20:82:02:01. Fees. The fees for licensure as a genetic counselor are:
(1) An applicant applying for the initial license shall pay a fee of $200;
(2) An applicant for renewal of a license shall pay a fee of $100;
(3) An applicant for a temporary license shall pay a fee of $100.
Source: 41 SDR 180, effective May 21, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 36-36-12.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-36-5, 36-36-9, 36-36-11.
CHAPTER 20:82:03
20:82:03:01 Ethics.
20:82:03:02 Violations.
20:82:03:03 Ethical considerations.
20:82:03:01. Ethics. All licensees under SDCL chapter 36-36 shall comply with the following code of ethics:
Section I: Genetic Counselors Themselves
Genetic counselors value competence, integrity, veracity, dignity, and self-respect in themselves as well as in each other. Therefore, in order to be the best possible human resource to themselves, their clients, their colleagues, and society, genetic counselors strive to:
1. Seek out and acquire sufficient and relevant information required for any given situation.
2. Continue their education and training.
3. Keep abreast of current standards of practice.
4. Recognize the limits of their own knowledge, expertise, and therefore competence in any given situation.
5. Accurately represent their experience, competence and credentials, including training and academic degrees.
6. Acknowledge and disclose circumstances that may result in a real or perceived conflict of interest.
7. Avoid relationships and activities that interfere with professional judgment or objectivity.
8. Be responsible for their own physical and emotional health as it impacts on their professional performance.
Section II: Genetic Counselors and Their Clients
The counselor-client relationship is based on values of care and respect for the client's autonomy, individuality, welfare, and freedom. The primary concern of genetic counselors is the interests of their clients. Therefore, genetic counselors strive to:
1. Serve those who seek services regardless of personal or external interests or biases.
2. Clarify and define their professional role(s) and relationships with clients, and provide an accurate description of their services.
3. Respect their clients' beliefs, inclinations, circumstances, feelings, family relationships and cultural traditions.
4. Enable their clients to make informed decisions, free of coercion, by providing or illuminating the necessary facts, and clarifying the alternatives and anticipated consequences.
5. Refer clients to other qualified professionals when they are unable to support the clients.
6. Maintain information received from clients as confidential, unless released by the client or disclosure is required by law.
7. Avoid the exploitation of their clients for personal advantage, profit, or interest.
Section III: Genetic Counselors and Their Colleagues
The genetic counselors' relationships with other genetic counselors, students, and other health professionals are based on mutual respect, caring, cooperation, and support. Therefore, genetic counselors strive to:
1. Share their knowledge and provide mentorship and guidance for the professional development of other genetic counselors, students, and colleagues.
2. Respect and value the knowledge, perspectives, contributions, and areas of competence of colleagues and students, and collaborate with them in providing the highest quality of service.
3. Encourage ethical behavior of colleagues.
4. Assure that individuals under their supervision undertake responsibilities that are commensurate with their knowledge, experience, and training.
5. Maintain appropriate limits to avoid the potential for exploitation in their relationships with students and colleagues.
Section IV: Genetic Counselors and Society
The relationships of genetic counselors with society include interest and participation in activities that have the purpose of promoting the well-being of society and access to health care. Therefore, genetic counselors, individually or through their professional organizations, strive to:
1. Keep abreast of societal developments that may endanger the physical and psychological health of individuals.
2. Promote policies that aim to prevent discrimination.
3. Oppose the use of genetic information as the basis for discrimination.
4. Participate in activities necessary to bring about socially responsible change.
5. Serve as a source or reliable information and expert opinion for policymakers and public officials.
6. Keep the public informed and educated about the impact on society of new technological and scientific advances and the possible changes in society that may result from the application of these findings.
7. Support policies that assure ethically responsible research.
8. Adhere to laws and regulations of society. However, when such laws are in conflict with the principles of the profession, genetic counselors work toward change that will benefit the public interest.
Source: 41 SDR 180, effective May 21, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 36-36-12.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-36-13.
Reference: Code of Ethics of the National Society of Genetic Counselors, 2006. Copies may be obtained from http://nsgc.org/p/cm/ld/fid=12.
20:82:03:03. Ethical considerations. The board may utilize the annotations and opinions included in the code of ethics of the National Society of Genetic Counselors, 2006, as guidance in determining whether a licensee has violated professional ethical standards and conduct.
Source: 41 SDR 180, effective May 21, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 36-36-12.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-36-13.
CHAPTER 20:82:04
20:82:04:01 Continuing education requirements.
20:82:04:02 Continuing education confirmation.
20:82:04:01. Continuing education requirements. To qualify for renewal of a license upon its expiration as prescribed in SDCL 36-36-11, an applicant for renewal shall complete twenty-five continuing education hours annually or maintain current certification by the ABGC or ABMGG.
Source: 43 SDR 57, effective October 20, 2016.
General Authority: SDCL 36-36-12.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-36-11.
20:82:04:02. Continuing education confirmation. Each genetic counselor must sign a statement to confirm compliance with the continuing education requirements of § 20:82:04:01. The signed statement must be filed with the board at the time the genetic counselor makes application for renewal of a genetic counseling license. Upon request by the board, the genetic counselor shall submit proof of completion of any continuing education units or proof of current certification by the ABGC or ABMGG.
Source: 43 SDR 57, effective October 20, 2016.
General Authority: SDCL 36-36-12.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-36-11.