Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1034revise certain provisions regarding the procedure for setting petroleum examination and testing specifications and methods.
HB 1035allow electronic submission and record keeping of placed in service reports.
HB 1091establish certain provisions regarding the labeling of motor fuel at a retail fuel pump and to declare an emergency.
HB 1157increase certain penalties regarding the sale of petroleum products.
HB 1222provide that any federal law that attempts to ban firearms, to limit the size of firearm magazines, or to impose other limitations on firearms is unenforceable in South Dakota, to provide a penalty, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1241require certain food packaging to be labeled if the packaging contains bisphenol A.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 73repeal certain provisions requiring wholesalers to purchase alcoholic beverages from brand owners, brand owner's agents, or other wholesalers.
SB 89limit the liability of retail dealers in petroleum products under certain conditions.
SB 133establish a pharmacy audit integrity program.
SB 211provide for additional consumer protections by requiring the attorney general to share certain information related to consumer complaint investigations on contractors.