Senator  Shantel Krebs - 2012
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1088HB1088revise certain requirements for charging and collecting certain fees for confining certain people in the county jail.
HB 1099HB1099increase the fee for a payor to withhold child support.
HB 1126HB1126establish provisions that certain bonds paid by, or on behalf of, certain persons with child support arrearages shall be paid to the Department of Social Services to pay any child support the defendant owes.
HB 1154HB1154revise certain provisions concerning the construction of roads outside the road district.
HB 1157HB1157repeal the Governor's authority to enter the Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact on behalf of the state, to repeal the Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact, to provide for withdrawal of South Dakota from the compact.
HB 1194HB1194revise certain provisions regarding the payment for rape and sexual offense examinations.
HB 1196HB1196revise certain provisions concerning lobbyists.
HB 1202HB1202repeal certain provisions regarding reckless and unsafe driving.
HB 1242HB1242revise the general appropriations act for fiscal year 2012.
HC 1011HC1011Congratulating State Representative Kim Vanneman of Ideal, for receiving the South Dakota Corn Growers Outstanding Legislative Leadership award.
HCR 1006HCR1006in opposition to certain actions by animal rights groups to undermine agricultural producers.
HCR 1008HCR1008Recognizing the week of June 25 through June 29, 2012, as Ag Week in South Dakota.
SB 103SB103revise the procedure for cooperatives giving notice to persons whose records are missing regarding ownership of securities, apportionment of equity interest, money, or property.
SB 178SB178amend the criteria for construction manager engagement.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1069HB1069increase the amount of income and principal of a perpetual fund used to maintain a cemetery.
HB 1073HB1073prohibit certain indemnity provisions in motor carrier transportation contracts.
HB 1094HB1094require the filing of certain documents relating to the vacation, location, or changing of highways with the register of deeds.
HB 1097HB1097revise certain provisions regulating the investment of unneeded state operating expenses in banks.
HB 1114HB1114amend provision limiting the time used to determine if a violation is a third or subsequent offense.
HB 1121HB1121amend rate stability provisions to include plant additions.
HB 1130HB1130revise the fee schedule for certain documents filed with the county register of deeds, to create a county and statewide fund for the purpose of modernizing and preserving records, and to distribute certain revenue.
HB 1138HB1138declare that any person who maintains or provides roll-your-own cigarette machines at retail establishments are cigarette manufacturers.
HB 1151HB1151revise certain provisions regarding the tuition paid by school districts for children in certain group homes or private child-care centers.
HB 1186HB1186prohibit registered sex offenders from circulating petitions and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof.
HB 1206HB1206make an appropriation for emergency food assistance grants and to repeal the sales tax on food refund program.
HB 1208HB1208establish the South Dakota Early Learning Advisory Council.
HB 1213HB1213revise certain provisions regarding liability for torts and product identification requirements.
HB 1223HB1223exempt from sales tax certain handling fees paid by religious organizations to approved relief agencies for the distribution of food which is provided for the assistance or relief of the poor, distressed, or underprivileged through food giveaway programs.
HB 1227HB1227revise certain provisions with regard to the rights of industrial and construction equipment dealers.
HB 1235HB1235revise certain provisions relating to the South Dakota state flag.
HB 1254HB1254revise certain provisions pertaining to the decision of a pregnant mother considering termination of her relationship with her child by an abortion, to establish certain procedures to insure that such decisions are voluntary, uncoerced, and informed, and to revise certain causes of action for professional negligence relating to performance of an abortion.
HC 1009HC1009Commending and honoring the 2011 Habitat for Humanity South Dakota Habitat Supporters of the Year.
HC 1013HC1013Commending and honoring those who served in the Korean War, on the sixtieth anniversary of the war's end.
HC 1023HC1023Commending and honoring Spc. Dennis Jensen who was killed on active duty in Afghanistan.
HC 1025HC1025Thanking and commending Sanford Health, the University of South Dakota, and the Matson Halverson Christiansen Hamilton Foundation for their tireless efforts to promote rural economic development in South Dakota by assisting rural South Dakota's nontraditional students as they complete their healthcare degrees through the Prairie Futures initiative.
HC 1037HC1037Honoring and recognizing seventy-five years of conservation leadership.
