Annual inventory of personal property required of local officers and employees.
Inventory of state personal property required.
Cost or value to be shown in inventory--Filing.
Place of filing of duplicate inventories.
Purchased property to be noted in inventory report.
Lost or destroyed property to be noted in inventory--Date and circumstances shown.
Civil liability of officer for failure to account for property.
Delivery of public property to successor in office--Receipt.
Failure to account for public property as misdemeanor.
5-24-9 to 5-24-9.5. Repealed.
Acceptance of gifts to state--Actions for recovery.
Acceptance and distribution of federal surplus property--Records.
Property management internal service fund.
Transfer of property from Homestake Mining Company authorized.
5-24-17 to 5-24-20. Repealed.
5-24-1. Annual inventory of personal property required of local officers and employees.
County, township, or municipal officers or employees, having in their custody any public personal property, requiring inventory, as defined in rules issued by the commissioner of human resources and administration shall annually on the thirty-first day of December, or within ten days thereafter, make in duplicate an inventory of all the public personal property. School employees designated by the school board shall make such inventory annually by June thirtieth and file it as provided in § 5-24-3.
Source: SDC 1939, § 48.0501; SL 1961, ch 257; SL 1970, ch 41; SL 1975, ch 61, § 1; SL 1977, ch 54, § 1; SL 1983, ch 36, § 1; SL 2001, ch 31, § 1; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
5-24-1.1. Inventory of state personal property required.
Officers and employees of each state institution and department are required to maintain an inventory of all public personal property in the manner prescribed by rule by the commissioner of human resources and administration.
Source: SL 1977, ch 54, § 2; SL 1984, ch 30, § 78; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
5-24-2. Cost or value to be shown in inventory--Filing.
The inventories required by §§ 5-24-1 and 5-24-1.1 shall show the actual cost for each item, or the estimated cost at the time of acquisition, if the actual cost cannot be ascertained. In the case of gifts, the estimated fair market value at the time of acquisition shall be used. The officer or employee shall retain one copy of the inventory in the officer's or employee's office. The others shall be filed as provided in §§ 5-24-1.1 and 5-24-3.
Source: SL 1903, ch 220, §§ 1 to 3; SL 1913, ch 293, § 1; RC 1919, § 7048; SDC 1939, § 48.0501; SL 1975, ch 61, § 2; SL 1977, ch 54, § 3; SL 1983, ch 36, § 2; SL 1984, ch 30, § 79; SL 2011, ch 2, § 87.
5-24-3. Place of filing of duplicate inventories.
All officers in state educational institutions shall file one copy of the annual inventory with the secretary of the Board of Regents, and one copy with the commissioner of human resources and administration. All county officers and employees shall file one copy of the annual inventory with the county auditor. All municipal officers and employees shall file one copy of the annual inventory with the city auditor, finance officer, or town clerk of their respective municipalities. All township officers and employees shall file one copy of the annual inventory with the clerks of their respective townships. All school employees shall file one copy of the annual inventory with the business manager.
Source: SL 1903, ch 220, §§ 1 to 3; SL 1913, ch 293, § 1; RC 1919, § 7048; SDC 1939, § 48.0501; SL 1975, ch 61, § 3; SL 1983, ch 36, § 3; SL 1984, ch 30, § 80; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
5-24-4. Purchased property to be noted in inventory report.
When any personal property is purchased by the state or any county, municipality, township, or school district, to be utilized in pursuance of the duties of the office for which supplied, a note shall at once be made of its purchase and receipt in the inventory report for that year.
Source: SL 1913, ch 293, § 6; RC 1919, § 7053; SDC 1939, § 48.0504; SL 1977, ch 54, § 4; SL 1992, ch 60, § 2.
5-24-5. Lost or destroyed property to be noted in inventory--Date and circumstances shown.
If any article in the custody of any officer or employee is lost or destroyed, the officer or employee shall make a note of the loss or destruction in the inventory for the current year, giving the date and circumstances of the loss or destruction.
