Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1010require customer consent for installation of a smart meter for a utility service.
HB 1034require hydrogen pipelines to be permitted by the Public Utilities Commission.
HB 1037require the producers of wind and solar energy infrastructure to implement or participate in a wind and solar energy infrastructure stewardship program.
HB 1050update references to certain federal motor carrier regulations.
HB 1052increase the minimum fee required with an application for construction of an energy conversion and transmission facility.
HB 1053create term limits for public utilities commissioners.
HB 1079require property owner permission or a siting permit prior to entry for an examination and survey.
HB 1135expand definitions pertaining to the purchasing of grain.
HB 1185amend provisions regarding entry on private property for examination and survey of a project requiring a siting permit.
HB 1200increase the minimum fee required with an application for construction of an energy conversion and transmission facility.
HB 1219prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for the construction of pipelines carrying carbon oxide.
HB 1243extend deadlines for action by the Public Utilities Commission upon the request of any party.
HB 1258provide that a company transporting hydrogen, by pipeline, is not a common carrier.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 22amend language regarding the licensing period for a grain buyer.
SB 23exempt an electric vehicle charging station from being subject to a civil fine for overcharging.
SB 177permit the appointment of a circuit court judge or Supreme Court justice as a member of the Public Utilities Commission in place of a disqualified or incapacitated commissioner.
SB 201provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmission facilities, to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies, and to establish a landowner bill of rights.
SB 218restrict the power of eminent domain to a utility used for a public purpose.