Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1020authorize the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to sell the Marcotte Tract located within the Marcotte Game Production Area in Meade County to the City of Sturgis.
HB 1076retain certain members of municipal governing bodies in office following the redistricting of municipal wards.
HB 1077authorize municipalities to establish incidental accounts.
HB 1079revise certain publication date citations for references to the International Building Code.
HB 1087limit the terms of certain conservation easements.
HB 1096specify the venue for certain appeals involving home-rule municipalities.
HB 1113prohibit the use of certain public resources to influence the outcome of elections.
HB 1131revise certain provisions relating to the posting of public notice for meetings of public bodies.
HB 1135revise the 911 emergency surcharge, to revise the collection and distribution of the emergency surcharge revenue, to provide for point of sale collection of the prepaid wireless 911 emergency surcharge, and to provide funding for the upgrade of 911 emergency services.
HB 1156revise procedures and requirements relating to special assessments and the financing of local improvements.
HB 1162revise certain provisions relating to the platting and annexation of subdivisions.
HB 1172exempt certain developer-installed storm sewer detention ponds from public procurement bid requirements.
HB 1178revise certain provisions relating to the disposal of local government property.
HB 1179require certain campaign finance requirements to apply to all counties and municipalities.
HB 1184permit public bodies to keep minutes of executive session and to restrict who may review the minutes.
HB 1200grant certain authority to municipalities and counties regarding outdoor advertising structures or signs.
HB 1258clarify certain statutes prohibiting political subdivisions from restricting firearms.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 73repeal the provisions regarding the assessment of real property located in a floodplain.
SB 75revise the determination of fees that may be charged for certain public records.
SB 89revise certain provisions regarding a municipality's ability to specially assess property for street maintenance.
SB 110increase the maximum occupational tax that may be imposed on transient guests for business improvement districts.
SB 119revise the Human Relations Act to allow certain discriminatory practices to be investigated by municipalities and counties.
SB 182revise certain provisions concerning tax incremental districts.