Source: SL 1903, ch 220, § 4; SL 1913, ch 293, § 2; RC 1919, § 7049; SDC 1939, § 48.0502; SL 2011, ch 2, § 88.
5-24-6. Civil liability of officer for failure to account for property.
If an officer or employee disposes of personal property without complying with the requirements of this chapter, the officer or employee, in addition to the penal penalty prescribed by law, is liable for the value thereof as shown by the last preceding inventory, to be recovered in a civil suit.
Source: SL 1913, ch 293, § 9; RC 1919, § 7056; SDC 1939, § 48.0506; SL 2011, ch 2, § 89.
5-24-7. Delivery of public property to successor in office--Receipt.
Each officer enumerated in § 5-24-1, shall turn over all the public personal property in the officer's possession to the officer's successor in office. Each officer shall take the receipt of the officer's successor for all property requiring inventory, as defined in rules promulgated by the commissioner of human resources and administration. The officer shall file any receipt in the offices where the officer is, by this chapter, required to file the inventory of the personal property in the officer's possession.
Each officer enumerated in § 5-24-1 shall, upon assuming office, give a receipt to his or her predecessor for all public personal property requiring inventory, as defined in rules promulgated by the commissioner of human resources and administration, turned over to the officer.
Source: SL 1913, ch 293, § 7; RC 1919, § 7054; SDC 1939, § 48.0505; SL 1975, ch 61, § 4; SL 2011, ch 2, § 90; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
5-24-8. Failure to account for public property as misdemeanor.
Any officer who fails to comply with any of the provisions of §§ 5-24-1 to 5-24-7, inclusive, is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Source: SL 1913, ch 293, § 8; RC 1919, § 7055; SDC 1939, § 48.9902; SL 1980, ch 24, § 75; SL 2011, ch 2, § 91.
5-24-12. Acceptance of gifts to state--Actions for recovery.
Whenever any grant, devise, bequest, donation, or gift, or assignment of money, or chose in action, of any property, real or personal, is made to this state, the Governor shall receive the gift, the title thereto shall pass to the state, and the state may, if necessary, commence proceedings for the recovery of such property. However, if such gift is subject to any preexisting condition or contractual obligation, the Governor shall receive it only after determining that it is the best interest of the state to do so. A gift may be received subject to a preexisting condition or contractual obligation which it would be otherwise illegal to impose on state property if the property were already in the possession of the state.
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1102; SL 1949, ch 216; SL 1977, ch 54, § 7; SL 1996, ch 46.
5-24-13. Acceptance and distribution of federal surplus property--Records.
The commissioner of human resources and administration shall cooperate with the United States government, the general services administration, or any other duly constituted federal agency, by expending moneys and accepting federal surplus commodities and property for care, exchange, and distribution of them to all eligible institutions. The commissioner of human resources and administration shall appoint an administrator who shall keep and maintain an accurate record of all property received and distributed. The record is subject to audit by the Department of Legislative Audit.
Source: SL 1953, ch 286; SL 1959, ch 292, § 3; SDC Supp 1960, § 55.1110; SL 1975, ch 62, § 1; SL 1976, ch 62; SL 2011, ch 2, § 94; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
5-24-14. Property management internal service fund.
There is hereby created in the state treasury a property management internal service fund. The commissioner of human resources and administration shall apportion all expenses incurred in the administration and operation of the property management program to all state departments, agencies, and institutions utilizing such program. All payments received by the Bureau of Human Resources and Administration pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the property management internal service fund.
Source: SL 1992, ch 47, § 3; SL 2024, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 24-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 8, 2024.
5-24-15. Transfer of property from Homestake Mining Company authorized.
The Governor, pursuant to § 5-24-12, may accept, on behalf of the State of South Dakota, the transfer of any property or equipment from the Homestake Mining Company.
Source: SL 2001, ch 33, § 1.