HB 1026 | repeal certain outdated or unnecessary statutes related to the Department of Social Services. |
HB 1046 | revise certain provisions regarding child custody during a soldier's deployment. |
HB 1052 | grant discretion to the court with regard to personal appearances in certain adoption appearances. |
HB 1055 | allow for joint physical custody orders after a court awards joint legal custody if in the best interest of the child. |
HB 1175 | provide for certain further exemptions from certain childhood immunizations. |
HB 1193 | regulate the sale of dextromethorphan and to provide a penalty thereto. |
HB 1218 | rescind the statute of limitations for any civil cause of action arising out of childhood sexual abuse. |
HB 1264 | amend the mandatory reporting requirements regarding child abuse. |
HB 1273 | prohibit the sale of loose leaf incense to minors, to prohibit certain marketing techniques, to regulate the sale of certain types of incense, to provide penalties therefor, and to declare an emergency. |
SB 13 | revise certain provisions pertaining to reunification and termination of parental rights. |
SB 43 | criminalize the failure to report the death or disappearance of a child within a specified time by certain persons responsible for the care of the child. |
SB 44 | encourage school districts to adopt a bullying policy and to establish a model bullying policy. |
SB 60 | provide for the award of joint physical custody of children under certain circumstances. |
SB 86 | grant limited immunity from arrest and prosecution for certain alcohol consumption related offenses to persons who assist certain persons in need of emergency assistance or who are themselves in need of emergency assistance. |
SB 125 | require certain day care providers to mail notices of noncompliance. |
SB 154 | revise certain statutes pertaining to persons required to report child abuse and neglect. |
SB 163 | provide safety provisions by requiring registration of certain family day care facilities, to establish notification and reporting requirements for violations, and to provide penalties therefor. |
SB 183 | establish the elements of the offense of juvenile sexting and to provide a penalty therefor. |