Senator Jeff Monroe - 2016
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1064 | HB | 1064 | apply certain penalties regarding damages, tampering, and malicious acts to certain railroads that carry passengers. |
HB 1082 | HB | 1082 | codify the list of navigable streams requiring gates. |
HB 1141 | HB | 1141 | license persons offering applied behavior analysis services to the public. |
HB 1215 | HB | 1215 | authorize a private school to hold dual status as an alternative instruction program under certain conditions. |
HB 1239 | HB | 1239 | provide for the election of the county directors of equalization. |
HC 1022 | HC | 1022 | Congratulating and honoring the 2016 South Dakota First Tech Challenge Robotics Team "Loading...". |
HC 1032 | HC | 1032 | Honoring T.F. Riggs High School wrestling program of Pierre, South Dakota, for excellent seasons and for victorious performances in both the 2015 and 2016 Class A State Wrestling Tournaments. |
HCR 1009 | HCR | 1009 | Expressing the right of South Dakotans to own and use firearms. |
SB 72 | SB | 72 | prohibit the abortion of an unborn child who is capable of experiencing pain and to provide a penalty therefor. |
SB 83 | SB | 83 | protect the teaching of certain scientific information. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1056 | HB | 1056 | revise certain provisions relating to the veterans' preference in employment. |
HB 1060 | HB | 1060 | revise certain provisions regarding the South Dakota Board on Geographic Names. |
HB 1065 | HB | 1065 | designate the Civilian Conservation Corps Museum of South Dakota in Hill City as the official Civilian Conservation Corps Museum of South Dakota. |
HB 1073 | HB | 1073 | require persons operating bicycles under certain conditions to stop and allow faster vehicles to pass. |
HB 1074 | HB | 1074 | repeal the rule that allows anonymous complaints to be filed against real estate appraisers. |
HB 1075 | HB | 1075 | revise the area for certain open units where nonresident waterfowl licenses are issued. |
HB 1083 | HB | 1083 | change the taxation method used in the sale of certain off-road vehicles and require that the sale of these vehicles be by licensed vehicle dealers. |
HB 1093 | HB | 1093 | revise certain provisions that prohibit a defendant from contacting a victim before a court appearance. |
HB 1106 | HB | 1106 | revise certain codes and standards regarding wind energy system set back requirements. |
HB 1107 | HB | 1107 | ensure government nondiscrimination in matters of religious beliefs and moral convictions. |
HB 1122 | HB | 1122 | establish procedures for payment of insurance claims by credit card or electronic funds transfer to health care professionals. |
HB 1123 | HB | 1123 | require the Department of Health to include certain information regarding the inspection of an abortion facility on the department's website. |
HB 1129 | HB | 1129 | allow a concealed pistol in the capitol and any county courthouse with an enhanced concealed pistol permit. |
HB 1137 | HB | 1137 | revise the distribution of registration fees from noncommercial gross weight vehicles. |
HB 1138 | HB | 1138 | revise provisions related to the enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol. |
HB 1157 | HB | 1157 | require that a doctor provide a woman additional information as a part of informed consent prior to performing an abortion. |
HB 1162 | HB | 1162 | provide for the practice and regulation of midwives. |
HB 1163 | HB | 1163 | revise the periods of time during which veterans may use tuition benefits at institutions under the control of the Board of Regents. |
HB 1164 | HB | 1164 | provide for a special interest motor vehicle license plate for certain vehicles under certain conditions. |
HB 1167 | HB | 1167 | revise certain provisions regarding the use of a suspended imposition of sentence for a misdemeanor and a felony. |
HB 1168 | HB | 1168 | allow students to participate in sexuality education with parental permission. |
HB 1186 | HB | 1186 | revise certain provisions relating to the practice of dentistry and to dental corporations. |
HB 1202 | HB | 1202 | provide access to abandoned cemeteries and private burying grounds |
HB 1209 | HB | 1209 | require any public body of the state to accept as valid all information on a person's birth certificate. |
HB 1212 | HB | 1212 | revise requirements related to pregnancy help centers. |
HB 1224 | HB | 1224 | facilitate participation by South Dakota residents in an ABLE savings program. |
HB 1229 | HB | 1229 | revise provisions related to primary insurance of rental cars. |
HB 1240 | HB | 1240 | adopt a compact for a balanced budget and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1247 | HB | 1247 | require school districts and licensed child welfare agencies to implement a policy and provide training regarding sexual abuse and other maltreatment of children. |
HC 1005 | HC | 1005 | Honoring the fifth anniversary of Operation Black Hills Cabin, and recognizing the board of directors, volunteers, and community leaders as outstanding caretakers of those who served. |
HC 1007 | HC | 1007 | Recognizing Sabrina Swee for her excellence and achievements in the area of culinary arts. |
