01 Definitions, General Provisions And Penalties
02 Division Of Banking
03 Organization, Applications, And Capital Structure Of Banking Corporations
04 General Powers Of Banks
05 Trust Business Of Banks
06 Trust Companies [Repealed And Transferred]
06A Creation Of Trust Companies
07 Branch Banks And Drive-In Facilities
08 Remote Service Banking
09 Bank Service Corporations
10 Bank Deposits
11 Safe Deposit And Safekeeping
12 Bank Loans
13 Bank Records, Accounts And Reports
14 Reorganization Of Banks
15 Suspension And Liquidation Of Banks
16 Money Order Business Licenses [Repealed]
17 Money Transmission
51A-1-1 Applicability of provisions--Retention of capital structure by banks.
51A-1-2 Definition of terms.
51A-1-3 Adverse claims against bank deposits, contents of safe deposit box or property in safekeeping.
51A-1-4 Disqualification of officer, employee or director for violation--Civil liability.
51A-1-5 Failure to obey director's orders--Civil liability.
51A-1-6 Procedure to recover fine.
51A-1-7 Injunction against violation.
51A-1-8 Liability of bank as insurer or as guarantor or endorser of security instrument prohibited.
51A-1-9 Concealment of bank transactions as misdemeanor.
51A-1-10 False entries--Obstruction of examination--Felonies.
51A-1-11 False filing as misdemeanor.
51A-1-12 Payment or indemnification of person for fine, penalty or judgment unlawful--Civil liability--Exceptions--Action to recover payments.
51A-1-13 Misappropriation of funds or information by officer, director, or employee as felony.
51A-1-14 Receipt, possession, or sale of misappropriated funds or information as felony.
51A-1-15 Acknowledgments by officers or employees of banks validated.
51A-1-16 Severability of provisions.
51A-1-17 No duty to disclose information about customers--Exceptions.
51A-1-18 Agreements or compacts with other jurisdictions--Administration--Filing--Availability.
51A-1-19 Central bank digital currency--Public transaction prohibited.
51A-1-20 Central bank digital currency--Private transaction--Alternative required.
Establishment of Division of Banking.
Department and commission as division within Department of Labor and Regulation--Direction and supervision by department--Independent functions retained by
Director of division--Vacancy--Qualifications.
Director of division--Appointment and removal.
Deputy director--Appointment--Powers and duties.
Staff employees--Compensation--Dismissal--Background investigation.
Appointment of State Banking Commission--Director as executive officer--Qualifications of members.
Terms of commission members--Vacancies--Removal for cause.
Chairman and secretary of commission--Per diem and expenses of members.
Meetings of commission.
Quorum--Replacement of nonparticipating member.
Clerical, technical, and legal assistance for commission.
Rules promulgated by commission.
Rules granting additional authority to banks to promote competitive equality.
State chartered banks granted powers allowed federally chartered banks.
Restrictions on federally chartered banks apply to state chartered banks.
Considerations of commission in making rules and regulations.
Applications to organize or change control of bank, to merge, to open or close branch
banks, or to change location.
Forms of advertising.
Examination of banks by director--Substitution for examination requirements.
Subpoena power--Witness fees and mileage.
Examination by director upon application by board--Fees and expenses.
Order to prohibit stockholders' action pending judicial determination.
Removal of director, officer, or employee of bank--Grounds for order by director.
Review of removal order by commission.
Accounting practices--Valuation of assets--Required practices to protect loans.
Temporary order of director against unsound practice.
Permanent order of commission against unsound practice.
Injunctive relief.
Seal of director.
Record of fees--Disposition of money collected.
Banking special revenue fund created--Disbursements.
Copies of official records and papers in office of division--Evidentiary value--Fee for
certified copy.
Oaths and bonds of commissioners, director, deputy director, examiners and special
examiners, and other division personnel.
Secrecy oath of commissioners, director and division officers and employees--Exceptions to secrecy requirements.
Interest in bank by division officers or employees prohibited--Relinquishment of
interest by director or deputy for term of office.
Records of division open to public inspection--Exceptions--Court order.
Examination and supervision fees.
Examinations of parent corporations by director--Penalty for refusal to allow
51A-2-38 to 51A-2-43. Repealed.
51A-3-1 Corporation laws applicable to banks.
51A-3-1.1 Bank organized as limited liability company--Rules.
51A-3-2 Articles of incorporation or articles of organization--Content--Name of bank--Capital stock or members' equity.
51A-3-3 Incorporators of bank.
51A-3-4 Minimum capital.
51A-3-5 Sale price of original stock issue or original issue of members' equity--Excess credited to surplus.
51A-3-6 Transfers to surplus.
51A-3-7 Applications--Fee.
51A-3-8 Acceptance of application for charter.
