40-20-35. Permit for shipment of cattle from feedlot for slaughter--Inspection of cattle without forms--Fees.
Cattle shipped from a registered feedlot for slaughter are not subject to brand inspection at origin or destination. However, prior to shipping such cattle, the feedlot operator shall obtain a permit from the board which shows the feedlot operator's name, owner of cattle, date the cattle are to be shipped, destination, agency receiving the cattle, number of head in the shipment, sex, and brands. The form shall be completed by the feedlot operator at the time of the shipment. One copy shall be sent with the shipment, one copy shall be sent to the board or the inspecting agency by the tenth day of the following month, and one copy shall be retained by the operator of the registered feedlot. If such forms fail to accompany a shipment of cattle, all such cattle are subject to an ownership inspection and inspection fees shall be charged, as defined in chapter 40-21.
Source: SL 1984, ch 270, § 4; SL 1988, ch 328, § 73.