Representative  John E. Teupel - 2001
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1227HB1227appropriate money to Black Hills Forest High School.
HB 1293HB1293require a noxious weed disclosure statement in the transfer of certain real property.
HB 1294HB1294provide a financial incentive for school districts to consolidate.
SB 101SB101require sales and use tax paid to be deducted from the gross receipts to determine the contractors' excise tax.
SCR 3SCR3Supporting the conversion of the underground mine and portions of the surface mining facilities at Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, to a National Underground Science Laboratory operated by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology for the National Science Foundation.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1070HB1070allow vendors to sell soft drinks or other concessions on school property.
HB 1080HB1080permit applicable sales taxes to be applied as part of the collection costs and expenses for dishonored checks.
HB 1118HB1118extend the time period during which previous driving while intoxicated convictions may be considered for determining subsequent offenses.
HB 1158HB1158reallocate a certain portion of state aid to education.
HB 1171HB1171provide funding to school districts for operating a school term greater than one hundred seventy-five days.
HB 1203HB1203appropriate money for the Northern Crops Institute and to declare an emergency.
HB 1251HB1251assign a rebuttable presumption that certain electors are not qualified when signing petitions.
HB 1252HB1252establish a statewide voter registration file, to make an appropriation therefor and to declare an emergency.
HB 1256HB1256provide that students who graduate early be counted in a school district's average daily membership for the entire school term.
HB 1271HB1271provide grants to certain court-appointed special advocate programs and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1276HB1276require historical or educational municipal corporations to maintain their property.
HB 1285HB1285clarify the purposes for which funds in the South Dakota-bred racing fund and special racing revolving fund may be used and to make distributions from the South Dakota-bred racing fund and the special racing revolving fund.
HB 1297HB1297transfer funds from the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission gross receipts tax fund for home heating assistance funding, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1298HB1298regulate the manufacture, labeling, storage, and distribution of certain ruminant livestock feeds and to declare an emergency.
HC 1001HC1001Honoring and supporting Czech Days in Tabor, South Dakota, on the occasion of its fifty-third anniversary.
HC 1007HC1007Commending and honoring the 1999-2000 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Dr. Joseph Gertsema, Yankton, School Superintendents Association; Rick Hohn, Watertown, Business Officials Association; Anja Hoekman, Sioux Falls, Elementary School Principals Association; Terry Nebelsick, Huron, Secondary School Principals Association; Larry Janish, DeSmet, Secondary School Principals Association; Dr. Merry Bleeker, Mitchell, Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development; and David Jewett, Spearfish, South Dakota Council of Administrators of Special Education for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups.
HCR 1002HCR1002Petitioning South Dakota's United States Senators to vote in favor of the confirmation of Attorney General nominee John Ashcroft.
HCR 1005HCR1005Recognizing February sixth as Kids Voting Day in South Dakota.
HCR 1019HCR1019Requesting the federal government to honor certain state meat inspections in interstate commerce.
HCR 1025HCR1025Requesting that the Governor of the State of South Dakota, along with the Legislature, continue to take appropriate fire prevention measures to address the catastrophic fire risk that exists on the federally-held national forests and state lands of South Dakota.
HCR 1026HCR1026Urging South Dakota's United States Senators and Representative to authorize and appropriate funds to support the expansion of utility and roadway infrastructure in conjunction with the construction of Interstate Highway 90, Exit 67 and the arterial road servicing Ellsworth Air Force Base and the City of Box Elder, South Dakota.
SB 78SB78provide for increased penalties for exceeding the speed limit in school zones.
SB 93SB93revise certain provisions related to the investment of permanent school funds and to declare an emergency.
SB 102SB102revise certain provisions regarding the eligibility of Board of Regents' employees.
SB 124SB124allow for the deposit of certain funds and for the repayment of certain contracts relating to energy savings.
SB 133SB133establish certain civil penalties for overweight vehicle violations and to provide for the disposition of the civil penalties.
SB 181SB181revise certain provisions relating to underinsured motorist coverage limits.
SB 186SB186provide for the preservation of certain public broadcasting records of the legislative session.
SB 187SB187revise certain provisions relating to comparative negligence.
SB 203SB203clarify the responsibilities of foster parents in regard to foster children.
SB 211SB211restrict the erection or placement of unauthorized signs in any public highway right-of-way.
SB 212SB212revise certain provisions regarding reduced tuition for certain state employees.
SB 213SB213revise certain provisions regarding longevity compensation for state employees.
SB 214SB214establish a telecommunications gross receipts tax, to provide for its distribution, and to repeal certain property taxes and certain gross receipts taxes paid by certain telecommunications companies.
SB 228SB228provide for DNA testing for certain inmates for the purposes of determining whether they may have been wrongfully convicted.
SB 233SB233require certain minimum penalties for second or subsequent offenses for driving under the influence.
SB 238SB238provide that a portion of the interest earned on the people's trust fund be deposited in the tobacco prevention and reduction trust fund.
SC 3SC3Commending and honoring South Dakotans who served in the Civilian Conservation Corps.
SC 8SC8Honoring the memory of Captain Donald Smith, United States Army Air Corps.
SC 9SC9Honoring the memory of Thomas Anthony Francis Iversen and his forty-six years of life.
SCR 8SCR8Supporting programs that bring communities together to examine their demographic pasts and futures and that encourage them to look beyond traditional barriers to find practical solutions to the problems they face.
SCR 11SCR11Expressing the Legislature's condolences upon the death of Laska Schoenfelder.