51A-3-9 Conditions to be considered in ruling on application.
51A-3-10 Hearing on application.
51A-3-11 51A-3-11. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 252, § 14.
51A-3-12 Endorsement and filing of approved articles--Notice of disapproval.
51A-3-13 Subscription of shares--Minimum collection--Refund on disapproval of application.
51A-3-14 Call by incorporators for full payment of subscriptions--Issuance of certificate of authority by director--Commencement of business within one year.
51A-3-15 Applications for branch banks and detached drive-in facilities--Applicable provisions.
51A-3-16 Preferred stock, capital notes, and debentures--Director approval of issuance--Terms of issue--Director approval of retirement or payment.
51A-3-17 Preferred stock, capital notes, and debentures outstanding--Restrictions on dividends.
51A-3-17.1 Dividends--Definition.
51A-3-18 Dividends--Restrictions and requirements for declaration.
51A-3-19 Approval of director required for unusually large dividends.
51A-3-20 Recovery of dividends paid when capital impaired.
51A-3-21 Net profits defined.
51A-3-22 Amendment of articles of incorporation--Changes requiring approval of director--Filing of amendments.
51A-3-23 Extension of charter.
51A-3-24 Reporting transfers of stock.
51A-3-25 Change in control of bank.
51A-3-26 Lien on shares--Enforcement--Marking of certificates.
51A-3-27 Purchase or purchase money loans on security of own stock prohibited--Exception.
51A-3-28 Credit of dividends, interest, or profits on indebtedness--Foreclosure of lien.
51A-3-29 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 252, § 12.
51A-3-30 Adoption and approval of bylaws.
51A-3-31 Indemnification of officers, directors, or employees.
51A-3-32 Board of directors--Number of members--Citizenship requirements--Election.
51A-3-33 Removal of directors--Vote required.
51A-3-34 Board of directors--Meetings.
51A-3-35 Election of officers--Terms--Vacancies.
51A-3-36 Names of officers and information forwarded to director--Vacancy on refusal to confirm.
51A-3-37 Bonds of officers and employees.
51A-3-38 Insurance protection.
51A-3-39 Amount of bonds and insurance prescribed by bank directors--Approval by director of division.
51A-4-1 Miscellaneous banking powers.
51A-4-1.1 Banking with industrial hemp or marijuana licensees and associated persons authorized.
51A-4-2 Purchase and sale of securities on order of customer--Contract with securities brokerage services allowed.
51A-4-3 Operation of travel agency.
51A-4-4 Insurance business authorized.
51A-4-5 Certificate of authority required to engage in banking business--Misdemeanor.
51A-4-6 Order to cease and desist for violation--Right to appeal.
51A-4-7 Arrest and prosecution for violation.
51A-4-8 Deposit insurance required--Federal reserve system membership authorized.
51A-4-9 Real property authorized to be held by bank--Maximum book value of premises.
51A-4-10 Property authorized to be purchased to satisfy debts--Limitation on period of retention.
51A-4-11 51A-4-11. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 47, § 17.
51A-4-12 Checks settled at par--Payment from reserve deposits.
51A-4-13 Borrowing money by bank--Pledge of assets.
51A-4-14 "Bills payable" issued for money borrowed by bank--Record of amount borrowed.
51A-4-15 Rediscounting of negotiable paper--Limitation on pledge of assets as security.
51A-4-16 Sale, transfer, or assignment of loan participations.
51A-4-17 Sale of assets of bank.
51A-4-18 Grounds and procedure for nonobservance of banking hours--Extension of hours.
51A-4-19 Change in banking hours--Notice to division.
51A-4-20 Restriction on use of bank money to purchase other bank stock--Community investments authorized--Limitation on investment.
51A-4-20.1 "Community development corporation" defined.
51A-4-20.2 Qualification of community development corporation as permissible investment.
51A-4-20.3 Promulgation of rules for investment in community development corporations.
51A-4-20.4 Investments to promote public welfare authorized--Limitations.
51A-4-21 Bad debts--Maximum time allowed before charge-off--Overdraft not allowed as asset.
51A-4-22 Purchase of retail installment contract--Terms and effect of agreement.
51A-4-23 Leasing of personal property by bank--Terms and conditions.
51A-4-24 Factoring--Applicability of lending limit provisions.
51A-4-25 Bank investments--Restrictions set by rule--Limitations.
51A-4-25.1 Annuity defined.
51A-4-26 Exceptions to investment limitation--Purchase of federal, state, and municipal obligations and bonds or interim notes of South Dakota Building Authority.
51A-4-27 Investments in agricultural credit corporations and livestock loan companies.
51A-4-28 Restricted investment in mortgage banking companies authorized.
