Senator Ed Olson - 2001
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1089 | HB | 1089 | restrict the sale or rental of certain movies and music to minors. |
HB 1095 | HB | 1095 | revise the sizes of plats that may be filed with the register of deeds. |
HB 1112 | HB | 1112 | revise school district inventory procedures. |
HB 1113 | HB | 1113 | revise payment methods for school districts. |
HB 1123 | HB | 1123 | repeal the requirement that school districts consist of adjoining territory. |
HB 1152 | HB | 1152 | revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula. |
HB 1171 | HB | 1171 | provide funding to school districts for operating a school term greater than one hundred seventy-five days. |
HB 1183 | HB | 1183 | revise certain provisions related to background checks for school employees. |
HB 1184 | HB | 1184 | revise certain provisions related to the practice of dentistry. |
HB 1206 | HB | 1206 | provide for a refund of tuition for certain teachers. |
HB 1226 | HB | 1226 | require South Dakota school districts to provide the names and addresses of certain secondary school students to the Board of Regents and the Department of Education and Cultural Affairs. |
HB 1276 | HB | 1276 | require historical or educational municipal corporations to maintain their property. |
HCR 1014 | HCR | 1014 | Urging awareness and support for reading and reading programs in our homes and communities. |
HCR 1017 | HCR | 1017 | Promoting National Heart Failure Awareness Week. |
SB 84 | SB | 84 | make the terms of office within the aldermanic form of government consistent with other provisions. |
SB 88 | SB | 88 | prohibit certain deceptive trade practices regarding prescription discount cards. |
SB 153 | SB | 153 | subject uncertified school administrators to a code of professional ethics. |
SB 200 | SB | 200 | provide for the taxation of severed mineral interests. |
SB 209 | SB | 209 | permit certain businesses to remit sales and use tax after the machinery is under production. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1090 | HB | 1090 | provide for maintenance of and accessibility to concealed pistol permit information by law enforcement. |
HB 1103 | HB | 1103 | provide certain requirements for prescription labels when a generic drug is dispensed. |
HB 1107 | HB | 1107 | create the South Dakota senior citizen pharmaceutical assistance program and to provide an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1114 | HB | 1114 | revise certain voting and participation requirements related to bond issues involving two or more political subdivisions. |
HB 1117 | HB | 1117 | provide for the issuance of a motor vehicle title under certain conditions to a person who has repaired a motor vehicle and has not been paid. |
HB 1118 | HB | 1118 | extend the time period during which previous driving while intoxicated convictions may be considered for determining subsequent offenses. |
HB 1132 | HB | 1132 | require that certain county assessment records be made available to local equalization boards. |
HB 1141 | HB | 1141 | impose a severance tax on the quarrying of certain minerals. |
HB 1149 | HB | 1149 | provide that school districts or school bus contracting companies be notified when the commercial driver license of a school bus driver is suspended or revoked. |
HB 1150 | HB | 1150 | revise certain provisions relating to the criminal background investigations of school employees. |
HB 1151 | HB | 1151 | revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula. |
HB 1157 | HB | 1157 | prohibit the keeping of a place where marijuana is used or distributed. |
HB 1182 | HB | 1182 | limit inmate telephone charges. |
HB 1188 | HB | 1188 | revise certain dates relating to the validation of prior bonds of political subdivisions. |
HB 1191 | HB | 1191 | revise and clarify who may carry a firearm on a motorcycle or off-road vehicle. |
HB 1203 | HB | 1203 | appropriate money for the Northern Crops Institute and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1205 | HB | 1205 | provide for the licensing of certain real estate corporations and limited liability companies. |
HB 1209 | HB | 1209 | require that public agencies solicit bids for auctioneer services. |
HB 1214 | HB | 1214 | prohibit the hunting of mallard ducks and turkey on private shooting preserves. |
HB 1237 | HB | 1237 | authorize certain students in alternative instruction to participate in public school interscholastic contests and competition. |
HB 1239 | HB | 1239 | authorize certain persons to carry handguns who are authorized to carry handguns in other states. |
HB 1251 | HB | 1251 | assign a rebuttable presumption that certain electors are not qualified when signing petitions. |
HB 1252 | HB | 1252 | establish a statewide voter registration file, to make an appropriation therefor and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1256 | HB | 1256 | provide that students who graduate early be counted in a school district's average daily membership for the entire school term. |
HB 1287 | HB | 1287 | revise and repeal certain restrictions on the issuance of liquor licenses. |
HB 1297 | HB | 1297 | transfer funds from the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission gross receipts tax fund for home heating assistance funding, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency. |
HC 1001 | HC | 1001 | Honoring and supporting Czech Days in Tabor, South Dakota, on the occasion of its fifty-third anniversary. |
HC 1002 | HC | 1002 | Honoring the 2000 Tripp-Delmont Wildcats High School basketball team and the students and staff involved in the basketball program. |
HC 1007 | HC | 1007 | Commending and honoring the 1999-2000 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Dr. Joseph Gertsema, Yankton, School Superintendents Association; Rick Hohn, Watertown, Business Officials Association; Anja Hoekman, Sioux Falls, Elementary School Principals Association; Terry Nebelsick, Huron, Secondary School Principals Association; Larry Janish, DeSmet, Secondary School Principals Association; Dr. Merry Bleeker, Mitchell, Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development; and David Jewett, Spearfish, South Dakota Council of Administrators of Special Education for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups. |
