Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1016provide for the creation of a renewable electricity and recycled energy renewable energy credit system by the Public Utilities Commission.
HB 1017authorize the Public Utilities Commission to implement and comply with certain federal energy acts and to validate certain related commission actions.
HB 1091authorize the Public Utilities Commission to approve tariff mechanisms for the automatic annual adjustment of charges for jurisdictional costs of new or modified transmission facilities.
HB 1144provide contractors' excise, sales, and use tax refunds for certain energy generation facilities.
HB 1207create a rebate program for installation of corn stove heating systems and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1227provide a property tax exemption for coal-fired power plants upgrading pollution control equipment.
HB 1240make an appropriation for low income energy assistance, and to declare an emergency.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 24revise certain provisions concerning the authority of the Public Utilities Commission with regard to AC/DC conversion projects and energy conversion facilities.
SB 39revise certain provisions regarding petroleum and motor fuels testing, quality, and labeling.
SB 161establish a renewable energy production incentive for wind power and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 165appropriate money to the South Dakota Energy Infrastructure Authority and declare an emergency.
SB 171appropriate money for energy development.
SB 173exempt kerosene from sales and use taxes.
SB 202make an appropriation for costs related to increased energy costs in K-12 school districts and postsecondary vocational education institutions and to declare an emergency.