Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1020reappropriate certain moneys to state aid to general education.
HB 1025revise state aid to special education.
HB 1160provide additional state funding to school districts that offer certain services and opportunities to students receiving alternative instruction.
HB 1166revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula.
HB 1176define enrolled pupils or students for purposes of state aid to education.
HB 1213provide for the compensation of school districts that experience significant gains in enrollment from one year to the next.
HB 1223require the Department of Education to include proposed legislation in the final report of the study of school funding, and to submit it to the Governor.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 120increase general funding for school districts, to impose a temporary limit on the growth of state general fund spending, and to suspend the transfer of moneys from the general fund to the budget reserve fund and to the property tax reduction fund.
SB 134revise the distribution of state aid to education, to provide funding for sparse school districts, and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 136revise the calculation of state aid to general education and to appropriate money therefor.
SB 170establish and appropriate money to the 21st Century Education Fund, to increase funding for education, and to revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula.
SB 198appropriate funds to increase funding to education and to assist sparse school districts and to require legislation as part of the final report of the study of school funding.