51A-4-29 Banks authorized to make or purchase loans secured by real estate mortgages--Sale of loans to Federal National Mortgage Association--Capital contributions.
51A-4-30 Investment in federally sponsored housing loans.
51A-4-31 51A-4-31 to 51A-4-40. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 252, §§ 18 to 27.
51A-4-41 Repealed.
51A-4-42 Restrictions on purchase of cash value life insurance contracts.
51A-4-43 Access to motor vehicle title and lien information on state's computer system.
51A-4-44 Financial institution and services defined.
51A-4-45 Contracts for services.
51A-4-46 Debt cancellation contracts and debt suspension contracts--Fee.
51A-5-1 Use of "trust" in name restricted--Exercise of trust powers restricted--Misdemeanor.
51A-5-1.1 Powers of banks engaging in trust business.
51A-5-1.2 "Trust business" defined.
51A-5-2 Bank as trustee or custodian for retirement benefit plans.
51A-5-3 Fiduciary authority of bank authorized by charter to exercise trust powers.
51A-5-4 Deposit required to do trust business--Amount and form of deposit--Disposition of income.
51A-5-5 Deposit available for satisfaction of claims upon liquidation, abandonment of trust powers, or resignation from fiduciary positions.
51A-5-6 National banks' authority to engage in trust business--Examination of trust business--Acceptance of federal examination.
51A-5-7 Foreign bank or trust company to comply with requirements to act as fiduciary in state--Violation as misdemeanor.
51A-5-8 Reciprocal privileges extended to foreign bank or trust company acting as fiduciary.
51A-5-9 Filing with Office of the Secretary of State by foreign bank or trust company acting as fiduciary--Designation as agent to receive process--Service of process.
51A-5-10 Establishment of place of business not permitted or prohibited by filing requirements.
51A-5-11 Investment powers of trust company.
51A-5-12 Voting of bank shares by cotrustee.
51A-5-13 Segregation of assets held by bank as fiduciary.
51A-5-14 Deposit of federally guaranteed securities with federal reserve bank.
51A-5-15 Records of depositor to show ownership of securities--Transfers by book entries.
51A-5-16 Custodian to certify deposited securities to fiduciary--Duty of fiduciary.
51A-5-17 Application of provisions to fiduciaries and custodians whenever appointed.
51A-5-18 51A-5-18. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 212, § 19.
51A-5-19 Oath or bond not required of bank to qualify as fiduciary.
51A-5-20 Nominees used by bank acting as fiduciary or cofiduciary.
51A-5-21 Deposit in clearing corporation of securities held as fiduciary or custodian.
51A-5-22 Ownership of stock in clearing corporation not required for deposit of securities by fiduciary or custodian.
51A-5-23 Holding in bulk of securities deposited in clearing corporation--Merger of certificates.
51A-5-24 Records of securities deposited in clearing corporation--Transfer by book entry--Certification to interested party of securities held.
51A-5-25 Approval or ratification of acceptance or relinquishment of fiduciary accounts by board of directors or committee.
51A-5-26 Supervision of investment of fiduciary funds by committee designated by board of directors.
51A-5-27 Reports of committees designated to supervise fiduciary accounts.
51A-5-28 Repealed
51A-5-29 Repealed
51A-5-30 Repealed
51A-5-31 Repealed
51A-5-32 Repealed
51A-6-1 Repealed
51A-6-2 Repealed
51A-6-3 51A-6-3. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 364, § 4.
51A-6-4 Repealed
51A-6-5 Repealed
51A-6-6 Repealed
51A-6-7 51A-6-7. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 364, § 7.
51A-6-8 51A-6-8 to 51A-6-11. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 268, §§ 80 to 83.
51A-6-12 Repealed
51A-6-13 51A-6-13. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 268, § 84.
51A-6-14 Repealed
51A-6-15 Repealed
51A-6-16 Repealed
51A-6-17 Repealed
51A-6-18 Repealed
51A-6-19 Repealed
51A-6-20 Repealed
51A-6-21 Repealed
51A-6-22 Repealed
51A-6A-1 Definitions.
51A-6A-2 Confidential information.
51A-6A-3 "Community" defined.
51A-6A-4 Application for incorporation--Approval procedure--Emergency procedure.
51A-6A-5 Considerations in ruling on application-Proceedings on application.
51A-6A-5.1 Notice to division of material omission in application or change in facts reported in application.
51A-6A-6 Application fee.
51A-6A-6.1 51A-6A-6.1. Repealed by SL 1998, ch 282, § 34.
51A-6A-7 Organization of public and private trust companies--Submission and approval of articles--Required information.
51A-6A-7.1 Corporation laws applied.
51A-6A-8 Amendment of articles--Extension of existence.
51A-6A-9 Starting date of trust company existence--Commencement of business.
