§ 6.
Election for temporary seat of government.
At the same time and places of election
there shall be held by said qualified electors an election for the place of the temporary seat of
On each ballot, and on the same ballot on which are the matters voted for or against, as
hereinbefore provided, shall be written or printed the words "for temporary seat of government,"
(Here insert the name of the city, town or place, to be voted for.)
And upon the canvass and return of the vote, made as hereinafter provided for, the name of the
city, town or place which shall have received the largest number of votes for said temporary seat of
government, shall be declared by the Governor, chief justice and secretary of the territory of Dakota,
or by any two of them, at the same time that they shall canvass the vote for or against the
Constitution, together with the whole number of votes cast for each city, town or place, and the
officers above named, shall immediately after the result of said election shall have been ascertained,
issue a proclamation directing the Legislature elected at said election to assemble at said city, town
or place so selected, on the day fixed by this schedule and ordinance.