HB 1057 | revise certain provisions concerning the manner in which county wheel taxes are imposed. |
HB 1066 | allow for the cremation of deceased persons who are indigent and the funeral expenses are the financial responsibility of the county. |
HB 1072 | provide for the recall of county commissioners. |
HB 1074 | exempt certain counties from restrictions relating to the taking of muskrat. |
HB 1075 | allow certain property tax documents to be transmitted electronically. |
HB 1079 | revise certain publication date citations for references to the International Building Code. |
HB 1087 | limit the terms of certain conservation easements. |
HB 1094 | require the filing of certain documents relating to the vacation, location, or changing of highways with the register of deeds. |
HB 1104 | define the responsibility of the Department of Transportation regarding portions of certain intersecting county and township highways located within the right-of-way of the state highway system. |
HB 1113 | prohibit the use of certain public resources to influence the outcome of elections. |
HB 1122 | revise certain provisions relating to the vacation, change, or location of highways. |
HB 1127 | require county registers of deeds to record the names of persons who inspect or copy certain recorded instruments. |
HB 1130 | revise the fee schedule for certain documents filed with the county register of deeds, to create a county and statewide fund for the purpose of modernizing and preserving records, and to distribute certain revenue. |
HB 1131 | revise certain provisions relating to the posting of public notice for meetings of public bodies. |
HB 1135 | revise the 911 emergency surcharge, to revise the collection and distribution of the emergency surcharge revenue, to provide for point of sale collection of the prepaid wireless 911 emergency surcharge, and to provide funding for the upgrade of 911 emergency services. |
HB 1162 | revise certain provisions relating to the platting and annexation of subdivisions. |
HB 1164 | revise certain provisions regarding the sale of certain surplus property in Yankton County. |
HB 1173 | revise certain provisions regarding the administration of the county legal expense relief program. |
HB 1178 | revise certain provisions relating to the disposal of local government property. |
HB 1179 | require certain campaign finance requirements to apply to all counties and municipalities. |
HB 1180 | remit certain sales and use taxes collected at county-owned fairgrounds to counties. |
HB 1184 | permit public bodies to keep minutes of executive session and to restrict who may review the minutes. |
HB 1194 | revise certain provisions regarding the payment for rape and sexual offense examinations. |
HB 1200 | grant certain authority to municipalities and counties regarding outdoor advertising structures or signs. |
HB 1224 | allow voters to petition for the at large election of county commissioners. |
HB 1241 | require township board approval for certain utility facilities located near township roads. |
HB 1250 | permit counties and townships to levy a capital improvement property tax for highways, secondary roads, bridges, and culverts. |
HB 1258 | clarify certain statutes prohibiting political subdivisions from restricting firearms. |
SB 22 | revise certain provisions regarding the vacation or the change of location of county and township highways on school and public lands. |
SB 40 | permit a county to authorize temporary fencing within rights-of-way subject to its jurisdiction. |
SB 73 | repeal the provisions regarding the assessment of real property located in a floodplain. |
SB 75 | revise the determination of fees that may be charged for certain public records. |
SB 95 | modify distributions from the wind energy tax fund. |
SB 101 | authorize counties to borrow money using promissory notes. |
SB 119 | revise the Human Relations Act to allow certain discriminatory practices to be investigated by municipalities and counties. |
SB 150 | authorize counties and townships to permit fencing within the rights-of-way of certain minimum maintenance roads. |