51A-6A-10 Statement of payment of capital--Certificate of organization.
51A-6A-11 Authority to transact business required--Violation as misdemeanor.
51A-6A-11.1 Public trust companies to maintain office and perform trust administration in South Dakota.
51A-6A-11.2 Office space requirements.
51A-6A-11.3 Approval of other office space requirements.
51A-6A-12 List of owners--Annual submission to director--Verification of list.
51A-6A-13 Governing board--Membership--Election--Vacancies.
51A-6A-14 Officers of governing board--Bond required.
51A-6A-15 Meetings of governing board--Examination and audit of books and records.
51A-6A-16 Oath of board members.
51A-6A-17 Persons convicted of certain crimes ineligible to serve as board member, officer, or key employee--Civil penalty--Criminal background investigation.
51A-6A-18 51A-6A-18. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 220, § 1.
51A-6A-19 Determining capital--Minimum--Purpose of capital--Fidelity bond and liability insurance policy.
51A-6A-19.1 Additional capital requirements--Safety and soundness factors to be considered--Effective date of order--Hearing.
51A-6A-19.2 Investments pledged to division for security of trust creditors of trust company--Amount--Income from investments--Pledge increase--Hearing.
51A-6A-19.3 Pledge available to satisfy claims upon liquidation, abandonment of trust powers, or resignation.
51A-6A-20 Payment of subscriptions--Reduction of common stock.
51A-6A-21 Transferring stock and ownership units.
51A-6A-22 Increasing capital stock or ownership units.
51A-6A-23 Registration of capital stock or ownership units.
51A-6A-24 Issuance and retirement of preferred stock.
51A-6A-25 Rights and liability of preferred stockholders--Dividends.
51A-6A-26 Issuance of convertible or nonconvertible capital notes or debentures.
51A-6A-27 Dividends not permitted from required capital.
51A-6A-28 Dividends from undivided profits or surplus.
51A-6A-29 Powers of trust company.
51A-6A-29.1 Permissible business of trust companies.
51A-6A-30 Retention of records--Promulgation of rules--Reproduction of records--Duty of confidentiality.
51A-6A-31 Periodic examination of trust company--Report of examination--Cooperative, coordinating and information-sharing agreements among agencies.
51A-6A-32 Examination of fiduciary affairs of officers or employees--Examination of affiliated companies or corporations.
51A-6A-33 Examination expenses paid by trust companies--Fees.
51A-6A-34 Annual report of trust company to director--Form of report--Request for additional reports.
51A-6A-35 Authority of trust company revoked upon obstruction or interference with, or refusal to submit to, examination of director.
51A-6A-36 Service of notice of charges--Contents of notice--Temporary cease and desist order.
51A-6A-37 Revocation of franchise for failure to comply with lawful requirements.
51A-6A-38 Hearing on revocation of trust authority.
51A-6A-39 Confidentiality of information generated by examination--Disclosure--Hearing.
51A-6A-40 Correction of unsafe or unsound condition or operation--Appointment of special assistant--Appeal of appointment.
51A-6A-41 Insolvency defined.
51A-6A-42 Director to take charge of insolvent trust company--Appointment of special assistant.
51A-6A-43 Plan for reorganization of insolvent trust company.
51A-6A-44 Appointment of receiver--Bond--Qualifications--Report--Removal.
51A-6A-45 Powers and duties of receiver--Order of payment of liabilities.
51A-6A-45.1 Liability of receiver.
51A-6A-46 Periodic examination of trust company in the hands of a receiver.
51A-6A-46.1 Suspension, liquidation, order against unsound practice, removal of director or officer, or injunction.
51A-6A-46.2 Disclosure of confidential information in certain actions.
51A-6A-47 Acquisition of trust company--Notice to director--Approval--Order of disapproval--Hearing.
51A-6A-48 Contents of notice of proposed acquisition.
51A-6A-49 Reason for disapproval of acquisition.
51A-6A-50 Procedure for merger, consolidation, conversion, or transfer of assets and liabilities to another bank or trust company.
51A-6A-50.1 Proceedings to legally dissolve charter of acquired, merged, or consolidated trust company.
51A-6A-51 Necessity of execution or delivery of deed for merger or consolidation.
51A-6A-52 Fiduciary capacity of successor trust company.
51A-6A-53 Name of trust company--Name change.
51A-6A-54 Approval required for changing place of business--Examination and investigation by director.
51A-6A-55 51A-6A-55 to 51A-6A-57. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 239, §§ 8 to 10.
51A-6A-58 Establishment of trust service offices--Application.
51A-6A-59 51A-6A-59, 51A-6A-60. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 258, §§ 12, 13.
51A-6A-61 Membership in federal reserve bank.
