Representative  Carol A. Pitts - 2001
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1112HB1112revise school district inventory procedures.
HB 1113HB1113revise payment methods for school districts.
SB 76SB76revise the provisions concerning vetoes and overrides in the aldermanic form of government.
SB 162SB162permit farm wineries to hold an off-sale package wine license.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1124HB1124revise certain provisions related to township financial reports.
HB 1146HB1146create the position of state wildland fire coordinator and to transfer forest fire suppression activities from the state forester to the state wildland fire coordinator.
HB 1180HB1180allow for the sale of surplus property to tribal subdivisions.
HB 1203HB1203appropriate money for the Northern Crops Institute and to declare an emergency.
HB 1246HB1246prohibit the occupation of a motor vehicle knowing that any controlled drug or substance is illegally being stored or used therein and to provide penalties therefor.
HB 1250HB1250revise certain provisions regarding hunting on private shooting preserves and along highway rights-of-way.
HB 1251HB1251assign a rebuttable presumption that certain electors are not qualified when signing petitions.
HB 1252HB1252establish a statewide voter registration file, to make an appropriation therefor and to declare an emergency.
HB 1285HB1285clarify the purposes for which funds in the South Dakota-bred racing fund and special racing revolving fund may be used and to make distributions from the South Dakota-bred racing fund and the special racing revolving fund.
HB 1297HB1297transfer funds from the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission gross receipts tax fund for home heating assistance funding, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HCR 1001HCR1001Endorsing and promoting a statewide mentoring association.
HCR 1005HCR1005Recognizing February sixth as Kids Voting Day in South Dakota.
HCR 1013HCR1013Expressing support for aviation grade ethanol.
HCR 1025HCR1025Requesting that the Governor of the State of South Dakota, along with the Legislature, continue to take appropriate fire prevention measures to address the catastrophic fire risk that exists on the federally-held national forests and state lands of South Dakota.
HCR 1026HCR1026Urging South Dakota's United States Senators and Representative to authorize and appropriate funds to support the expansion of utility and roadway infrastructure in conjunction with the construction of Interstate Highway 90, Exit 67 and the arterial road servicing Ellsworth Air Force Base and the City of Box Elder, South Dakota.
SB 89SB89provide for the regulation of registered pharmacy technicians.
SB 141SB141revise certain provisions concerning physician licensure.
SB 152SB152revise certain vaccination and brucellosis testing provisions related to the importation of livestock.
SB 244SB244require assisted living centers to disclose certain health care charges.
SB 245SB245implement certain amendments to Article XII of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota regarding trust funds.
SC 3SC3Commending and honoring South Dakotans who served in the Civilian Conservation Corps.
SC 4SC4Congratulating Kathryn Calmus of Volga for achieving national recognition for exemplary service by receiving a 2001 Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
SC 9SC9Honoring the memory of Thomas Anthony Francis Iversen and his forty-six years of life.
SCR 3SCR3Supporting the conversion of the underground mine and portions of the surface mining facilities at Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, to a National Underground Science Laboratory operated by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology for the National Science Foundation.
SCR 8SCR8Supporting programs that bring communities together to examine their demographic pasts and futures and that encourage them to look beyond traditional barriers to find practical solutions to the problems they face.
SCR 9SCR9Expressing support for the electoral college.
SCR 11SCR11Expressing the Legislature's condolences upon the death of Laska Schoenfelder.