HC 1012 | HC | 1012 | Recognizing and honoring the bravery of South Dakota Highway Patrol Trooper Zachary Bader. |
HC 1013 | HC | 1013 | Recognizing Mark Knight for his election as president of the Associated General Contractors of America. |
HC 1015 | HC | 1015 | Honoring Danika Gordon for the outstanding honor of being named one of the top two youth volunteers in South Dakota in the twenty-first annual Prudential Spirit of Community Awards. |
HCR 1002 | HCR | 1002 | Supporting the selection of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter beddown at Joe Foss Field, 114th Fighter Wing, South Dakota Air National Guard. |
HCR 1005 | HCR | 1005 | Urging the federal government to refrain from enacting regulations that threaten the reliability and affordability of electric power in the northern great plains. |
HCR 1008 | HCR | 1008 | Urging Congress to support and to ask the United States Secretary of State to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline project. |
HCR 1013 | HCR | 1013 | Recognizing the positive economic impact sportsmen and sportswomen have in South Dakota. |
HCR 1014 | HCR | 1014 | Calling for the United States to save Christians, Yazidis and people of other faiths from persecution and genocide. |
HCR 1015 | HCR | 1015 | Commending Taiwan's presidential election; supporting Taiwan's efforts to secure entry to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIA) with the United States; and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile and for strengthening and expanding sister-state ties between South Dakota and Taiwan. |
HCR 1017 | HCR | 1017 | Commending the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the State of South Dakota. |
SB 56 | SB | 56 | require legislative approval of all land acquisitions by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks. |
SB 60 | SB | 60 | set daylight savings time as the permanent year-round time for the state of South Dakota. |
SB 61 | SB | 61 | prohibit the cancellation or nonrenewal of homeowner insurance policies for certain claims arising from natural causes. |
SB 62 | SB | 62 | require manufacturers of farm machinery and equipment to replace the machinery or equipment or to refund its purchase price if it fails to conform to the manufacturer's warranty, to specify the manufacturer's obligations to remedy any nonconforming conditions, and to provide cause of action against the manufacturer for failure to comply. |
SB 66 | SB | 66 | permit the issuance of special license plates to parents of certain individuals. |
SB 69 | SB | 69 | require accredited schools to accept transfer credits for courses taken by students from other accredited schools during the summer and to declare an emergency. |
SB 70 | SB | 70 | require certain private cemeteries to file an annual financial report. |
SB 95 | SB | 95 | allow certain candidates for elective office to pay filing fees in lieu of submitting nominating petitions, and to create the election filing fee fund. |
SB 115 | SB | 115 | permit car rental companies to include certain fees in a rental agreement. |
SB 117 | SB | 117 | permit the practice of midwifery by certain persons. |
SB 121 | SB | 121 | authorize certain duties for the sergeant at arms and assistant sergeant at arms. |
SB 123 | SB | 123 | revise certain provisions limiting the issuance of certain licenses and permits if a debt is being collected by the obligation recovery center. |
SB 127 | SB | 127 | revise certain provisions regarding the requirements for placement of a utility facility across a railroad right-of-way. |
SB 130 | SB | 130 | require the processing of sexual assault exam kits. |
SB 142 | SB | 142 | authorize certain disclosures of mental health information to law enforcement. |
SB 149 | SB | 149 | provide for certain reduced state park entrance fees for veterans. |
SB 154 | SB | 154 | provide a penalty for fleeing from a law enforcement officer. |
SB 159 | SB | 159 | provide a tax credit to insurance companies that contribute to an organization providing educational scholarships to certain students. |
SB 166 | SB | 166 | make an appropriation to the aeronautics commission and to declare an emergency. |
SB 168 | SB | 168 | revise provisions related to human trafficking and to provide a penalty therefor. |
SB 169 | SB | 169 | revise provisions related to child pornography and to revise the penalty therefor. |
SC 1 | SC | 1 | Celebrating and honoring Tabor's annual Czech Days festivities on the occasion of its sixty-eighth anniversary on June 16, 17, and 18, 2016. |
SC 6 | SC | 6 | Honoring Allyson Monson of Clark, South Dakota, Girls State Governor, and Andrew Flannery of Elk Point, South Dakota, Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs. |
SC 9 | SC | 9 | Honoring the South Dakota Health Care Association on the occasion of its sixty-fifth anniversary. |
SC 11 | SC | 11 | Recognizing and honoring the courage of South Dakota Highway Patrol Sergeant John Koenig. |
SJR 1 | SJR | 1 | Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide that the fundamental right of state citizens to bear arms cannot be infringed and is subject to strict scrutiny. |