51A-6A-62 Depositing securities into federal reserve bank.
51A-6A-63 Registering investments in name of nominee--Liability of trust company.
51A-6A-64 Common trust funds and collective investment funds.
51A-6A-65 Repealed
51A-6A-66 Exclusion of entity from chapters 51A-5 and 51A-6A--Governing documents--Notice to director.
51A-6A-67 Trust company receivership and liquidation captive insurance company fund.
Confidential information.
"Community" defined.
Application for incorporation--Approval procedure--Emergency procedure.
Considerations in ruling on application-Proceedings on application.
Notice to division of material omission in application or change in facts reported in
Application fee.
Organization of public and private trust companies--Submission and approval of
articles--Required information.
Amendment of articles--Extension of existence.
Starting date of trust company existence--Commencement of business.
Statement of payment of capital--Certificate of organization.
Authority to transact business required--Violation as misdemeanor.
Public trust companies to maintain office and perform trust administration in South
Office space requirements.
Approval of other office space requirements.
List of owners--Annual submission to director--Verification of list.
Governing board--Membership--Election--Vacancies.
Officers of governing board--Bond required.
Meetings of governing board--Examination and audit of books and records.
Oath of board members.
Persons convicted of certain crimes ineligible to serve as board member, officer, or
key employee--Civil penalty--Criminal background investigation.
Determining capital--Minimum--Purpose of capital--Fidelity bond and liability
insurance policy.
Additional capital requirements--Safety and soundness factors to be considered--Effective date of order--Hearing.
Investments pledged to division for security of trust creditors of trust
company--Amount--Income from investments--Pledge increase--Hearing.
Pledge available to satisfy claims upon liquidation, abandonment of trust powers, or
Payment of subscriptions--Reduction of common stock.
Transferring stock and ownership units.
Increasing capital stock or ownership units.
Registration of capital stock or ownership units.
Issuance and retirement of preferred stock.
Rights and liability of preferred stockholders--Dividends.
Issuance of convertible or nonconvertible capital notes or debentures.
Dividends not permitted from required capital.
Dividends from undivided profits or surplus.
Powers of trust company.
Retention of records--Promulgation of rules--Reproduction of records--Duty of
51A-6A-31 Periodic examination of trust company--Report of examination--Cooperative, coordinating and information-sharing agreements among agencies.
51A-6A-32 Examination of fiduciary affairs of officers or employees--Examination of affiliated companies or corporations.
51A-6A-33 Examination expenses paid by trust companies--Fees.
51A-6A-34 Annual report of trust company to director--Form of report--Request for additional reports.
51A-6A-35 Authority of trust company revoked upon obstruction or interference with, or refusal to submit to, examination of director.
51A-6A-36 Service of notice of charges--Contents of notice--Temporary cease and desist order.
51A-6A-37 Revocation of franchise for failure to comply with lawful requirements.
51A-6A-38 Hearing on revocation of trust authority.
51A-6A-39 Confidentiality of information generated by examination--Disclosure--Hearing.
51A-6A-40 Correction of unsafe or unsound condition or operation--Appointment of special assistant--Appeal of appointment.
51A-6A-41 Insolvency defined.
51A-6A-42 Director to take charge of insolvent trust company--Appointment of special assistant.
51A-6A-43 Plan for reorganization of insolvent trust company.
51A-6A-44 Appointment of receiver--Bond--Qualifications--Report--Removal.
51A-6A-45 Powers and duties of receiver--Order of payment of liabilities.
51A-6A-45.1 Liability of receiver.
51A-6A-46 Periodic examination of trust company in the hands of a receiver.
51A-6A-46.1 Suspension, liquidation, order against unsound practice, removal of director or officer, or injunction.
51A-6A-46.2 Disclosure of confidential information in certain actions.
51A-6A-47 Acquisition of trust company--Notice to director--Approval--Order of disapproval--Hearing.
51A-6A-48 Contents of notice of proposed acquisition.
51A-6A-49 Reason for disapproval of acquisition.
51A-6A-50 Procedure for merger, consolidation, conversion, or transfer of assets and liabilities to another bank or trust company.
51A-6A-50.1 Proceedings to legally dissolve charter of acquired, merged, or consolidated trust company.
51A-6A-51 Necessity of execution or delivery of deed for merger or consolidation.
51A-6A-52 Fiduciary capacity of successor trust company.
51A-6A-53 Name of trust company--Name change.
51A-6A-54 Approval required for changing place of business--Examination and investigation by director.
51A-6A-55 to 51A-6A-57. Repealed.
51A-6A-56. Notice to director of agreement with contracting trustee.
51A-6A-58 Establishment of trust service offices--Application.
51A-6A-59, 51A-6A-60. Repealed.
