Bill Type: House Commemoration
HC 1001Honoring Robert Cook of Rapid City as a 2005 Milken Educator.
HC 1002Honoring O'Gorman High School and Corsica Elementary School which were named No Child Left Behind-Blue Ribbon Schools.
HC 1003Honoring Barbara Dowling of Sioux Falls as South Dakota's 2006 Teacher of the Year.
HC 1004Honoring and congratulating outstanding tennis coach, State Representative Burt Elliott, on his selection as a recipient of the 2005 South Dakota Tennis Achievement Award.
HC 1005Commending and honoring Tom Craig of the Vermillion School District Board on his selection as the 2005-2006 Outstanding School Board member.
HC 1006Commending and honoring the 2004-2005 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Robert Arend, Garretson, School Superintendent; David Peterson, Retired, School Business Official; Nancy Whitcher, Rapid City, Elementary School Principal; Christena Schultz, Emery, Secondary School Principal; Mike Taplett, Huron, Middle School Principal; Dr. Patricia Peel, Rapid City, Curriculum Director; and Karen Roth, Sioux Falls, Director of Special Education for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups.
HC 1007Honoring South Dakota's 2005 Little Britches World Rodeo Champions, Taylor Shoemaker, Cole Boomer, Nikki Steffes, Joseph Wilson, Kody Woodward, Lane Lindsay, and Tyler Manke and 2005 High School Champion Jessica Painter.
HC 1008Honoring Ron Madison and all of the staff and administration of Cedar Shore Resort in Chamberlain for receiving the 2005 George S. Mickelson Great Service Award at the Governor's Conference on Tourism.
HC 1009Commending Cassandra Soeffing, a science teacher at Axtell Park Middle School, for being awarded an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship.
HC 1010Honoring Charles Kuehl of Canton for a life of public service.
HC 1011Honoring Jeffery Willert on his 2005 PRCA Saddle Bronc world title.
HC 1012Honoring Eric Ransom, a senior at Wolsey-Wessington High School, who has received recognition for exemplary athleticism by earning more than one thousand points during his high school basketball career.
HC 1013Honoring Mason Kleinsasser, a senior at James Valley Christian High School, who has received recognition for exemplary athleticism by earning more than one thousand points during his high school basketball career.
HC 1014Commending the 2005-2006 Yankton High School Gazelles girls volleyball team for winning the state title in the Class AA State Volleyball Tournament.
HC 1015Commending the 2005 Yankton High School Gazelles girls cross country team for winning the state title in the Class AA State Cross Country Meet.
HC 1016Commending the 2005 Yankton High School Bucks boys cross country team for winning the state title in the Class AA State Cross Country Meet.
HC 1017Honoring Ernie and Laurel Nemec, owners of Ernie's Building Center in Midland, for being named the 2006 South Dakota Retailers of the Year.
HC 1018Honoring McKenzie Haley of Winner as the 2005-2006 South Dakota High School Rodeo Queen.
HC 1019Honoring the 2005 Arlington High School football team and the students and staff involved in the football program as 2005 Class 9AA State High School Football Champions.
HC 1020Honoring Ruth Nelson, a senior at Huron High School, for exemplary athleticism and for setting a new AA girls basketball scoring record in South Dakota.
HC 1021Honoring Ambrose "Red" Schultz for his exemplary service to the State of South Dakota and the South Dakota Legislature.
HC 1022Honoring the West Central Trojans High School football program, coaches, and staff, on an unprecedented ten state championships.
HC 1023honoring Noelle Rist as the recipient of the 2005 National Agri-Entrepreneurship Award.
HC 1024Honoring the Pierre Junior Shooters' BB Gun Team for winning the 40th Annual International BB Gun Championship match in Bowling Green, Kentucky, on July 2-3, 2005.
HC 1025Honoring Jason Frerichs from Wilmot, South Dakota, for being named American Star in Agricultural Placement when he received the American FFA Degree at the past National FFA Convention.
HC 1026Honoring the town of Murdo, South Dakota, on its celebration of one hundred years.
HC 1027Honoring the town of Vivian, South Dakota, on its celebration of one hundred years.
HC 1028Honoring the town of Draper, South Dakota, on its celebration of one hundred years.
HC 1029Commending and honoring Kerry Konda for qualifying for the national Interstate Oratory Competition to be held in Pensacola, Florida, on April 20 through 23, 2006.
HC 1030Honoring the 4 Seasons Cooperative in Britton, South Dakota, for installing new blending pumps at the Britton station that offer regular unleaded gas, 10/90, 20/80, 30/70, and e-85.
HC 1031Commending and honoring the 2005-2006 Watertown Girls Gymnastics Team and their coach, Mark Bellum, for the school's first Gymnastics State Championship.
HC 1032Commending and honoring the 2005-2006 Madison High School Lady Bulldogs Gymnastics Team for their twelfth straight championship title in the Class A Gymnastics State Tournament.
HC 1033Honoring the Milbank School District for outstanding accomplishments in state competitions.
HC 1034Honoring Stephanie Cooper of Brookings, South Dakota, and Brianne Nelson of Volga, South Dakota, on being named among the top youth volunteers in South Dakota for 2006, in the annual Prudential Spirit of Community Awards.
HC 1035Honoring Alcester-Hudson Elementary School for being named as a No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon School for 2005.
HC 1036Honoring Jean Nelson for being named Social Worker of the Year by the East River Intrastate Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect.