Representative Sydney Davis - 2021
Prime Sponsor
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1043 | HB | 1043 | provide enhanced permit criteria for current and former law enforcement officers. |
HB 1051 | HB | 1051 | maintain the life of any child born alive. |
HB 1073 | HB | 1073 | authorize dentists to void certain contract terms with insurers. |
HB 1132 | HB | 1132 | add dental hygienists to the list of mandatory reporters of child abuse or neglect. |
HB 1154 | HB | 1154 | prohibit employment contracts restricting competitive health care practices. |
HB 1155 | HB | 1155 | remove certain restrictions on gifts of agricultural land. |
HB 1209 | HB | 1209 | make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to purchase outstanding debt and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1210 | HB | 1210 | make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to provide grant funding for a new bioproducts facility at the research park in Brookings, and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1220 | HB | 1220 | authorize the provision of informed consent by a pregnant minor. |
SB 98 | SB | 98 | limit the application of the death penalty. |
SB 141 | SB | 141 | revise the automatic removal of certain convictions from a background check record. |
SB 143 | SB | 143 | revise the penalty for the ingestion of certain controlled substances. |
SB 171 | SB | 171 | provide for the South Dakota Freedom Scholarship, make an appropriation therefor, and declare an emergency. |
SB 189 | SB | 189 | revise and establish certain provisions related to drug crimes and enforcement and create a penalty therefor. |
SCR 605 | SCR | 605 | Supporting the value of public higher education in South Dakota and encouraging continued efforts to ensure that higher education remains affordable for all South Dakotans. |