51A-6A-61 Membership in federal reserve bank.
51A-6A-62 Depositing securities into federal reserve bank.
51A-6A-63 Registering investments in name of nominee--Liability of trust company.
51A-6A-64 Common trust funds and collective investment funds.
51A-6A-65 Conversion from state bank to trust company--Application--Investigation--Regulation.
51A-6A-66 Exclusion of entity from chapters 51A-5, 51A-6, and 51A-6A--Governing documents--Notice to director.
51A-6A-67 Trust company receivership and liquidation captive insurance company fund.
51A-7-1 Operation of branches.
51A-7-2 Examination of branches.
51A-7-3 Capital requirements for bank operating branch.
51A-7-4 Establishment of branch banks.
51A-7-5 51A-7-5. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 252, § 31.
51A-7-6 Closing branch--Approval required--Violation as misdemeanor.
51A-7-7 National banks' branching authority.
51A-7-8 Detached drive-in facility--Requirements for construction and operation.
51A-7-9 "Detached" defined.
51A-7-10 Limitation on functions of detached drive-in facility.
51A-7-11 Construction or operation of detached drive-in facility--Approval required.
51A-7-12 Indication of parent bank on branches and drive-in facilities.
51A-7-13 Definition of terms.
51A-7-14 Interstate branches--Approval required.
51A-7-15 Application to establish interstate branch--Fee.
51A-7-16 Restrictions on branches by other states.
51A-7-17 51A-7-17, 51A-7-18. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 252, §§ 38, 39.
51A-7-19 Examination of out-of-state bank's South Dakota branch.
51A-7-20 Reports required from out-of-state bank with South Dakota branch.
51A-7-21 51A-7-21, 51A-7-22. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 252, §§ 40, 41.
51A-7-23 Joint examinations of joint enforcement actions by commission and bank supervisory agencies.
51A-7-24 51A-7-24. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 252, § 42.
51A-7-25 Authority of director in case of violation by South Dakota branch of out-of-state bank.
51A-7-26 Promulgation of rules to establish fees.
51A-7-27 51A-7-27. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 252, § 43.
51A-7-28 Prohibitions concerning bank names.
51A-7-29 Intentional misleading as to source of product, service, or communication prohibited.
"Remote service unit" defined.
Deposits through use of remote service units--Limited to certain financial
51A-8-2 to 51A-8-4. Repealed.
Branch bank provisions inapplicable.
51A-8-6 to 51A-8-8. Repealed.
"Bank service corporation" and "bank services" defined.
Investment in bank service corporation.
Authority of bank service corporation.
Ownership of bank or bank holding company stock prohibited.
Examination of bank services.
"Deposit" or "deposits" defined.
Minors' accounts.
Deposits in name of two or more persons.
Deposits in trust for another.
Tax liability on payments to survivors of deposits in name of two or more persons
or in trust for another.
Statement of account between bank and depositor--Limitation on depositor's recourse
after statement rendered.
Duty of depositor to examine statement of account and vouchers.
Misdemeanor to certify check where drawer's funds insufficient.
Preferential deposits.
Substitution or exchange of securities deposited to qualify as depository for funds of
governmental subdivisions.
Loans prohibited when reserve deficient.
Definition of terms.
Regulation of safe deposit by commission.
Fiduciary's access to safe deposit.
Power of attorney.
Minor's lease of safe deposit.
Joint leaseholds in safe deposit.
Death of lessee--Procedures for opening and delivery of contents of safe deposit.
Death of joint lessee or other having right of access--Notification of lessor.
Corporate lessee.
Adverse claims to safe deposit.
Unpaid rental--Procedures for opening safe deposit and disposition of contents.
51A-12-1 Application to bank loans.
51A-12-2 Loan or credit limitation.
51A-12-2.1 Application for exception to agricultural loan or credit limitation.
51A-12-2.2 Expiration of exception--New exception request.
51A-12-2.3 Loan defined.
51A-12-2.4 Derivative transaction defined.
51A-12-3 51A-12-3. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 351, § 1.
51A-12-4 Loan to customer used for partnership or corporation.
51A-12-5 Discounting not considered as money borrowed for purposes of loan limitation.
51A-12-6 Maximum amount of loans by bank to its executive officers, directors, and certain shareholders.
51A-12-7 51A-12-7. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 365, § 2.
51A-12-8 Liability of officers and directors for excessive loans.
51A-12-9 Nonrisk and government guaranteed loans not included in loan limits.
51A-12-10 Sale of surplus federal reserve funds and excess bank funds not loan.
51A-12-11 Mortgage on real estate.
51A-12-12 Revolving credit authorized.
51A-12-13 Collection of certain credit service charges by bank.
51A-12-14 Right of offset on loans.