HC 1008 | HC | 1008 | Honoring Stephanie Kokesh, Scotland, South Dakota's 2000 Youth Citizen of the Year. |
HC 1009 | HC | 1009 | Honoring Arlene Russell, Scotland, South Dakota's 2000 Citizen of the Year. |
HC 1010 | HC | 1010 | Honoring the 2000 Corsica Comets High School football team, coaches, and staff involved in the football program. |
HC 1011 | HC | 1011 | Honoring the Corsica Comets boys track team and its coaching staff on their State Class B Championship. |
HC 1013 | HC | 1013 | Recognizing and commending the South Dakota Highland Festival in Scotland, South Dakota. |
HC 1017 | HC | 1017 | Recognizing and commending the Kuchen Festival in Delmont, South Dakota. |
HCR 1004 | HCR | 1004 | Urging Congress to conduct an investigation of the natural gas commodity market and to establish a national energy policy. |
HCR 1005 | HCR | 1005 | Recognizing February sixth as Kids Voting Day in South Dakota. |
HCR 1021 | HCR | 1021 | Recognizing social anxiety disease as a treatable psychiatric disorder which affects many South Dakotans and applauding all psychological and pharmacologic interventions designed to treat social anxiety disease. |
HCR 1025 | HCR | 1025 | Requesting that the Governor of the State of South Dakota, along with the Legislature, continue to take appropriate fire prevention measures to address the catastrophic fire risk that exists on the federally-held national forests and state lands of South Dakota. |
SB 78 | SB | 78 | provide for increased penalties for exceeding the speed limit in school zones. |
SB 85 | SB | 85 | prohibit certain persons from receiving a permit to carry a concealed pistol. |
SB 91 | SB | 91 | exempt certain school district employees from the requirement for certain background checks. |
SB 93 | SB | 93 | revise certain provisions related to the investment of permanent school funds and to declare an emergency. |
SB 117 | SB | 117 | revise certain provisions related to background checks for school district employees. |
SB 118 | SB | 118 | make an appropriation to the ethanol fuel fund and to declare an emergency. |
SB 124 | SB | 124 | allow for the deposit of certain funds and for the repayment of certain contracts relating to energy savings. |
SB 125 | SB | 125 | clarify workers' compensation coverage for uncompensated volunteers and prisoners. |
SB 131 | SB | 131 | make an appropriation to provide for an electronic voting machine in the Senate chamber. |
SB 132 | SB | 132 | make an appropriation to provide for an electronic message display board in the senate chamber. |
SB 134 | SB | 134 | revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula. |
SB 141 | SB | 141 | revise certain provisions concerning physician licensure. |
SB 145 | SB | 145 | revise residency for the purposes of special education and to revise the distribution of state aid to special education. |
SB 146 | SB | 146 | require that certain findings and recommendations of the state fire marshal be included in a school board's minutes and to require certain inspections. |
SB 147 | SB | 147 | authorize the assignment of health insurance proceeds to a dentist. |
SB 156 | SB | 156 | require the provision of insurance coverage for the entire human musculoskeletal system of the jaw, face, and head under certain circumstances. |
SB 160 | SB | 160 | prohibit the offering of postsecondary education credit or degree by nonaccredited institutions. |
SB 173 | SB | 173 | authorize a rental car company to offer car rental insurance under certain circumstances. |
SB 181 | SB | 181 | revise certain provisions relating to underinsured motorist coverage limits. |
SB 186 | SB | 186 | provide for the preservation of certain public broadcasting records of the legislative session. |
SB 187 | SB | 187 | revise certain provisions relating to comparative negligence. |
SB 188 | SB | 188 | revise the time period when a garnishee summons and affidavit is served on the defendant. |
SB 198 | SB | 198 | establish a girls' basketball season. |
SB 202 | SB | 202 | revise certain provisions regarding visitation rights for grandparents. |
SB 210 | SB | 210 | establish a refundable checkoff program for swine. |
SB 212 | SB | 212 | revise certain provisions regarding reduced tuition for certain state employees. |
SB 213 | SB | 213 | revise certain provisions regarding longevity compensation for state employees. |
SB 245 | SB | 245 | implement certain amendments to Article XII of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota regarding trust funds. |
SC 3 | SC | 3 | Commending and honoring South Dakotans who served in the Civilian Conservation Corps. |
SC 8 | SC | 8 | Honoring the memory of Captain Donald Smith, United States Army Air Corps. |
SC 9 | SC | 9 | Honoring the memory of Thomas Anthony Francis Iversen and his forty-six years of life. |
SC 11 | SC | 11 | Honoring and supporting the non-Muslim minorities of India's Kashmir: Pandits, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Christians. |
SCR 3 | SCR | 3 | Supporting the conversion of the underground mine and portions of the surface mining facilities at Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, to a National Underground Science Laboratory operated by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology for the National Science Foundation. |
SCR 4 | SCR | 4 | Approving and supporting the joint powers agreement entered into by the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and the South Dakota Secretary of State. |
SCR 8 | SCR | 8 | Supporting programs that bring communities together to examine their demographic pasts and futures and that encourage them to look beyond traditional barriers to find practical solutions to the problems they face. |
SCR 9 | SCR | 9 | Expressing support for the electoral college. |
SCR 11 | SCR | 11 | Expressing the Legislature's condolences upon the death of Laska Schoenfelder. |