HB 1057 | revise certain provisions concerning the manner in which county wheel taxes are imposed. |
HB 1094 | require the filing of certain documents relating to the vacation, location, or changing of highways with the register of deeds. |
HB 1104 | define the responsibility of the Department of Transportation regarding portions of certain intersecting county and township highways located within the right-of-way of the state highway system. |
HB 1122 | revise certain provisions relating to the vacation, change, or location of highways. |
HB 1154 | revise certain provisions concerning the construction of roads outside the road district. |
HB 1200 | grant certain authority to municipalities and counties regarding outdoor advertising structures or signs. |
HB 1241 | require township board approval for certain utility facilities located near township roads. |
HB 1250 | permit counties and townships to levy a capital improvement property tax for highways, secondary roads, bridges, and culverts. |
SB 3 | revise the composition of the state trunk highway system. |
SB 22 | revise certain provisions regarding the vacation or the change of location of county and township highways on school and public lands. |
SB 40 | permit a county to authorize temporary fencing within rights-of-way subject to its jurisdiction. |
SB 95 | modify distributions from the wind energy tax fund. |
SB 102 | clarify the procedures for the apportionment of funds among townships. |
SB 116 | revise certain provisions relating to the township road system. |
SB 150 | authorize counties and townships to permit fencing within the rights-of-way of certain minimum maintenance roads. |
SB 157 | revise certain provisions relating to outdoor advertising signs. |