HC 1048HC1048Acknowledging the nine sovereign Tribes within the borders of South Dakota and recognizing Governor Dennis Daugaard for his dedication to promoting a cooperative government-to-government relationship between the Tribes and the State of South Dakota.
HC 1050HC1050Commending and honoring the town of Pierpont, South Dakota, on its one hundred twenty-fifth anniversary.
HCR 1004HCR1004Supporting and encouraging the academic study of the Bible in South Dakota public schools.
HCR 1010HCR1010Urging Congress to adopt a proposed constitutional amendment limiting federal legislation to a single subject.
SB 65SB65revise the list of products offered to consumers by motor vehicle dealers and sales finance companies.
SB 67SB67provide provisions that all documents filed with and maintained by the Office of the Secretary of State may be filed electronically.
SB 69SB69repeal the sunset provision on certain statutes relating to nursing homes on Indian reservations.
SB 72SB72regulate persons offering speech-language pathology to the public.
SB 78SB78allow an arrest to be expunged when the criminal case is dismissed.
SB 85SB85revise the calculation of the small school adjustment in the state aid to education formula, and to provide for the distribution of certain funds to school districts.
SB 93SB93provide for the withdrawal of referred measures in certain circumstances.
SB 97SB97require the payment of a surface access fee for oil and gas exploration and production.
SB 100SB100modify the ethanol production incentive payment to include qualified producers of biobutanol.
SB 107SB107revise certain provisions regarding personalized motor vehicle license plates.
SB 112SB112remove the limitation on the number of retail gaming licenses in Deadwood in which a person may have a financial interest.
SB 114SB114designate the American bison as the state mascot.
SB 124SB124revise per student allocation for state aid to education, to revise the property tax levies for the general fund of school districts, and to revise certain provisions concerning state aid and local effort.
SB 140SB140repeal certain provisions regarding glazing material on motorcycle windshields and wind deflectors.
SB 146SB146provide for an affirmative defense of compulsion for the crime of prostitution.
SB 149SB149revise certain provisions relating to the conditional release of persons charged with domestic abuse.
SB 157SB157revise certain provisions relating to outdoor advertising signs.
SB 169SB169establish the Regional Watershed Advisory Task Force.
SB 171SB171provide for a runoff election under certain circumstances when errors have been made to the ballot printing or by the person in charge of the election.
SB 189SB189provide a designation on certain nondriver identification cards, driver licenses, and permits that the card holders or licensees are honorably discharged veterans.
SC 1SC1Commending and honoring the 2010-2011 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota.
SC 7SC7Honoring Beth Mayrose of Salem, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and Jack Gordon of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Boys State Governor; and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
SC 10SC10Congratulating and honoring the South Dakota National Guard, both current members and all those who have served previously, on the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the South Dakota National Guard on January 27, 2012.
SC 11SC11Recognizing the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Office of Legislative Affairs for its assistance to the State Legislature in carrying out the 2011 legislative redistricting process.
SC 14SC14Congratulating Aberdeen, South Dakota, for its recognition as one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People.
SC 16SC16Honoring Courtney Peterson of Sisseton, South Dakota, as the recipient of the 2012 Miss Rodeo South Dakota crown.
SC 18SC18Acknowledging the Waverly-South Shore High School Football Team for winning the 2011 State 9B Football Championship.
SC 19SC19Congratulating the Deuel High School Girls Gymnastics Team for winning the 2012 State Class A Gymnastics Team Tournament.
SC 21SC21Congratulating and commending Wyatt DeJong of Winner, South Dakota, and the Winner FFA Chapter for his outstanding year as the 2010-2011 National FFA Central Region Vice President.
SC 23SC23Honoring and commending the citizens of South Dakota for their exemplary response to the Missouri River Flood of 2011.
SC 26SC26Honoring Coach Gary Munsen for his many successes as the Mitchell Kernels High School basketball coach.
SC 27SC27Recognizing the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the reported death of Sacagawea in present day South Dakota.
SC 29SC29Recognizing the achievements of the South Dakota State University Women's and Men's Basketball Teams.
SCR 3SCR3Designating the month of November as COPD Awareness Month in the State of South Dakota.
SCR 4SCR4Supporting the concept and further development of South Dakota First, an initiative for success and development.
SCR 6SCR6Urging the government of Turkey to uphold and safeguard religious and human rights and to respect the property rights and human rights of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.