45-6B-1    Citation of chapter.

45-6B-2    Legislative findings and policy.

45-6B-3    Definition of terms.

45-6B-4    Local government permit--Additional bond or surety not authorized--Conditional mining permit.

45-6B-5    Application for permit for mining operation.

45-6B-6    Application for permit--Contents.

45-6B-7    Reclamation plan--Contents.

45-6B-8    Previously mined land--Reclamation not required for surface mining.

45-6B-9    Previously mined land--Reclamation not required for underground mining.

45-6B-10    Map of affected area.

45-6B-11    Approval of reclamation plan by Department of Education and Department of Game, Fish and Parks.

45-6B-12    Consultation with surface owner--Instrument of consultation.

45-6B-13    Instrument of consultation not obtained--Hearing and order.

45-6B-14    Fee for application.

45-6B-15    Copy of application filed with department and register of deeds--Public inspection.

45-6B-16    Notice of application--Publication.

45-6B-17    Notice of application--Mailing to owners and lessees of surface rights.

45-6B-18    Amendment of permit and modifications of operating or reclamation plans--Application fees.

45-6B-19    Confidential information in application protected--Violation as misdemeanor.

45-6B-20    Inspection of site prior to issuance of permit--Surety for reclamation costs required.

45-6B-20.1    Board may require additional proof of financial assurance from certain operators--Content and amount--Factors for consideration.

45-6B-20.2    Time for filing under 45-6B-20.1.

45-6B-21    Criteria for determining amount and duration of surety.

45-6B-22    Surety bond--Surety other than bond--Considerations by board.

45-6B-23    Cash or securities in lieu of surety.

45-6B-24    Surety payable to state--Conditions required.

45-6B-25    Surety liability continues until released.

45-6B-26    Surety penalty--Amount.

45-6B-27    Surety penalty--Increase or reduction.

45-6B-28    Objections--Statements in support of application--Notice and hearing.

45-6B-29    County request for hearing on application.

45-6B-30    Hearing on application--Time extension--Notice--Time for decision.

45-6B-31    Modification of application prior to hearing.

45-6B-32    Grant of permit if application in compliance with law--Grounds for denial.

45-6B-33    Unsuitable land--No permit issued.

45-6B-33.1    Socioeconomic impact study--Preparation at operator's expense--Contents--Determination of sufficiency.

45-6B-33.2    Permit application for small-scale mining operation--Small-scale mining operation defined.

45-6B-33.3    Special, exceptional, critical, or unique land defined.

45-6B-33.4    Preliminary list of special, exceptional, critical, or unique lands--Application for classification.

45-6B-33.5    Alternative restrictions and limitations by board on special, exceptional, critical, or unique land.

45-6B-33.6    Determination of classification--Notice and grounds.

45-6B-33.7    Appeal of determination--Hearing--Notice.

45-6B-33.8    Underground mining allowed beneath special, exceptional, critical, or unique land.

45-6B-34    Notice to county commissioners of approval or denial of permit or amendment.

45-6B-35    Mining operations--Applicable law.

45-6B-36    Annual filing of map and fee.

45-6B-37    Grading.

45-6B-38    Disposal of refuse.

45-6B-39    Revegetation.

45-6B-40    Removal and handling of topsoil.

45-6B-41    Disturbance to hydrologic balance.

45-6B-42    Slides, subsidence, or damage protection--Fencing.

45-6B-43    Surface areas protected--Spoil piles--Weeds.

45-6B-44    Proposed reclamation plan--Copy to adjacent landowner--Approval of plan--Consultation with landowner and local authorities--Reclamation of all affected land.

45-6B-45    Choices of reclamation--Requirements for operator.

45-6B-46    Time for completion of reclamation--Plantings not required under certain conditions.

45-6B-47    Transfer of permit--Application--Release of first operator and surety as to reclamation--Transfer fee.

45-6B-48    Violation--Notice to operator.

45-6B-49    Violation--Cease and desist order.

45-6B-50    Violation--Hearing.

45-6B-51    Violation--Modification, suspension, or revocation of permit.

45-6B-52    Violation--Action for temporary restraining order or injunction.

45-6B-53    Small-scale operation--Special permit laws applicable.

45-6B-54    Small-scale operation--Application for permit--Contents.

45-6B-55    Small-scale operation--Fee--Surety.

45-6B-56    Small-scale operation--Annual notice of intent to continue--Fee and reporting requirements.

45-6B-57    Small-scale operation--Notice of completion of reclamation.

45-6B-58    45-6B-58. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 166, § 100.

45-6B-59    Laws applicable to processing and action on applications.

45-6B-60    Small-scale operation--Conversion of permit to larger operation.

45-6B-61    Small-scale operation--Conversion of permit--Time for action on application.

45-6B-62    Small-scale operation--Conversion of permit--Laws applicable to procedure.

45-6B-63    Small-scale operation--Conversion of permit--Grounds for denial.

45-6B-64    45-6B-64, 45-6B-65. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 308, §§ 15, 16

45-6B-66    Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Proceedings by attorney general.

45-6B-67    Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Foreclosure of real estate.

45-6B-68    Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Reclamation of land by board.

45-6B-69    Fees deposited in environment and natural resources fee fund--Proceeds of forfeiture of surety deposited in special revenue fund.

45-6B-70    Violation of permit--Civil penalty--Liability for damages to environment.

45-6B-71    Operation without permit--Civil penalty.

45-6B-71.1    Operation without permit near lake or stream as misdemeanor.

45-6B-72    Refusal of access or interference with inspection as violation.

45-6B-73    Jurisdiction and authority of board--Employment of personnel--Legal services provided by attorney general.

45-6B-74    Studies and programs initiated and encouraged by board.

45-6B-75    Assistance provided by other departments and agencies.

45-6B-76    General powers of board.

45-6B-77    Repealed by SL 2012, ch 215, § 30.

45-6B-78    45-6B-78. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 237, § 7.

45-6B-79    Use of reclamation fund.

45-6B-80    Exemption of educational and recreational activities.

45-6B-81    Promulgation of rules.

45-6B-82    45-6B-82 to 45-6B-85. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 237, §§ 1 to 6.

45-6B-85.1    45-6B-85.1. Executed

45-6B-86    45-6B-86. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 166, § 101.

45-6B-87    Large-scale gold or silver surface mining operations not exempt from federal laws.

45-6B-88    Procedures for issuance, suspension, revocation, and renewal of permits--Hearing--Uncontested recommendation.

45-6B-89    45-6B-89. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 166, § 102.

45-6B-90    45-6B-90. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 237, § 8.

45-6B-91    Postclosure plan--Postclosure care--Financial assurance--Certification of completed postclosure activities--Liability of operator.

45-6B-92    Description of critical resources affected by reclamation plan.

45-6B-93    Annual report on large-scale gold or silver surface mining operation--Information to be included.

45-6B-94    Gold or silver surface mining--Legislative findings.

45-6B-95    Permits for new large-scale operations--Limitations.

45-6B-96    Permits for presently operating large-scale gold or silver surface mines.

45-6B-97    Reclamation--Qualifications for credit--Assignment.

45-6B-98    Submission of reclamation plan--Contents.

45-6B-99    Exclusion of underground mining operations.

45-6B-100    45-6B-100 to 45-6B-103. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 237, §§ 9 to 12.

45-6B-104    New surface mining permits prohibited for private land in Spearfish Canyon.

45-6B-105    Location of Spearfish Canyon.

45-6B-106    Lake dredging activities license.