51A-12-15 Compounding interest and service fees.
51A-12-16 Security interests authorized.
51A-12-17 Maintenance of deposit as condition for loan.
Books and accounts required by director--Civil penalty.
Reports to director.
Failure to report--Civil penalty.
Fiduciary examinations.
Preservation of records.
Merger or consolidation of banks.
Purchase of assets and assumption of liabilities.
Conversion from state bank to national bank.
Conversion from national bank, federal savings association, or federal savings bank
to state bank.
Liquidation procedures in the event of reorganization.
Emergency takeover.
Valuation of dissident shareholders' stock.
Voluntary liquidation--Requirements for approval.
Ceasing to do business and winding up affairs on voluntary liquidation.
Notice of voluntary liquidation--Manner of publication--Contents.
Resignation of fiduciary positions and settlement of accounts on voluntary
Disposition of safe deposit on voluntary liquidation.
Depositor's or creditor's rights not impaired by voluntary liquidation--Return of safe
deposit rental.
Distribution of assets after discharge of obligations on voluntary liquidation--Disposition of unclaimed distributions.
Authority of director to take possession of bank in voluntary liquidation.
Reports of progress in voluntary liquidation--Order and certificate of dissolution.
Cancellation of voluntary liquidation.
Director's authority to suspend activities and take possession of bank--Grounds.
"Insolvent" defined.
Receipt of deposits by insolvent bank unlawful--Felony.
Notice of suspension and possession.
Management and control powers of director in possession.
Circuit court jurisdiction of proceedings--Venue.
Change of venue.
Director's appointment of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver in
liquidation proceedings.
Powers of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver in liquidation
proceedings--Actions to recover money damages.
Postponement of limitation periods on director's taking actions.
Director's authority to take action in emergency without majority consent of
Applications to enjoin director from suspending activities and taking possession of
Proceedings exempt from open meetings and administrative procedure laws.
Reorganization of bank by director--Distribution and effect of reorganization plan.
Execution of lien on assets of bank in director's or receiver's possession prohibited--Powers of director.
Borrowing money by director in possession.
Expenses of director paid from assets.
Requirements for adoption of reorganization plan.
Modification of reorganization plan or liquidation of bank--Grounds and notice
Limitations on powers of director or receiver in liquidating bank.
Executory contracts of bank terminated after commencement of liquidation.
Fiduciary positions of bank terminated after commencement of liquidation.
Subrogation rights of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in liquidation of bank.
Notice of liquidation by director or receiver.
Disposition of safe deposit boxes in liquidation by director or receiver.
Settlement of claims by director or receiver in liquidation proceedings.
Objections to schedule of determinations in settlement of claims.
Partial distributions to claim holders authorized--Final distribution.
51A-15-39 Priority of claims in liquidation proceedings.
51A-15-40 Payment of claims not filed within time prescribed.
51A-15-41 Prorata payment of claims authorized.
51A-15-42 Distribution of assets remaining after liquidation.
51A-15-43 Disposition of unclaimed funds after liquidation.
51A-15-44 Accounting by director or receivers after liquidation--Cancellation of charter--Order and certificate of dissolution.
51A-15-45 Instruments affecting real estate executed on behalf of insolvent banks validated.
51A-17-1 Repealed.
51A-17-2 Repealed.
51A-17-2.1 Repealed.
51A-17-2.2 Repealed.
51A-17-2.3 Repealed.
51A-17-2.4 Repealed.
51A-17-2.5 Repealed.
51A-17-2.6 Repealed.
51A-17-2.7 Repealed.
51A-17-2.8 Repealed.
51A-17-3 Repealed.
51A-17-4 Repealed.
51A-17-5 Repealed.
51A-17-6 Repealed.
51A-17-7 Repealed.
51A-17-8 Repealed.
51A-17-9 Repealed.
51A-17-10 Repealed.
51A-17-10.1 Repealed.
51A-17-10.2 Repealed.
51A-17-10.3 Repealed.
51A-17-11 Repealed.
51A-17-12 Repealed.
51A-17-13 Repealed.
51A-17-14 Repealed.
51A-17-15 Repealed.
51A-17-16 Repealed.
51A-17-17 Repealed.
51A-17-18 Repealed.
51A-17-19 Repealed.
51A-17-20 Repealed.
51A-17-21 Repealed.
51A-17-22 Repealed.
51A-17-22.1 Repealed.
51A-17-22.2 Repealed.
51A-17-22.3 Repealed.
51A-17-23 Repealed.
51A-17-24 Repealed.
51A-17-25 Repealed.
51A-17-26 Repealed.
51A-17-27 Repealed.
51A-17-28 Repealed.
51A-17-29 Repealed.
51A-17-30 Repealed.
51A-17-31 Repealed.
