Representative  Betty Olson - 2012
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1080HB1080waive certain licensure requirements to hunt fox and coyote with firearms.
HB 1081HB1081revise certain provisions relating to the killing of any mountain lion to protect human life, livestock, or pets.
HB 1082HB1082provide certain exceptions to Department of Game, Fish and Parks promulgated rules pertaining to the taking of mountain lions.
HB 1083HB1083provide for term limits for brand board service.
HB 1084HB1084revise the political qualifications for brand board membership.
HB 1085HB1085revise the residency requirements of the brand board membership.
HB 1086HB1086clarify certain provisions relating to establishing identity by applicants for certain licenses, permits, and identification cards.
HB 1087HB1087limit the terms of certain conservation easements.
HB 1145HB1145revise certain provisions relating to the nonrenewal of a teacher's contract.
HB 1236HB1236require that notice be provided to persons informing them of the expiration date and related information concerning their driver licenses.
HB 1248HB1248provide for exceptions from certain misdemeanor offenses relating to possession of handguns.
HCR 1012HCR1012Directing the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to return a mountain lion carcass or pelt to a certain Harding County resident and to reconsider its policy with respect to possession of mountain lion carcasses and pelts.
HCR 1013HCR1013Directing the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to return a mountain lion carcass or pelt to a certain Butte County resident and to reconsider its policy with respect to possession of mountain lion carcasses and pelts.
SB 153SB153authorize the transfer of certain landowner preference big game licenses.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1015HB1015provide for exceptions from certain misdemeanor offenses relating to possession of handguns.
HB 1057HB1057revise certain provisions concerning the manner in which county wheel taxes are imposed.
HB 1070HB1070revise certain provisions relating to the certificate of health requirement for the importation of animals.
HB 1072HB1072provide for the recall of county commissioners.
HB 1074HB1074exempt certain counties from restrictions relating to the taking of muskrat.
HB 1091HB1091revise the issuance of temporary nonresident waterfowl licenses.
HB 1100HB1100revise the number of ownership acres necessary to qualify for certain big game hunting licenses to be used on a landowner's own property.
HB 1106HB1106restore funding for certain salary and expense reimbursement programs relating to veterans' service officers and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1111HB1111revise certain provisions regarding the use of eminent domain by certain nongovernmental entities.
HB 1117HB1117provide for the taking of muskrats by shooting under certain conditions.
HB 1122HB1122revise certain provisions relating to the vacation, change, or location of highways.
HB 1123HB1123establish the state employee work enhancement program to equalize the tuition rates paid by state employees.
HB 1128HB1128require the Board of Education to conduct public hearings before adopting certain standards.
HB 1130HB1130revise the fee schedule for certain documents filed with the county register of deeds, to create a county and statewide fund for the purpose of modernizing and preserving records, and to distribute certain revenue.
HB 1142HB1142protect the access of legislators to staff services and the maintenance of appropriate legislative confidentiality and to provide penalties for the violation thereof.
HB 1143HB1143revise certain provisions relating to a perpetrator's knowledge of a rape victim's age or capability to give consent.
HB 1147HB1147remove the individual liability of a school board member who authorizes the making of a void contract, check or registered warrant.
HB 1154HB1154revise certain provisions concerning the construction of roads outside the road district.
HB 1160HB1160provide for the award of filing fees as court costs in certain appeals.
HB 1165HB1165repeal certain provisions relating to health insurance standards.
HB 1166HB1166require the departments of Agriculture and Game, Fish and Parks to provide certain actions and funding specified in the South Dakota black-tailed prairie dog conservation and management plan.
HB 1167HB1167repeal certain health care standards and other requirements for managed health care plans enacted in 2011 and to reenact the previous standards for managed health care plans.
HB 1168HB1168provide for the waiver of the state's sovereign immunity in certain instances relating to the control of species of management concern.
HB 1169HB1169repeal certain driver licensing documentation requirements.
HB 1171HB1171clarify certain rules of evidence to determine the value of services for which special damages may be awarded in health care malpractice cases.
HB 1173HB1173revise certain provisions regarding the administration of the county legal expense relief program.
HB 1176HB1176authorize certain party hunting methods and practices pertaining to the hunting of big game.
HB 1177HB1177establish provisions to exempt breastfeeding mothers or new parents from jury duty.
HB 1185HB1185prohibit all qualified health plans offered through a health care exchange from including abortion coverage.
HB 1186HB1186prohibit registered sex offenders from circulating petitions and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof.
