Senator  J.E. "Jim" Putnam - 2001
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1166HB1166prohibit local regulation of certain motor vehicle exhaust brake systems.
HB 1203HB1203appropriate money for the Northern Crops Institute and to declare an emergency.
HB 1239HB1239authorize certain persons to carry handguns who are authorized to carry handguns in other states.
HB 1246HB1246prohibit the occupation of a motor vehicle knowing that any controlled drug or substance is illegally being stored or used therein and to provide penalties therefor.
HB 1257HB1257revise certain provisions regarding the reimbursement of attorney fees by certain indigent defendants.
HC 1001HC1001Honoring and supporting Czech Days in Tabor, South Dakota, on the occasion of its fifty-third anniversary.
HC 1002HC1002Honoring the 2000 Tripp-Delmont Wildcats High School basketball team and the students and staff involved in the basketball program.
HC 1004HC1004Honoring the Tripp-Delmont Wildcats High School football team and the students and staff involved in the football program.
HC 1008HC1008Honoring Stephanie Kokesh, Scotland, South Dakota's 2000 Youth Citizen of the Year.
HC 1010HC1010Honoring the 2000 Corsica Comets High School football team, coaches, and staff involved in the football program.
HC 1011HC1011Honoring the Corsica Comets boys track team and its coaching staff on their State Class B Championship.
HC 1013HC1013Recognizing and commending the South Dakota Highland Festival in Scotland, South Dakota.
HC 1014HC1014Recognizing the Menno Pioneer Power Show.
HC 1016HC1016Recognizing and commending the 43rd Annual Schmeckfest in Freeman, South Dakota, on March 29, 30, and 31, 2001.
HC 1017HC1017Recognizing and commending the Kuchen Festival in Delmont, South Dakota.
SB 133SB133establish certain civil penalties for overweight vehicle violations and to provide for the disposition of the civil penalties.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1074HB1074prohibit discrimination against health care providers by health insurers.
HB 1109HB1109permit the detention in an adult jail of certain juveniles convicted as adults.
HB 1110HB1110criminalize the delivery of certain contraband to juvenile detention facilities and to revise the definition of contraband with regard to certain correctional facilities.
HB 1122HB1122modify the time required for a temporary custody hearing to be held in certain juvenile legal proceedings.
HB 1127HB1127modify the procedure for the remittance of the 911 surcharge.
HB 1179HB1179authorize the assignment of health insurance proceeds to health care providers.
HB 1195HB1195revise certain provisions related to the practice of veterinary medicine.
HB 1247HB1247revise the requirements for volunteer firefighters to become eligible for workers' compensation and to update a reference used to determine impairment.
HB 1250HB1250revise certain provisions regarding hunting on private shooting preserves and along highway rights-of-way.
HB 1251HB1251assign a rebuttable presumption that certain electors are not qualified when signing petitions.
HB 1252HB1252establish a statewide voter registration file, to make an appropriation therefor and to declare an emergency.
HB 1265HB1265revise certain provisions regarding the payment of restitution by a defendant.
HB 1297HB1297transfer funds from the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission gross receipts tax fund for home heating assistance funding, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HC 1009HC1009Honoring Arlene Russell, Scotland, South Dakota's 2000 Citizen of the Year.
HCR 1005HCR1005Recognizing February sixth as Kids Voting Day in South Dakota.
HCR 1006HCR1006Urging the establishment of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commemoration Commission.
HCR 1007HCR1007Requesting the federal government to honor certain state meat inspections in interstate commerce.
HCR 1008HCR1008Supporting mandatory country of origin labeling for agricultural products.
HCR 1024HCR1024In support of the use of biodiesel fuel.
HCR 1025HCR1025Requesting that the Governor of the State of South Dakota, along with the Legislature, continue to take appropriate fire prevention measures to address the catastrophic fire risk that exists on the federally-held national forests and state lands of South Dakota.
SB 66SB66make an appropriation to reimburse the counties in Districts 28A and 28B associated with a special primary election conducted on September 12, 2000, and to declare an emergency.
SB 114SB114modify the funding level for the local government transportation technology transfer special revenue fund.
SB 118SB118make an appropriation to the ethanol fuel fund and to declare an emergency.
SB 125SB125clarify workers' compensation coverage for uncompensated volunteers and prisoners.
SB 144SB144revise certain provisions regarding signs in any public right-of-way.
SB 148SB148revise compensation for water user district and sanitary district board members.
SB 150SB150revise certain conditions regarding the authorization of bingo or lotteries for restricted purposes and to increase the size of prize certain lotteries may award.
SB 161SB161regulate petroleum products containing methyl tertiary butyl ether.
SB 186SB186provide for the preservation of certain public broadcasting records of the legislative session.
SB 187SB187revise certain provisions relating to comparative negligence.
SB 198SB198establish a girls' basketball season.
SB 219SB219permit municipalities to issue a temporary on-sale license during certain large events.
SC 3SC3Commending and honoring South Dakotans who served in the Civilian Conservation Corps.
SC 8SC8Honoring the memory of Captain Donald Smith, United States Army Air Corps.
SC 9SC9Honoring the memory of Thomas Anthony Francis Iversen and his forty-six years of life.
SCR 2SCR2Urging the federal government to authorize and fund long-term health care on Indian reservations.
SCR 3SCR3Supporting the conversion of the underground mine and portions of the surface mining facilities at Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, to a National Underground Science Laboratory operated by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology for the National Science Foundation.
SCR 6SCR6Recognizing the South Dakota Corps of Rediscovery as the official planning group for South Dakota's commemoration of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial.
SCR 7SCR7Supporting the designation of U.S. Highway 81 as the Pan-American Highway.
SCR 8SCR8Supporting programs that bring communities together to examine their demographic pasts and futures and that encourage them to look beyond traditional barriers to find practical solutions to the problems they face.
SCR 9SCR9Expressing support for the electoral college.
SCR 11SCR11Expressing the Legislature's condolences upon the death of Laska Schoenfelder.