Codified Laws


1-43-1      Department continued.
1-43-2      Secretary as head of department--Functions.
1-43-2.1 to 1-43-3. Repealed.
1-43-4      Repealed.
1-43-5      Repealed.
1-43-6      Repealed.
1-43-7      Superseded.
1-43-7.1      Transferred.
1-43-8      Transferred.
1-43-9, 1-43-10. Superseded.
1-43-11      Cancer data collection system.
1-43-12      Authority to contract for implementation and maintenance of cancer data collection system.
1-43-13      Rules for establishment, maintenance, and use of cancer data collection system.
1-43-14      Cancer detection or treatment reporting requirements.
1-43-15      Repealed.
1-43-16      Data collection--Availability to public.
1-43-17      Good faith reporting--Immunity from liability.
1-43-18      Transmittal of nonresident cancer diagnoses to national cancer registries.
1-43-19      Comprehensive health data system established--Purpose.
1-43-20      Public or private entities allowed to implement and maintain health care data system.
1-43-21      Promulgation of rules for establishment, maintenance and use of health care data system.
1-43-22      Repealed.
1-43-23      Repealed.
1-43-24      Annual health data system report available to public.
1-43-25 to 1-43-28. Repealed.
1-43-29, 1-43-30. Repealed.
1-43-31      Information excepted from health data system reporting requirements.
1-43-32      Contingent implementation of comprehensive health data system.
1-43-33      Promulgation of rules for comprehensive health data system .
1-43-34      Criminal background investigation of new forensic chemistry and vital records employees--Temporary employment.

1-43-1Department continued.

The Department of Health is hereby continued.

Source: SL 1973, ch 2, § 210.

1-43-2Secretary as head of department--Functions.

The head of the Department of Health is the secretary of health. He shall administer all the functions of the former position of state health officer, created by chapter 34-1.

Source: SL 1973, ch 2, § 211; SL 1974, ch 3, § 27.

     1-43-2.1 to 1-43-3.   Repealed by SL 2016, ch 169, §§ 1 to 12.

     1-43-4.   Repealed by SL 1989, ch 21, § 37.

     1-43-5.   Repealed by SL 2013, ch 154, § 1.

     1-43-6.   Repealed by SL 1988, ch 278, § 3.

     1-43-7.   Superseded.

     1-43-7.1.   Transferred to § 1-40-25.

     1-43-8.   Transferred to § 1-40-26.

     1-43-9, 1-43-10.   Superseded.

1-43-11Cancer data collection system.

The Department of Health shall establish and maintain a central cancer data collection system for cancer cases in South Dakota in accordance with the confidentiality provisions of § 34-14-1 and the terms of §§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-17, inclusive.

Source: SL 1991, ch 18, § 1.

1-43-12Authority to contract for implementation and maintenance of cancer data collection system.

In establishing a cancer data collection system pursuant to § 1-43-11, the Department of Health may by contract or agreement authorize any person or any public or private entity or any combination of persons or entities to implement and maintain any portion of the cancer data collection system.

Source: SL 1991, ch 18, § 2.

1-43-13Rules for establishment, maintenance, and use of cancer data collection system.

The Department of Health shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 to provide for the establishment, maintenance, and use of a cancer data collection system pursuant to §§ 1-43-11 and 1-43-12. The rules shall include:

(1)    Provisions requiring the reporting of cancer cases or specifying circumstances under which cancer cases shall be reported;

(2)    Criteria for authorizing persons or entities to undertake cancer data collection;

(3)    Criteria and procedures for maintaining confidentiality as required in § 1-43-11; and

(4)    Procedures and requirements governing the structure and objectives of the cancer data collection system and the reporting, collection, analysis, and dissemination of data and information related to the cancer data collection system.

Source: SL 1991, ch 18, § 3.

1-43-14Cancer detection or treatment reporting requirements.

Any hospital licensed pursuant to chapter 34-12, physician licensed pursuant to chapter 36-4, physician assistant licensed pursuant to chapter 36-4A, certified nurse practitioner or certified nurse midwife licensed pursuant to chapter 36-9A, pathology laboratory, or free-standing radiology center that detects, diagnoses, or treats a cancer case in South Dakota shall submit a report to the Department of Health as required by §§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-17, inclusive.

Source: SL 1991, ch 18, § 4; SL 2005, ch 22, § 1; SL 2017, ch 171, § 50.

     1-43-15.   Repealed by SL 2005, ch 22, § 2.

1-43-16Data collection--Availability to public.

Any statistical summary of data collected under the provisions of §§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-17, inclusive, shall be available to the public, but may not be sold by the Department of Health or any agent under contract or agreement with the department pursuant to § 1-43-12. Any data released shall be presented in such a statistical manner that no person, who represents a case contained in the cancer data collection system, may be identified.

Source: SL 1991, ch 18, § 6; SL 1992, ch 20, § 1.

1-43-17Good faith reporting--Immunity from liability.

