HB 1001 | revise certain provisions regarding the sales and use tax. |
HB 1002 | repeal the sales and use tax exemption for coins, currency, and bullion. |
HB 1029 | authorize the publication of the names of certain delinquent taxpayers. |
HB 1030 | revise certain provisions regarding the effective date of certain tax collection allowances. |
HB 1116 | exempt bedding used for agricultural purposes from sales and use taxes. |
HB 1125 | clarify the definition of engaging in business in certain circumstances. |
HB 1159 | exempt certain postage and markup for handling from sales and use taxes. |
HB 1180 | remit certain sales and use taxes collected at county-owned fairgrounds to counties. |
HB 1197 | exempt air ambulance services from sales and use taxes. |
HB 1206 | make an appropriation for emergency food assistance grants and to repeal the sales tax on food refund program. |
HB 1209 | exempt certain parts and components used in the construction of homebuilt aircraft from sales and use taxes. |
HB 1214 | to lower the state sales and use tax on certain food items if certain economic conditions occur. |
HB 1216 | lower the state sales and use tax on certain food items and to increase the rate of taxation for the sales and use tax on certain goods and services. |
HB 1223 | exempt from sales tax certain handling fees paid by religious organizations to approved relief agencies for the distribution of food which is provided for the assistance or relief of the poor, distressed, or underprivileged through food giveaway programs. |
HCR 1007 | Urging the members of the South Dakota Congressional delegation to sponsor and support the Marketplace Fairness Act and the Marketplace Equity Act. |
SB 61 | exempt the production of certain plants and sod from sales and use taxes. |
SB 92 | exempt certain funeral services and expenses from sales and use tax. |
SB 120 | temporarily increase the state sales and use tax and to declare an emergency. |
SB 142 | impose the sales tax on the gross receipts derived from renting mini-storage units, self-storage units, or storage space and the use tax on the use of mini-storage units, self-storage units, or storage space. |