Representative  Frank J. Kloucek - 2011
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1072HB1072provide for a study of the feasibility of establishing an equine processing facility and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1073HB1073authorize a loan from the REDI fund for the purpose of constructing an equine processing facility.
HB 1123HB1123provide for reciprocal nonresident trapping licenses.
HB 1124HB1124authorize the taking of carp by snagging.
HB 1125HB1125increase the amount of certain veterans' bonus payments.
HB 1126HB1126revise the salary schedule for veterans' service officers.
HB 1127HB1127repeal the requirement that rear vehicle registration plates be illuminated.
HB 1137HB1137prohibit the sale of caffeinated alcoholic beverages.
HB 1138HB1138provide for the licensure and regulation of private detectives.
HB 1179HB1179permit local political subdivisions with volunteer advanced life support personnel to establish deferred compensation plans.
HB 1209HB1209provide for the establishment of rural community-based energy development projects.
HC 1001HC1001Honoring and supporting the Scotland Kuchen Feier on the occasion of its second annual event.
HC 1002HC1002Honoring and supporting Czech Days in Tabor, South Dakota, on the occasion of its sixty-third anniversary.
HC 1012HC1012Commending and honoring the forty-fifth anniversary of the Scottie Stampede Rodeo Days event and the Scotland Rodeo Club.
HC 1014HC1014Honoring and commemorating the anniversary in 2011 of the fifty-third annual Schmeckfest in Freeman, South Dakota.
HC 1016HC1016Recognizing and honoring James and Theresa Sedlacek on receiving the 2009 Spark Plug of Scotland Award.
HC 1028HC1028Honoring and commemorating Tripp-Delmont/Armour boys basketball head coach Burnell Glanzer on earning his 600th career win on February 24, 2011.
HCR 1009HCR1009 Urging the reinstatement and funding of federal inspection programs governing equine slaughter and processing facilities.
HCR 1010HCR1010Recognizing the needs of certain veterans for state assistance.
HCR 1012HCR1012Urging local safety measures relating to horses and other animal entries in parades.
HJR 1001HJR1001To propose a constitutional amendment to provide for the purchase, construction, and operation of a horse processing plant.
SB 161SB161prohibit certain unfair or discriminatory practices based on veteran or military status.
SC 19SC19Honoring and commemorating the town of Armour on its quasquicentennial celebration.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1056HB1056establish an additional time period during which fireworks may be sold and discharged and to revise certain provisions regarding county regulation of fireworks.
HB 1083HB1083revise certain state education benefits for veterans.
HB 1100HB1100prohibit certain business entities and affiliated persons from making political campaign contributions to state officeholders or candidates if the business entity does contractual business with certain state agencies.
HB 1106HB1106provide a time period before certain action on the general appropriation bill may commence.
HB 1121HB1121revise certain legislative policies relating to the establishment of legislative districts.
HB 1122HB1122restrict certain state purchases of gasoline to ethanol blends.
HB 1131HB1131lower the state sales and use tax on certain food items and to increase the rate of taxation for the sales and use tax on certain goods and services.
HB 1163HB1163allow certain disabled veterans to obtain a disabled hunter permit.
HB 1164HB1164authorize senior citizens to hunt from vehicles.
HB 1168HB1168revise certain provisions regarding the public records open to inspection and copying.
HB 1181HB1181authorize the release of information related to users of certain state lodging facilities.
HB 1182HB1182provide for the release of information relating to persons attending or invited to certain state-sponsored events.
HB 1188HB1188authorize landowners and lessees to possess certain game animal and game bird trophies.
HB 1193HB1193clarify certain statutes prohibiting political subdivisions from restricting firearms.
HB 1196HB1196provide for the establishment of veterans resource centers at certain state colleges and universities.
HB 1198HB1198provide for the state and local enforcement of certain federal immigration laws, to criminalize the knowing transportation, concealment, or solicitation of illegal aliens, and to provide penalties therefor.
HB 1204HB1204prohibit businesses and employers from establishing certain policies against the ability of an invitee or employee to store firearms and ammunition in a locked motor vehicle parked on the premises.
HB 1205HB1205provide for the distribution of certain stimulus money as state aid to education.
HB 1211HB1211establish provisions to enhance education in the state concerning the history of labor and collective bargaining.
HB 1213HB1213limit increases in state government spending.
HB 1214HB1214revise the period of time in which a refund of certain commercial motor vehicle license fees may be requested.
HB 1216HB1216prohibit certain contract restrictions on the use of ethanol blender pumps by retailers.
HB 1217HB1217establish certain legislative findings pertaining to the decision of a pregnant mother considering termination of her relationship with her child by an abortion, to establish certain procedures to better insure that such decisions are voluntary, uncoerced, and informed, and to revise certain causes of action for professional negligence relating to performance of an abortion.
HB 1218HB1218prohibit surrogate mother contracts, to prohibit enforcement of such arrangements, and to establish standards to award custody of children born as a result of such arrangements.
HB 1224HB1224provide a maximum finance charge for payday loans and title loans.
HB 1225HB1225conduct a study on the feasibility of maintaining aircraft under the control of the Department of Transportation.
HB 1236HB1236provide for a temporary decrease of legislator salaries.
HB 1254HB1254prohibit the use of bisephenol A and cadmium in certain products.