Good faith reporting or disclosure pursuant to §§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-16, inclusive, does not constitute a libel or slander or violation of the right of privacy or privileged communication. Any person who in good faith complies with the reporting requirements of §§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-16, inclusive, or any request that may be made by the Department of Health pursuant to §§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-16, inclusive, is immune from civil and criminal liability for such action taken in compliance with the provisions of §§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-16, inclusive.

Source: SL 1991, ch 18, § 7.

1-43-18Transmittal of nonresident cancer diagnoses to national cancer registries.

The Department of Health, by agreement, may transmit transcripts or copies of reports of cancer diagnoses to state or national cancer registries if the reports relate to residents of other states or countries. The agreement shall require that the transcripts or records be used under the terms provided in §§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-17, inclusive.

Source: SL 1992, ch 20, § 2.

1-43-19Comprehensive health data system established--Purpose.

The Department of Health shall coordinate the establishment and maintain oversight of a comprehensive health data system for the purposes of:

(1)    Health care planning, policy development, policy evaluation, and research by federal, state, and local governments;

(2)    Monitoring payments for health services by the federal and state governments;

(3)    Assessing and improving the quality of health care;

(4)    Measuring and optimizing access to health care;

(5)    Supporting public health functions and objectives;

(6)    Improving the ability of health plans, health care providers, and consumers to coordinate, improve, and make choices about health care; and

(7)    Monitoring costs at provider and plan levels.

Source: SL 1993, ch 23, § 1; SL 1994, ch 24, § 1.

1-43-20Public or private entities allowed to implement and maintain health care data system.

In establishing a health care data system pursuant to § 1-43-19, the Department of Health may by contract or agreement authorize any person or any public or private entity or any combination of persons or entities to implement and maintain any portion of the health care data system.

Source: SL 1993, ch 23, § 2.

1-43-21Promulgation of rules for establishment, maintenance and use of health care data system.

The Department of Health shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 to provide for the establishment, maintenance, and use of a health care data system pursuant to §§ 1-43-19 and 1-43-20. The rules shall include:

(1)    A listing of specific data elements to be reported;

(2)    Criteria for authorizing persons or entities to undertake health care data collection;

(3)    Criteria and procedures for maintaining confidentiality; and

(4)    Procedures and requirements governing the structure and objectives of the health care data system and the reporting, collections, analysis, quality assurance, and dissemination of data and information related to the health care data system.

Source: SL 1993, ch 23, § 3.

     1-43-22.   Repealed by SL 2013, ch 154, § 2.

     1-43-23.   Repealed by SL 1994, ch 24, § 9.

1-43-24Annual health data system report available to public.

Annual reports of data collected pursuant to §§ 1-43-19 to 1-43-21, inclusive, shall be available to the public. Any data released shall be presented in a manner such that no person may be identified.

Source: SL 1993, ch 23, § 6; SL 2013, ch 154, § 3.

     1-43-25 to 1-43-28.   Repealed by SL 2013, ch 154, §§ 4 to 7.

     1-43-29, 1-43-30.   Repealed by SL 1994 ch 24, § 8.

1-43-31Information excepted from health data system reporting requirements.

Nothing established in §§ 1-43-19 and 1-43-33, or in any rules promulgated pursuant thereto requires any health facility as defined in chapter 34-12 to provide any information which would violate the provisions of § 36-4-26.1.

Source: SL 1994, ch 24, § 5; SL 2013, ch 154, § 8.

1-43-32Contingent implementation of comprehensive health data system.

Implementation of the comprehensive health data system shall be contingent upon the receipt of federal or other funds by the Department of Health or other relevant state agencies to the extent necessary to carry out the provisions of §§ 1-43-19 and 1-43-33.

Source: SL 1994, ch 24, § 6; SL 2013, ch 154, § 9.

1-43-33Promulgation of rules for comprehensive health data system.

The Department of Health shall promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, to specify criteria, procedures, and forms for submitting health related data and to establish standards for information collection.

Source: SL 1994, ch 24, § 7.

1-43-34Criminal background investigation of new forensic chemistry and vital records employees--Temporary employment.

Each person hired by the Department of Health, within the forensic chemistry unit of the State Public Health Laboratory or the Office of Vital Records, shall submit to a criminal background investigation, by means of fingerprint checks by the Division of Criminal Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The department shall submit completed fingerprint cards to the Division of Criminal Investigation before the prospective new employee enters into service. If no disqualifying record is identified at the state level, the fingerprints shall be forwarded by the Division of Criminal Investigation to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a national criminal history record check. Any person whose employment is subject to the requirements of this section may enter into service on a temporary basis pending receipt of results of the criminal background investigation. The department may, without liability, withdraw its offer of employment or terminate the temporary employment without notice if the report reveals a disqualifying record. Any person whose employment is subject to the requirements of this section shall pay any fees charged for the criminal record check.

Source: SL 2012, ch 29, § 3; SL 2019, ch 9, § 1.