51A-17-32 Repealed.
51A-17-33 Repealed.
51A-17-34 Repealed.
51A-17-35 Repealed.
51A-17-36 Repealed.
51A-17-37 Repealed.
51A-17-38 Repealed.
51A-17-39 Repealed.
51A-17-40 Repealed.
51A-17-41 Repealed.
51A-17-42 Repealed.
51A-17-43 Repealed.
51A-17-44 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 252, § 27.
51A-17-45 Repealed.
51A-17-46 Repealed.
51A-17-47 Repealed.
51A-17-48 Repealed.
51A-17-49 Repealed.
51A-17-50 Repealed.
51A-17-51 Repealed.
51A-17-52 Definitions.
51A-17-53 Exemptions to chapter.
51A-17-54 Director's authority.
51A-17-55 Confidentiality--Disclosure of information.
51A-17-56 Examination or investigation by director--Production required--Costs.
51A-17-57 Director participation in multistate supervisory processes.
51A-17-58 Conflict with federal law.
51A-17-59 License required to engage in money transmission--Exceptions.
51A-17-60 Licensing--Director authority.
51A-17-61 Application for license--Fee--Waiver.
51A-17-62 Individual controlling a licensee or applicant--Information required.
51A-17-63 Background report--Individual in control residing outside United States.
51A-17-64 Complete application--Notice--Approval and denial.
51A-17-65 Complete application--Meaning.
51A-17-66 Complete application--Investigation.
51A-17-67 Multistate licensing process--Investigations.
51A-17-68 Written denial of decision--Appeal.
51A-17-69 Initial license term.
51A-17-70 Annual renewal of license--Fee--Renewal term--Renewal report.
51A-17-71 License revocation or suspension--Compliance required.
51A-17-72 Acquisition of control--Approval required--Application--Fee--Promulgation of rules.
51A-17-73 Acquisition of control--Application--Completion.
51A-17-74 Acquisition of control--Application--Completion meaning.
51A-17-75 Acquisition of control--Application--Investigation.
51A-17-76 Multistate licensing--Investigation.
51A-17-77 Acquisition of control--Denial of application--Appeal.
51A-17-78 Acquisition of control--Exceptions.
51A-17-79 Notice of acquisition of control.
51A-17-80 Acquisition of control--Further exceptions.
51A-17-81 Acquisition of control--Application--Determination.
51A-17-82 Multistate licensing--Determination--Investigation.
51A-17-83 Notice of adding or replacing key individual by licensee--Notice of disapproval by director.
51A-17-84 License report of condition--Requirements of report.
51A-17-85 Filing of financial statement--Certificate of opinion.
51A-17-86 Report of licensee's authorized delegates.
51A-17-87 Report of bankruptcy, administrative proceeding, or revocation or suspension of license.
51A-17-88 Filing of reports required by federal law.
51A-17-89 Maintenance of records.
51A-17-90 Requirements for licensee to conduct business through authorized delegate--Licensee to notify delegates of license.
51A-17-91 Prohibition if unlicensed.
51A-17-92 Jurisdiction.
51A-17-93 Licensee's duty to forward money received for transmission--Failure to forward.
51A-17-94 Exception--Request for refund by sender.
51A-17-95 Electronic receipt.
51A-17-96 Receipt for money received for transmission--Requirements for receipt.
51A-17-97 Required disclosure of division information on receipt or licensee's website.
51A-17-98 Payroll processing services requirements.
51A-17-99 Tangible net worth of licensee.
51A-17-100 Surety bond--Amount of surety bond required.
51A-17-101 Maintenance of permissible investments.
51A-17-102 Permissible investments described.
51A-17-103 Letter of credit requirements.
51A-17-104 Expiration of letter of credit--Funds held in trust by director.
51A-17-105 Documents issuer of letter of credit required to present prior to expiration of letter of credit.
51A-17-106 Designation by director of agent as beneficiary to a letter of credit.
51A-17-107 Director to participate in multistate processes on letters of credit.
51A-17-108 Additional permissible investments described.
51A-17-109 Virtual currency.
51A-17-110 Suspension or revocation of license.
51A-17-111 Suspension or revocation of an authorized delegate.
51A-17-112 Cease and desist order by director.
51A-17-113 Consent order.
51A-17-114 False statement, misrepresentation, or false certification--Service without license--Penalty.
51A-17-115 Civil penalty.
51A-17-116 Order to cease and desist--Service.
51A-17-117 Uniformity.
51A-17-118 Validity--Provisions severable.
51A-17-119 Effective date.
51A-17-120 Consent to South Dakota jurisdiction.
51A-17-121 Deposit of moneys--Banking special revenue fund.
51A-17-122 Sharing of information collected and retained by the director.