HB 1187HB1187exempt health care sharing ministries from the provisions of the health insurance code.
HB 1188HB1188provide widows and widowers of certain veterans free or reduced fees for certain hunting and fishing licenses and admission to state parks and other facilities.
HB 1190HB1190require Legislative approval before a health insurance exchange is created or implemented.
HB 1191HB1191provide for an interstate compact on public health care, to establish an interstate advisory health care commission, to specify the relationship between the member states and the federal government, and to assert the right to federal funding in lieu of certain federally funded incentives.
HB 1198HB1198revise the definition of firearm to include certain antique, muzzle-loading, and black powder weapons in certain circumstances.
HB 1200HB1200grant certain authority to municipalities and counties regarding outdoor advertising structures or signs.
HB 1205HB1205exempt federal veterans' disability benefits from certain support obligations and other claims.
HB 1212HB1212revise certain terms regarding tort liability.
HB 1214HB1214to lower the state sales and use tax on certain food items if certain economic conditions occur.
HB 1215HB1215provide funding grants to parents or guardians of students receiving alternative instruction, and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1218HB1218rescind the statute of limitations for any civil cause of action arising out of childhood sexual abuse.
HB 1220HB1220conditionally repeal certain provisions establishing network adequacy standards, quality assessment and improvement requirements, utilization review and benefit determination requirements, and grievance procedures for managed health care plans, and certain standards for managed health care plans if the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is found to be unconstitutional.
HB 1222HB1222limit the authority of South Dakota delegates to an Article V convention to amend the United States Constitution, to prohibit any delegate from exceeding such authority, and to provide certain penalties therefor.
HB 1223HB1223exempt from sales tax certain handling fees paid by religious organizations to approved relief agencies for the distribution of food which is provided for the assistance or relief of the poor, distressed, or underprivileged through food giveaway programs.
HB 1230HB1230modify the publication requirements for water rights applications.
HB 1231HB1231provide that hydraulic fracturing is an acceptable recovery process in South Dakota.
HB 1235HB1235revise certain provisions relating to the South Dakota state flag.
HB 1237HB1237assess agricultural land based on its actual use.
HB 1240HB1240separately classify, assess, and tax agricultural land that is leased for certain purposes that restrict the use of the land.
HB 1254HB1254revise certain provisions pertaining to the decision of a pregnant mother considering termination of her relationship with her child by an abortion, to establish certain procedures to insure that such decisions are voluntary, uncoerced, and informed, and to revise certain causes of action for professional negligence relating to performance of an abortion.
HB 1259HB1259provide an exception to vaccination requirements for personal beliefs.
HB 1260HB1260repeal the authority the director of the Division of Insurance has to promulgate rules governing use of genetic information and to enact certain provisions regarding the use of genetic information.
HB 1261HB1261prohibit collective bargaining by public employees.
HB 1268HB1268require certain persons applying or receiving certain Medicaid financial aid or assistance from the state to submit to drug tests to check for use of controlled substances.
HC 1001HC1001Honoring and supporting the Scotland Kuchen Feier on the occasion of its third annual event.
HC 1003HC1003Commending and honoring the community of Delmont on its one hundred twenty-fifth birthday.
HC 1009HC1009Commending and honoring the 2011 Habitat for Humanity South Dakota Habitat Supporters of the Year.
HC 1011HC1011Congratulating State Representative Kim Vanneman of Ideal, for receiving the South Dakota Corn Growers Outstanding Legislative Leadership award.
HC 1014HC1014Commending and honoring Dennis Povondra, business manager at Bon Homme 4-2 School District, on his retirement after thirty-six years of exceptional service.
HC 1022HC1022Honoring and commemorating Roger Nelson for his life-long commitment to sports in South Dakota.
HC 1024HC1024Commending and honoring 2012 Miss Teen Great Plains International Alaina Bertsch on her accomplishment.
HC 1036HC1036Honoring, commending, and thanking South Dakota Highway Patrol Trooper Brent Saucerman for ten years of providing security at the South Dakota Capitol Complex.
HC 1039HC1039Commending and honoring Darin Peterka of Miller High School for his outstanding athletic performance.
HC 1040HC1040Posthumously honoring South Dakota Highway Patrol Trooper Douglas Leigh Nelson, Sr. (HP 110) for his thirty-five and one half years dedicated service to South Dakotans as a highway patrolman and a veteran of the U.S. Army.
HC 1041HC1041Honoring, commending, and thanking South Dakota Highway Patrolman Jerry Boyer for his thirty-two and one-half years of dedicated service to South Dakotans as a highway patrolman.
