Administrative Rules
Rule 20:51:32:05 Disclosure of data.

          20:51:32:05.  Disclosure of data. Each request for information from the central repository must be submitted on a form or electronic platform provided by the board and may be mailed, faxed, or submitted electronically to the board office. The information may be mailed, faxed or submitted electronically to the individual requesting the profile, and marked "confidential".


          A prescriber or dispenser may request patient information electronically or in writing if the request:


          (1)  Is signed or submitted on an electronic platform by the prescriber, delegate, or dispenser requesting the information and includes the business name and address;

          (2)  Includes the patient's name, date of birth, purpose of the request, and the date range for the profile; and

          (3)  Includes a statement indicating a prescriber or a dispenser and patient relationship exists.


          Source: 37 SDR 214, effective May 30, 2011; 45 SDR 86, effective December 24, 2018.

          General Authority: SDCL 34-20E-20(4).

          Law Implemented: SDCL 34-20E-5, 34-20E-7(1).


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