HC 1003HC1003Commending and honoring the 2009-2010 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Dean Christensen, Deuel, School Superintendent; Susan Proefrock, Belle Fourche, School Business Official; Micy Highstreet, Tri-Valley, Elementary School Principal; Steve Benson, Deuel, Secondary School Principal; Kyley Cumbow, Pierre, Assistant Middle School Principal; Becky Guffin, Aberdeen, Curriculum Director and Kristi Wallin, Lennox, Director of Special Education for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups.
HC 1009HC1009Honoring 2011 Miss Rodeo America, McKenzie Haley.
HC 1013HC1013Commending and honoring the Mitchell School District Board of Education on its selection to receive the Associated School Boards of South Dakota School Board Award of Excellence for 2011.
HC 1017HC1017commending the 200th Camo Quilt Project for their support of the 200th Engineer Company of the South Dakota National Guard.
HC 1019HC1019Honoring, commending, and thanking the 2010 retirees of the South Dakota Highway Patrol.
HC 1020HC1020commending and honoring David Linngren, a member of the Watertown School District Board of Education, on his selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota Outstanding School Board Member of South Dakota for 2010.
HC 1021HC1021Congratulating and commending the White River High School Boys Basketball Team for its State Class B Championship and successful 2009-2010 season.
HC 1022HC1022Honoring the South Dakota Health Care Association on the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary.
HC 1023HC1023Congratulating and honoring the Flandreau Fliers High School Football Team, its coaches, and student managers for their 2010 South Dakota State 11B Championship season.
HC 1024HC1024Honoring Randy Parry for his work with the Maroney Rural Learning Center and his contributions to rural South Dakota.
HC 1027HC1027Commending and honoring Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin for her six and a half years of service in the U.S. House of Representatives.
HC 1031HC1031Honoring former Governor M. Michael Rounds for his service as a South Dakota State Senator and the thirty-first Governor of South Dakota.
HC 1039HC1039Commending and honoring SrA Blaine H. Reynolds for his selection as the South Dakota Air National Guard Airman of the Year.
HC 1040HC1040Commending and honoring Tsgt Jason C. Mark for his selection as the South Dakota Air National Guard Noncommissioned Officer of the Year.
HC 1041HC1041Commending and honoring MSgt Jonathan L. Goehring for his selection as the South Dakota Air National Guard Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year.
HC 1042HC1042Commending and honoring TSgt Thomas D. Dummermuth for his selection as the South Dakota Air National Guard Honor Guard Member of the Year.
HC 1044HC1044Commending and honoring Sgt. Tanner Haines for his selection as the South Dakota Army National Guard Noncommissioned Officer of the Year (NCO) award.
HC 1045HC1045Commending and honoring all the personnel of the South Dakota Air National Guard's 114th Fighter Wing for their selection as the most outstanding Air National Guard fighter unit in the nation.
HC 1046HC1046Commending and honoring Spc. Rob Buechler for his selection as the South Dakota Army National Guard Soldier of the Year award.
HC 1049HC1049Honoring the Webster Bearcats for winning the 2011 State B Wrestling Championship.
HC 1050HC1050Honoring and recognizing Logan Storley on his state wrestling championship for the Webster High School Bearcats.
HC 1052HC1052Commemorating the one hundred twenty-fifth anniversary of the Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce.
HCR 1002HCR1002To declare February 6, 2011, as Ronald Reagan Day, in South Dakota.
HCR 1006HCR1006In support of reforming the federal Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.
HCR 1008HCR1008Expressing opposition to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' proposal to levy fees for the storage of water in the Missouri River reservoirs.
HCR 1013HCR1013Recognizing March 2, 2011, as Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in South Dakota.
SB 1SB1make form and style revisions to certain statutes related to natural resources.
SB 106SB106provide for reciprocal nonresident trapping licenses.
SB 124SB124authorize the Bureau of Administration to construct a maintenance shop in Pierre, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 143SB143allow artisan distillers and farm wineries to sell certain distilled spirits to wholesalers and retailers.
SB 169SB169revise certain requirements relating to participation by tribal schools in the federal school lunch program.
SB 170SB170amend the South Dakota Uniform Securities Act with certain provisions relating to fraud and civil liability.
SC 2SC2Commending and honoring United States Representative Gabrielle Giffords, United States District Court Judge John Roll, and all those who lost their lives and demonstrated courage in light of the tragedy that occurred in Tucson, Arizona on Saturday, January 8, 2011.
SC 4SC4Congratulating and honoring Susan Turnipseed of Brookings as South Dakota's 2011 Teacher of the Year.
SC 6SC6Commending and honoring the 2010 Habitat for Humanity--South Dakota Habitat Supporters of the Year.
SC 15SC15Commending and honoring Clarence W. Skye for his forty-one years of visionary work and service as the Executive Director of the United Sioux Tribes of South Dakota Development Corporation.
SC 16SC16Congratulating the Deuel High School Girls Gymnastics Team for winning the State Class A Gymnastics Team Tournament on February 18, 2011.
SC 17SC17Commending and honoring Jim Schlekeway, a teacher in the Mobridge-Pollock School District, on his retirement from the school district after forty-three exceptional years in education.
SC 23SC23Commending and honoring former Army Corporal Frank Buckles for his service in World War I.
SCR 2SCR2Urging the United States Congress to appropriate $35 million in fiscal year 2012 for the Lewis and Clark Regional Water System
SCR 6SCR6In support of reforming the federal Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.
SCR 7SCR7Urging Congress to enact legislation banning bisphenol A in children's products.