 1067classify certain persons as residents for purposes of higher education tuition.
HB 1140revise certain provisions regarding the continuing eligibility requirements for opportunity scholarship recipients.
HB 1143authorize the Board of Regents to renovate Wecota Hall at South Dakota State University, and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1157extend opportunity scholarship eligibility to South Dakota students who attend college or technical school out-of-state and then return to South Dakota to attend school.
HB 1222require regental institutions to annually report to the Legislature regarding intellectual diversity.
HB 1238authorize the Board of Regents to purchase certain real property for the sole purpose of providing a site for the operation of instructional, research and service programs delivered through institutions established by the Legislature and governed by the Board of Regents, to make an appropriation therefor, to require the Board of Regents to submit a comprehensive plan and to make certain reports, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1244make an appropriation to construct instructional classrooms, to require certain reporting, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1247revise certain provisions relating to educational benefits for spouses of members of the South Dakota National Guard.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 19revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2006 regarding appropriations to the Board of Regents and the Department of Corrections.
SB 20authorize the Board of Regents to construct a new dairy manufacturing plant at South Dakota State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 21authorize the Board of Regents to construct a manure separator for the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 22authorize the Board of Regents to transfer title to a T-28 experimental aircraft from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology to the Strategic Air and Space Museum.
SB 23authorize the Board of Regents to construct a livestock feed storage room as an addition to the livestock feed facility at the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Southeast Research Farm and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 29revise certain provisions regarding the examination of teacher and administrator preparation programs.
SB 88extend residency status to graduates of any in-state, accredited high school operated by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs.
SB 145authorize funding for certain tribal colleges to defray certain costs associated with educating nonbeneficiary students at tribal colleges and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 172authorize certain nonresident members of the South Dakota National Guard to qualify for resident tuition rates.