Codified Laws




01    State And County Veterans Agencies

02    Veterans And Servicemember Benefits

03    Veterans' Guardianships [Repealed]

04    South Dakota State Veterans Home

05    Burial Of Veterans



33A-1-1    Veteran defined.

33A-1-2    Department assistance to veterans and dependents.

33A-1-3    Office space for department.

33A-1-4    Repealed.

33A-1-5    Repealed.

33A-1-6    Repealed.

33A-1-7    Repealed.

33A-1-8    Promulgation of rules on procedures and standards.

33A-1-9    33A-1-9. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 175, § 1.

33A-1-10    Office and personnel.

33A-1-11    Annual report.

33A-1-12    Qualifications of employees--Duties.

33A-1-13    Representation of veterans.

33A-1-14    33A-1-14. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 175, § 2.

33A-1-15    Burial of veterans.

33A-1-16    Benefits secured by department.

33A-1-17    33A-1-17, 33A-1-18. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 152, §§ 10, 11.

33A-1-19    Assistant attorney general assigned to department.

33A-1-20    Investigative authority of department--Access to records.

33A-1-21    Department records as confidential--Exceptions.

33A-1-22    County veterans' service officer--Approval by secretary of veterans affairs.

33A-1-23    County commissioners to assist service officer.

33A-1-24    Duties of county veterans service officer--Direction by department.

33A-1-25    Qualifications of county veterans' officer.

33A-1-26    Training program for county veterans service officers--Attendance and testing--Certification of compliance.

33A-1-27    33A-1-27. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 175, § 3.

33A-1-28    Salary and budget of county service officer--Office space and equipment.

33A-1-29    Tribal veterans' service officers.

33A-1-30    Salary reimbursement and services for Indian tribes and service officers--Tribes responsible for financial obligations.

33A-1-31    State aid for salaries of county service officers--Maximum reimbursement.

33A-1-32    County service officers--Basic salary schedule.

33A-1-33    Training of county officer required for state reimbursement.

33A-1-34    Construction of chapter.



33A-2-1    Veteran defined.

33A-2-2    Wartime veteran and qualifying military service defined.

33A-2-3    33A-2-3. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 152, § 15.

33A-2-4    Veterans affairs department special revenue fund established.

33A-2-5    Disbursements from fund.

33A-2-6    Tax exemption for certain military sales outlets--Exceptions.

33A-2-7    Credit for amount of tax already paid.

33A-2-8    Free recordation of military discharges--Availability of document--Request form.

33A-2-9    National Guard members ordered to active duty--Federal protections.

33A-2-10    Veterans' bonus program--Definitions.

33A-2-11    Bonus board abolished--Performance of functions.

33A-2-12    Employees of department.

33A-2-13    Eligibility for bonus--Dependents of deceased veterans.

33A-2-14    Eligibility for bonus--National Guard or reserve personnel.

33A-2-15    Amount of bonus.

33A-2-16    Fractional months.

33A-2-17    Amount of bonus for dependent of deceased veteran.

33A-2-18    Bonus amount for veteran with service connected disability.

33A-2-19    Amendment of original claim or new claim by veteran with service connected disability.

33A-2-20    Disqualifying factors.

33A-2-21    Funds for payment of bonus.

33A-2-22    Payments to minors.

33A-2-23    Payments to incompetent persons.

33A-2-24    Death of eligible veteran.

33A-2-25    Promulgation of rules for payment of bonus.

33A-2-26    33A-2-26, 33A-2-27. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 175, §§ 4, 5.

33A-2-28    False application--Misdemeanor.

33A-2-29    33A-2-29. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 175, § 6.

33A-2-30    Payment not subject to claims against recipient.

33A-2-31    Separability of bonus provisions.

33A-2-32    Reestablishment of eligibility for certain veterans to receive veterans bonus.

33A-2-33    Multiple bonuses.

33A-2-34    Honorary high school diploma to be awarded to veterans serving during certain periods.

33A-2-35    Homeless veterans program or initiative.

33A-2-36    Professional or occupational credit for certain military training and experience.



33A-3-1 to 33A-3-45. Repealed.



33A-4-1    State Veterans Home--Department supervision.

33A-4-2    33A-4-2, 33A-4-3. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 175, §§ 53, 54.

33A-4-4    Enforcement of federal regulations--Promulgation of rules--Punishment for violation of rules.

33A-4-5    33A-4-5. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 175, § 55.

33A-4-6    Local management of home by superintendent--Appointment--Qualifications.

33A-4-7    Salary and residence of superintendent.

33A-4-8    Appointment of subordinate employees--Removal.

33A-4-9    Suspension of member for violation of rules--Hearing before secretary of veterans affairs.

33A-4-10    Repealed.

33A-4-11    Permanent fund for use of State Veterans Home--Authorized expenditures--Procedure.

33A-4-12    Contributions by residents--Maximum required.

33A-4-13    Repealed.

33A-4-14    Repealed.

33A-4-15    Payment of maintenance charges during lifetime--Disposition of receipts.

33A-4-16    Distribution of assets of deceased resident.

33A-4-17    Authority to turn deceased resident's property over to department--Subsequent claim for property.

33A-4-18    Claim for maintenance of deceased resident--Disposition of funds.

33A-4-19    Claim against estate of deceased spouse or dependent.

33A-4-20    Transfers to avoid state's claim.

33A-4-21    Authority of secretary to administer property descending to it.

33A-4-22    Handling personal funds of residents.

33A-4-23    Repealed.

33A-4-24    Veterans' home operating fund created.

33A-4-25    Eligibility for admission to State Veterans Home--Residency status.

33A-4-26    Admission of spouses--Conditions--Resident status not affected by death or marriage.

33A-4-27    Admission of widows and widowers of veterans--Conditions.

33A-4-28    Nonveteran spouse considered resident.

33A-4-29    Application for admission to home--Form and contents--False application as forfeiture.

33A-4-30    Approval of application for admission.

33A-4-31    Furloughs--Exceeding maximum furlough as forfeiture.

33A-4-32    Discharge from home.

33A-4-33    Admission of veterans with sufficient means.

33A-4-34    Repealed.

33A-4-35    Residence of members leaving home or adjudged mentally ill.

33A-4-36    Residence and right to vote preserved.



33A-5-1    Authority of county veterans' service officer or field officer.

33A-5-2    Payment for burial of veteran--Eligibility of veteran or spouse for burial at state's expense.

33A-5-3    33A-5-3. Repealed by SL 2018, ch 199, § 11.

33A-5-4    Headstone provided by federal government to be erected--Maximum expense--Time for claim--Private option.

33A-5-5    Public expenses--Payment procedure.

33A-5-6    Appropriation for expenses.

33A-5-7    County appropriations to purchase burial plots--Conditions.

33A-5-8    County purchase of burial plots--Perpetual care--Title to plots.

33A-5-9    Conditions for county payment of burial expense.

33A-5-10    Retention of federal memorial pending payment for funeral or burial prohibited.

33A-5-11    State veterans cemetery operating fund--Fee for burial--Promulgation of rules.

33A-5-12    State veterans cemetery endowment fund.

33A-5-13    Minimum principal balance of fund.

33A-5-14    Annual report of veterans council.

33A-5-15    Donation of land for state cemetery

33A-5-16    State cemetery pre-application.

33A-5-17    State cemetery grant application.