Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1042revise certain requirements regarding the license renewal of insurance producers.
HB 1043revise certain provisions regarding life insurance exclusions.
HB 1044clarify the application of certain provisions relating to the exemption of debt cancellation contracts from insurance regulation.
HB 1045modify the requirements for coordination of benefits between health plans.
HB 1046provide for certain provisions regarding the property casualty unfair claims practices.
HB 1058revise certain provisions regarding investigations of the Division of Insurance.
HB 1062prohibit an insurance producer from being the beneficiary on certain life insurance policies.
HB 1070prohibit insurers from taking certain actions based on receipt of a notice of hearing and charges against insurance producers and to require that persons receiving such notice also receive notice of the final determination of the matter.
HB 1107clarify the definition of a salvage vehicle.
HB 1111require certain third party administrators to provide reports of claims experience upon request.
HB 1125provide certain insurance and medicaid coverage for hyperbaric oxygen therapy and related services.
HB 1131regulate an insurer's use of global positioning systems in motor vehicles.
HB 1183provide health insurance coverage for contraceptive drugs and devices.
HB 1188revise certain insurance liquidity provisions for private placement policies.
HB 1224revise certain provisions regarding the prior approval of premium rates for certain health benefit plans.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 44repeal certain provisions regarding waiting periods for the filing of insurance rates.
SB 45modify certain requirements for group health coverage for premature births, congenital defects, and birth abnormalities.
SB 46clarify the taxes for certain life insurance premiums and annuity considerations.
SB 47allow health maintenance organizations to rate employer sponsored plans without prior approval.
SB 49modify the requirements for health discount plans.
SB 61establish the Motor Vehicle Insurance Data Base Task Force and to provide for its composition, scope, and administration.
SB 69revise certain provisions relating to insurable interests and to declare an emergency.
SB 89require the Division of Insurance to study the offering of assisted living facility benefits to certain persons with long-term care insurance.
SB 200authorize the risk pool board to allow additional enrollees into the risk pool under certain circumstances.
SB 201revise the risk pool reimbursement method for certain health care providers.