Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1007amend the requirement to employ a county veterans' service officer.
HB 1070provide for the use of the obligation recovery center by counties.
HB 1077provide for the disbursement of the catastrophic county poor relief fund to the participating counties in the event of the discontinuance of the fund.
HB 1090revise provisions related to tax deeds and to declare an emergency.
HB 1092revise provisions regarding the 911 emergency surcharge.
HB 1094prohibit a ban of combustion engines.
HB 1100modify certain requirements for eligibility to receive a gift of a museum collection from a county or municipality.
HB 1105revise the compensation for an improvement district board member.
HB 1109eliminate the cap on assessment amounts for road improvements and to allow townships to plan and pay for the paving and maintenance of non-section line roads.
HB 1128require a zoning authority to determine that a well is an established well that has not been abandoned in making a permitting decision.
HB 1140revise certain provisions relating to petitions containing illegal actions and to declare an emergency.
HB 1149allow for a vacation home establishment and provide for municipal and county regulation thereof.
HB 1150enable the exercise of control by local governments over the presence and operation of medical marijuana establishments within their jurisdictions.
HB 1181increase the number of years the discretionary formula may be applied to a structure, and to allow for the individual application of the discretionary formula for a structure.
HB 1194clarify provisions pertaining to tax increment finance districts.
HB 1216create the local assistance fund and to provide for the transfer of certain unobligated cash balances.
HB 1217allow a city or county to impose local restrictions and regulations on video lottery.
HB 1229add a county as able to be assigned responsibility for secondary highways on municipal boundaries.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 32provide for the distribution of tax revenue from certain gross receipts occurring on fairgrounds.
SB 37revise provisions regarding repair and maintenance of mail routes.
SB 105provide for the employment of veterans' service officers by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
SB 115prevent a county, township, or municipality from authorizing a guaranteed income program.
SB 121revise the process to vacate certain highways.
SB 124revise the eligibility of roads for the rural access infrastructure fund.
SB 148provide permissive authority to a governing body of a municipality or county to deny reissuance of an on-sale license not actively used.
SB 188modify the time before which rural access infrastructure grant moneys must be expended or obligated.
SB 197revise provisions regarding the alcohol beverage fund.
SB 199revise provisions pertaining to the consolidation or boundary changes of counties.
SB 201provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmission facilities, to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies, and to establish a landowner bill of rights.
SB 211revise notarial acts.
SB 213provide for the disclosure of a cast vote record as a public record and make an appropriation therefor.
SB 215prohibit the intentional release of polluting emissions into the atmosphere by cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency and microwave radiation and providing enforcement and penalties for violations.
SB 219modify provisions related to the control of counties and municipalities over medical marijuana establishments within their jurisdictions.