Representative B.J. Nesselhuf - 2001
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1182 | HB | 1182 | limit inmate telephone charges. |
HC 1003 | HC | 1003 | Honoring the 2000 Viborg Vikings High School football team, coaches, and staff involved in the football program. |
SB 105 | SB | 105 | provide for a comprehensive study by the Corrections Commission of inmate telephone services at Department of Corrections institutions. |
SB 230 | SB | 230 | revise the distribution of certain sales tax revenues. |
SB 231 | SB | 231 | provide for the prompt payment of certain uncontested health care claims. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1121 | HB | 1121 | provide for implied covenants of good faith and fair dealing in certain employment contracts. |
HB 1141 | HB | 1141 | impose a severance tax on the quarrying of certain minerals. |
HB 1151 | HB | 1151 | revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula. |
HB 1152 | HB | 1152 | revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula. |
HB 1163 | HB | 1163 | exempt certain membership fees from sales and use tax. |
HB 1167 | HB | 1167 | place certain requirements on sales of prescription drugs. |
HB 1175 | HB | 1175 | create a low income pharmaceutical assistance program and to provide an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1176 | HB | 1176 | repeal the prohibition of certain disclosures by a state agency of information concerning a private entity. |
HB 1180 | HB | 1180 | allow for the sale of surplus property to tribal subdivisions. |
HB 1186 | HB | 1186 | exempt certain residential utilities from sales and use tax and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1203 | HB | 1203 | appropriate money for the Northern Crops Institute and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1206 | HB | 1206 | provide for a refund of tuition for certain teachers. |
HB 1266 | HB | 1266 | allow a day started late due to inclement weather to constitute a full school day. |
HB 1297 | HB | 1297 | transfer funds from the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission gross receipts tax fund for home heating assistance funding, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency. |
HC 1001 | HC | 1001 | Honoring and supporting Czech Days in Tabor, South Dakota, on the occasion of its fifty-third anniversary. |
HC 1002 | HC | 1002 | Honoring the 2000 Tripp-Delmont Wildcats High School basketball team and the students and staff involved in the basketball program. |
HC 1008 | HC | 1008 | Honoring Stephanie Kokesh, Scotland, South Dakota's 2000 Youth Citizen of the Year. |
HC 1009 | HC | 1009 | Honoring Arlene Russell, Scotland, South Dakota's 2000 Citizen of the Year. |
HC 1010 | HC | 1010 | Honoring the 2000 Corsica Comets High School football team, coaches, and staff involved in the football program. |
HC 1011 | HC | 1011 | Honoring the Corsica Comets boys track team and its coaching staff on their State Class B Championship. |
HCR 1004 | HCR | 1004 | Urging Congress to conduct an investigation of the natural gas commodity market and to establish a national energy policy. |
HCR 1005 | HCR | 1005 | Recognizing February sixth as Kids Voting Day in South Dakota. |
HCR 1017 | HCR | 1017 | Promoting National Heart Failure Awareness Week. |
HCR 1021 | HCR | 1021 | Recognizing social anxiety disease as a treatable psychiatric disorder which affects many South Dakotans and applauding all psychological and pharmacologic interventions designed to treat social anxiety disease. |
SB 68 | SB | 68 | provide for the appointment of delegates from state tribal governments to the Legislature. |
SB 93 | SB | 93 | revise certain provisions related to the investment of permanent school funds and to declare an emergency. |
SB 97 | SB | 97 | provide for implied covenants of good faith and fair dealing in certain employment contracts. |
SB 102 | SB | 102 | revise certain provisions regarding the eligibility of Board of Regents' employees. |
SB 112 | SB | 112 | repeal the prohibition of certain disclosures by a state agency of information concerning a private entity. |
SB 113 | SB | 113 | require the use of ethanol blend fuel in certain state vehicles. |
SB 120 | SB | 120 | establish certain wage requirements for the recipients of REDI fund loans. |
SB 121 | SB | 121 | establish certain benefit requirements for the recipients of REDI fund loans. |
SB 127 | SB | 127 | limit the Department of Labor’s authority to recommend settlements in labor disputes. |
SB 129 | SB | 129 | require school boards to notify the parent or guardian of each student being taught by an uncertified teacher or by a certified teacher who is not certified to teach that particular course or grade. |
SB 130 | SB | 130 | provide for a bill of rights for children in the care of the state. |
SB 134 | SB | 134 | revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula. |
SB 142 | SB | 142 | establish an ombudsman to represent youth offenders. |
SB 153 | SB | 153 | subject uncertified school administrators to a code of professional ethics. |
SB 170 | SB | 170 | remove the fee for special vehicle license plates for firefighters. |
SB 187 | SB | 187 | revise certain provisions relating to comparative negligence. |
SB 192 | SB | 192 | require certain prescription drug manufacturers and labelers to enter into rebate agreements, to establish a discount prescription drug program for certain individuals, to require retail pharmacies to offer certain discounts, and to prescribe penalties and remedies. |
SB 193 | SB | 193 | revise the distribution of revenue from the video lottery. |
SB 195 | SB | 195 | revise the distribution of revenue from the video lottery. |
SB 196 | SB | 196 | provide for a negotiated price for prescription drugs sold in the state. |
SB 205 | SB | 205 | provide for the elimination of the term, squaw, from South Dakota place names. |
SB 212 | SB | 212 | revise certain provisions regarding reduced tuition for certain state employees. |
SB 213 | SB | 213 | revise certain provisions regarding longevity compensation for state employees. |
SC 3 | SC | 3 | Commending and honoring South Dakotans who served in the Civilian Conservation Corps. |
SC 5 | SC | 5 | Honoring Elizabeth Becker as a recipient of the Prudential Spirit of Community Award. |
SC 9 | SC | 9 | Honoring the memory of Thomas Anthony Francis Iversen and his forty-six years of life. |
SCR 3 | SCR | 3 | Supporting the conversion of the underground mine and portions of the surface mining facilities at Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, to a National Underground Science Laboratory operated by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology for the National Science Foundation. |
SCR 6 | SCR | 6 | Recognizing the South Dakota Corps of Rediscovery as the official planning group for South Dakota's commemoration of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial. |
SCR 8 | SCR | 8 | Supporting programs that bring communities together to examine their demographic pasts and futures and that encourage them to look beyond traditional barriers to find practical solutions to the problems they face. |
SCR 11 | SCR | 11 | Expressing the Legislature's condolences upon the death of Laska Schoenfelder. |