Codified Laws

45-6B-98Submission of reclamation plan--Contents.

The operator of an existing permitted large-scale gold or silver surface mining operation shall submit for board approval, a plan for conducting reclamation activities on lands to be reclaimed for reclamation acreage credit if those lands are not otherwise covered by an existing surety and reclamation plan authorized under this chapter. The plan for conducting reclamation shall include a detailed description of those activities to be conducted to reclaim the lands proposed for reclamation credit, a time schedule for conducting those activities, the post-reclamation land use of the lands, a post-reclamation map, and the estimated cost of conducting the reclamation. The plan shall be submitted as part of the application for any new permit or amendment to any existing permit that would cause an increase in an existing operator's permitted affected lands and shall be considered a procedural completeness requirement.

Source: Initiated Measure No. 2, approved November 3, 1992, effective November 19, 1992.
