2-16-13. Publications constituting official code.

The official code of laws of the State of South Dakota, which may be referred to as the code, consists of all the statutes of a general and permanent nature contained in:

(1)    The 2018 revision of volume 1;

(2)    The 2021 revision of volume 2;

(3)    The 2021 revision of volume 2A;

(4)    The 2021 revision of volume 3;

(5)    The 2004 revision of volume 4;

(6)    The 2004 revision of volume 5;

(7)    The 2020 revision of volume 6;

(8)    The 2020 revision of volume 7;

(9)    The 2018 revision of volume 8;

(10)    The 2018 revision of volume 9;

(11)    The 2014 revision of volume 10;

(12)    The 2014 revision of volume 10A;

(13)    The 2014 revision of volume 11;

(14)    The 2016 revision of volume 12;

(15)    The 2004 revision of volume 13;

(16)    The 2017 revision of volume 14;

(17)    The 2016 revision of volume 15;

(18)    The 2013 revision of volume 16;

(19)    The 2016 revision of volume 17;

(20)    The 2004 revision of volume 18;

(21)    The 2011 revision of volume 19;

(22)    The 2011 revision of volume 19A;

(23)    The 2011 revision of volume 20;

(24)    The 2013 revision of volume 21;

(25)    The 2015 revision of volume 22;

(26)    The 2015 revision of volume 22A;

(27)    The 2022 revision of volume 23;

(28)    The 2022 revision of volume 24;

(29)    The 2004 revision of volume 25;

(30)    The 2022 revision of volume 26;

(31)    The 2007 revision of volume 27;

(32)    The 2004 revision of volume 28;

(33)    The 2017 revision of volume 29;

(34)    The 2012 revision of volume 30;

(35)    The 2012 revision of volume 31;

(36)    The 2019 revision of volume 32;

(37)    The 2019 revision of volume 33;

(38)    The 2015 revision of volume 34;

(39)    The 2004 revision of the Parallel Tables volume;

(40)    The December 2023 Interim Update Service of the South Dakota Codified Laws beginning with Title 1, chapter 1-1 and ending with Title 62, chapter 62-9; and

(41)    The 2023 cumulative annual pocket parts.

Source: SL 1970, ch 17, § 1; SL 1972, ch 14, § 2; SL 1974, ch 28, § 2; SL 1975, ch 27, § 2; SL 1976, ch 29, § 1; SL 1977, ch 25, § 1; SL 1978, ch 23, § 2; SL 1979, ch 17, § 1; SL 1980, ch 25, § 1; SL 1981, ch 19, § 1; SL 1982, ch 27, § 1; SL 1983, ch 11, § 1; SL 1984, ch 18, § 1; SL 1985, ch 18, § 1; SL 1986, ch 26, § 1; SL 1987, ch 28, § 1; SL 1988, ch 26, § 1; SL 1989, ch 31, § 1; SL 1990, ch 29, § 1; SL 1991, ch 25, § 1; SL 1992, ch 25, § 1; SL 1993, ch 33, § 1; SL 1994, ch 30, § 1; SL 1995, ch 15, § 1; SL 1996, ch 23, § 1; SL 1997, ch 22, § 1; SL 1998, ch 12, § 1; SL 1999, ch 10, § 1; SL 2000, ch 22, § 1; SL 2001, ch 20, § 1; SL 2002, ch 20, § 1; SL 2003, ch 22, § 1; SL 2004, ch 31, § 1; SL 2005, ch 23, § 1; SL 2006, ch 14, § 1; SL 2007, ch 18, § 1; SL 2008, ch 18, § 1; SL 2009, ch 19, § 1; SL 2010, ch 18, § 1; SL 2011, ch 18, § 1; SL 2012, ch 22, § 1; SL 2013, ch 18, § 1; SL 2014, ch 16, § 1; SL 2015, ch 19, § 1; SL 2016, ch 29, § 1; SL 2017, ch 21, § 1; SL 2018, ch 31, § 1; SL 2019, ch 16, § 1; SL 2020, ch 9, § 1; SL 2021, ch 20, § 1; SL 2022, ch 10, § 1; SL 2023, ch 12, § 1; SL 2024, ch 18, § 1.

SDLRC - Codified Law 2-16-13 - Publications constituting official code.

2-16-13.1Editorial material and appendices excluded from official code.

The code does not include:

(1)    Material set off by overstrikes to show the effect of legislative deletions;

(2)    Prefatory subject matter, analyses, catchlines, notes, annotations, appendices, references, tables, and indices;

(3)    The list of forms appearing as an appendix to chapters 15-6 and 15-26A and to Title 23A;

(4)    The rules of procedure of the judicial qualifications commission appearing as an appendix to chapter 16-1A;

(5)    The code of judicial conduct appearing as an appendix to chapter 16-2;

(6)    The Rules of Professional Conduct appearing as an appendix to chapter 16-18;

(7)    The regulations of the board of bar examiners appearing as an appendix to chapter 16-16; and

(8)    The standards of title appearing as an appendix to chapter 43-30.

Source: SL 1984, ch 18, § 2; SL 1989, ch 30, § 9.