Senator Casey Crabtree - 2021
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1073 | HB | 1073 | authorize dentists to void certain contract terms with insurers. |
HB 1098 | HB | 1098 | authorize the shipment of cigars to persons in this state under certain conditions and to provide a penalty. |
HB 1195 | HB | 1195 | authorize the participation of certified registered nurse anesthetists in the recruitment assistance program. |
HB 1259 | HB | 1259 | make an appropriation for rural access infrastructure improvements and to declare an emergency. |
SB 103 | SB | 103 | provide for the confidentiality of personal information of persons affiliated with nonprofit corporations. |
SCR 603 | SCR | 603 | Supporting the establishment of the Economic Development Professionals Association of South Dakota. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1043 | HB | 1043 | provide enhanced permit criteria for current and former law enforcement officers. |
HB 1046 | HB | 1046 | limit liability for certain exposures to COVID-19. |
HB 1072 | HB | 1072 | revise a certain provision regarding standard nonforfeiture amounts for individual deferred annuities. |
HB 1087 | HB | 1087 | authorize the use of crossbows by certain hunters. |
HB 1109 | HB | 1109 | modify requirements and restrictions related to certain alcoholic beverages. |
HB 1112 | HB | 1112 | revise the safety zone within which a firearm may be discharged. |
HB 1162 | HB | 1162 | establish the Re-Homestead South Dakota Program. |
HB 1163 | HB | 1163 | revise provisions related to physician assistants. |
HB 1203 | HB | 1203 | authorize banks to engage in business with industrial hemp or marijuana licensees and associated persons. |
HB 1210 | HB | 1210 | make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to provide grant funding for a new bioproducts facility at the research park in Brookings, and to declare an emergency. |
HCR 6010 | HCR | 6010 | Calling on President Joe Biden and the United States Congress to prevent the enactment of energy policies that negatively impact the State of South Dakota. |
SB 78 | SB | 78 | modify certain provisions related to trusts. |
SB 83 | SB | 83 | require the provision of information regarding perinatal hospice. |
SB 87 | SB | 87 | exempt health benefit plans sponsored by nonprofit agricultural organizations from insurance regulation. |
SB 88 | SB | 88 | revise certain provisions regarding lottery prizes that may be paid by a lottery retailer. |
SB 100 | SB | 100 | continue the prohibition on the seizure of firearms and ammunitions. |
SB 101 | SB | 101 | revise provisions regarding warranty agreements with certain repair facilities. |
SB 111 | SB | 111 | reduce the fee for permits to carry concealed pistols. |
SB 123 | SB | 123 | require a comment period for the attorney general's statement regarding initiated measures and initiated amendments. |
SB 126 | SB | 126 | establish the crime of possession, manufacturing, or distribution of obscene dolls. |
SB 129 | SB | 129 | prohibit infringement upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. |
SB 136 | SB | 136 | change the criteria for a petition to vacate a highway. |
SB 142 | SB | 142 | modify the meeting place and notice requirements for county commission meetings. |
SB 148 | SB | 148 | establish the crime of torture of a human trafficking victim and provide a penalty therefor. |
SB 151 | SB | 151 | make an appropriation to provide for infrastructure to support Ellsworth Air Force Base and to declare an emergency. |
SB 171 | SB | 171 | provide for the South Dakota Freedom Scholarship, make an appropriation therefor, and declare an emergency. |
SB 176 | SB | 176 | adopt the Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act. |
SB 178 | SB | 178 | prohibit certain insurers from using genetic information. |
SB 180 | SB | 180 | revise certain provisions regarding revenues generated by and donations to the South Dakota State Veterans Cemetery, and to declare an emergency. |
SB 184 | SB | 184 | require the sorting of absentee ballots. |
SC 802 | SC | 802 | Commending and honoring the 2019-2020 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Terry Nebelsick, Huron, School Superintendent; Kyley Cumbow, Pierre, Middle School Principal; Jason Bietz, Yankton, School Business Official; Tracy Vik, Sioux Falls, Elementary School Principal; Craig Cassens, Faulkton, Secondary School Principal; Chad Johnson, Watertown, Assistant Middle School Principal; Troy Wiebe, Pierre, Curriculum Leader; and Sarah Heilman, Spearfish, Director of Special Education, for being named Outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups. |
SC 803 | SC | 803 | Honoring and commending the educators of South Dakota for their service and dedication in unprecedented times. |
SC 809 | SC | 809 | Honoring and commending Blair Brothers as the 2020 Leopold Conservation Award recipient. |
SCR 601 | SCR | 601 | Urging the members of South Dakota's congressional delegation to vote against any act admitting the District of Columbia as a separate state. |
SCR 602 | SCR | 602 | Supporting a United States Constitutional amendment to retain nine justices on the United States Supreme Court. |
SCR 604 | SCR | 604 | Supporting trade negotiations to remove barriers to country of origin labelling. |
SCR 605 | SCR | 605 | Supporting the value of public higher education in South Dakota and encouraging continued efforts to ensure that higher education remains affordable for all South Dakotans. |
SCR 606 | SCR | 606 | Commending automotive enthusiasts in South Dakota and the Specialty Equipment Market Association for their contributions in preserving classic automobiles and urging the Governor to declare a South Dakota Collector Car Appreciation Week. |
SCR 607 | SCR | 607 | Affirming the Legislature's support of the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. |