HB 1021 | modify the annual fee for concentrated animal feeding operations and to establish an application fee. |
HB 1025 | authorize the Department of Corrections to construct a prison facility for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections in Lincoln County, to make an appropriation therefor, to transfer moneys to the incarceration construction fund, and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1033 | make an appropriation for costs related to emergencies and disasters impacting the state and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1036 | establish a minimum combined balance of the budget reserve fund and general revenue replacement fund. |
HB 1042 | make an appropriation for the construction of historical exhibits at the Cultural Heritage Center. |
HB 1043 | require counties and municipalities to provide emergency medical services within their jurisdictions, increase liquidated court costs, and create the emergency medical services fund and make an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1045 | create a share the road specialty license plate. |
HB 1057 | transfer moneys from the South Dakota-bred racing fund to the special racing revolving fund. |
HB 1081 | revise the disposition of revenues from the precious metals severance tax. |
HB 1108 | create the McCook Lake contingency fund and to transfer moneys to the fund. |
HB 1159 | revise percentages regarding certain municipal proceeds of gaming revenues. |
HB 1186 | provide for the revision and eventual repeal of the employer's investment in South Dakota's future fee. |
HB 1191 | subject advertising services to a gross receipts tax, and to allocate proceeds to property tax relief. |
HB 1203 | authorize the operation of pari-mutuel historical horse racing machines, and to authorize a new tax. |
HB 1233 | provide hearing aids to children and make an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1262 | terminate bounty payments for nest predators, transfer moneys to the general fund, and declare an emergency. |
SB 3 | increase driver license fees. |
SB 16 | set aside certain contractor's excise tax collections relating to the Ellsworth Air Force Base, to create a fund for the collections, and to provide an appropriation therefor. |
SB 29 | amend provisions regarding the Division of Insurance and the former Division of Securities operating fund. |
SB 33 | make appropriations for water and environmental purposes and to declare an emergency. |
SB 45 | impose a motor vehicle technology fee. |
SB 46 | specify the funds into which certain boat fees are deposited. |
SB 54 | revise the distribution of revenue from the cigarette tax. |
SB 65 | provide for the sale of certain real estate located in Pennington County and to provide for the deposit of the proceeds. |
SB 95 | make an appropriation to the Department of Revenue for distribution to county rural access infrastructure funds and to declare an emergency. |
SB 144 | require legislative approval for significant capital expenditures by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks. |
SB 153 | require that expenditures from the department of game, fish and parks fund be budgeted through the general appropriation bill. |
SB 189 | appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools. |
SB 194 | classify nicotine products as tobacco products, to increase tax rates on cigarettes and tobacco products, to create the healthcare workforce development fund, and to make an appropriation therefor. |
SB 202 | create the water infrastructure development fund. |
SJR 505 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, establishing the trust for unclaimed property fund. |