HC 1042HC1042Honoring the Canton High School wrestling program.
HC 1064HC1064Commending and honoring Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown, South Dakota, on receiving the designation as a Finalist With Distinction in the first annual Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence Program.
HCR 1003HCR1003Encouraging South Dakota hospitals with maternity care services to become Baby Friendly by implementing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
HCR 1004HCR1004Supporting and encouraging the academic study of the Bible in South Dakota public schools.
HCR 1005HCR1005Urging Congress to clearly delegate responsibility for the regulation of hydraulic fracturing to the states.
HCR 1006HCR1006in opposition to certain actions by animal rights groups to undermine agricultural producers.
HCR 1008HCR1008Recognizing the week of June 25 through June 29, 2012, as Ag Week in South Dakota.
HCR 1009HCR1009Urging the federal government to honor tribal identification cards.
HCR 1011HCR1011Requesting that a United States Navy submarine be named the USS South Dakota.
HCR 1015HCR1015Urging the federal government to secure our national borders and enforce United States immigration laws.
HCR 1017HCR1017Expressing opposition to a state run health care system that is established or operated contrary to the interests of the people of South Dakota.
HCR 1018HCR1018Urging Congress to restore the impact aid program.
HJR 1004HJR1004To propose a constitutional amendment regarding legislative term limits.
SB 58SB58revise certain provisions concerning elections conducted at voting centers and to declare an emergency.
SB 60SB60provide for the award of joint physical custody of children under certain circumstances.
SB 61SB61exempt the production of certain plants and sod from sales and use taxes.
SB 74SB74require the direct billing of anatomic pathology services.
SB 76SB76revise certain provisions relating to the retirement of justices and judges.
SB 82SB82revise certain provisions regarding the unclaimed property trust fund.
SB 88SB88revise the allowable time periods for use of nonresident small game hunting licenses.
SB 93SB93provide for the withdrawal of referred measures in certain circumstances.
SB 94SB94establish a pilot uninsured motorist identification database program and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 97SB97require the payment of a surface access fee for oil and gas exploration and production.
SB 123SB123revise how the taxes are applied to rural electric companies.
SB 124SB124revise per student allocation for state aid to education, to revise the property tax levies for the general fund of school districts, and to revise certain provisions concerning state aid and local effort.
SB 139SB139establish the Teach for America grant program within the Department of Education.
SB 155SB155prohibit the employment of unauthorized aliens and to provide penalties therefor.
SB 181SB181repeal certain tort liability arising out of causes of action based on seduction, abduction, and alienation of affections.
SC 1SC1Commending and honoring the 2010-2011 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota.
SC 7SC7Honoring Beth Mayrose of Salem, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and Jack Gordon of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Boys State Governor; and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
SC 10SC10Congratulating and honoring the South Dakota National Guard, both current members and all those who have served previously, on the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the South Dakota National Guard on January 27, 2012.
SC 11SC11Recognizing the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Office of Legislative Affairs for its assistance to the State Legislature in carrying out the 2011 legislative redistricting process.
SC 12SC12Congratulating the Belle Fourche Area Community Center in Belle Fourche, South Dakota, for twenty years of service to the community.
SC 13SC13Honoring the Pierre Junior Shooters BB Gun Team as National Champions.
SC 14SC14Congratulating Aberdeen, South Dakota, for its recognition as one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People.
SC 16SC16Honoring Courtney Peterson of Sisseton, South Dakota, as the recipient of the 2012 Miss Rodeo South Dakota crown.
SC 17SC17Honoring Amy Shan of Madison as a recipient of the Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
SC 21SC21Congratulating and commending Wyatt DeJong of Winner, South Dakota, and the Winner FFA Chapter for his outstanding year as the 2010-2011 National FFA Central Region Vice President.
SC 23SC23Honoring and commending the citizens of South Dakota for their exemplary response to the Missouri River Flood of 2011.
SC 29SC29Recognizing the achievements of the South Dakota State University Women's and Men's Basketball Teams.
SCR 1SCR1Honoring the University of South Dakota on its one hundred fiftieth anniversary.
SCR 3SCR3Designating the month of November as COPD Awareness Month in the State of South Dakota.
SCR 4SCR4Supporting the concept and further development of South Dakota First, an initiative for success and development.
SCR 5SCR5Supporting and encouraging a 2012 interim study and thorough review of drainage laws in South Dakota.
SCR 6SCR6Urging the government of Turkey to uphold and safeguard religious and human rights and to respect the property rights and human rights of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.