HB 1006 | revise certain provisions relating to the termination of certain mineral interests. |
HB 1007 | restrict the term of conservation easements. |
HB 1079 | increase the fee for certain property tax deeds. |
HB 1105 | revise the maximum security deposit for residential premises. |
HB 1131 | revise the property exempted from levy in bankruptcy cases. |
HB 1135 | regulate access to and use of public waters on public and private property. |
HB 1143 | create a leased residential property classification and to establish the school district general fund levy for the property classification. |
HB 1153 | exempt certain environmental upgrade values from assessment during construction and to provide a sunset clause for the environmental upgrade exemption. |
HB 1171 | exempt certain property from bankruptcy levy. |
HB 1173 | establish an education property tax credit program. |
HB 1177 | criminalize the failure to return rented or leased property and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1190 | prohibit the State of South Dakota and its political subdivisions from adopting and developing United Nations sponsored environmental and developmental policies that would infringe or restrict the private property rights of the owners of private property. |
HB 1230 | provide for the removal of records of a discharged lien from the deed of real property. |
SB 6 | determine whether factors affecting productivity should be applied if the actual use of agricultural land does not correspond to the soil classification standards. |
SB 9 | authorize the Board of Regents to accept the donation of land from the University of South Dakota Foundation for the use and benefit of the University of South Dakota. |
SB 88 | authorize the county to deny bids on county sales of tax deed properties if the bidder is not current on property taxes due. |
SB 92 | provide for the repair of property that has sustained damage when the materials are no longer available in the marketplace. |
SB 93 | revise certain provisions concerning requirements of fire sprinklers in single family dwellings. |
SB 94 | prohibit a social host from permitting the underage consumption of alcoholic beverages on the social host's premises and to provide penalties therefor. |
SB 99 | revise the term used to refer to the imposition of an additional property tax levy for raising revenue for school districts. |
SB 124 | increase the real estate transfer fees and to revise the distribution of the fees. |
SB 129 | revise certain provisions that dedicate property tax revenue for the financing of tax incremental districts. |
SB 144 | revise how municipalities may assess property for improvements. |
SB 145 | revise certain provisions concerning the content of annual property tax bill. |
SB 164 | revise the compensation requirements payable to surface owners for exploration damages and to allow the payments to be made in multiple installments. |
SB 210 | provide for assessment of agricultural property based on the market, repeal the methodology that assesses agricultural land based on its agricultural income value, and to dissolve the implementation and oversight advisory task force. |
SB 240 | provide townships the authority to impose real estate transfer fees. |