Representative  Erin Healy - 2023
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1159HB1159exempt feminine hygiene products from the state sales tax.
HB 1192HB1192extend Medicaid postpartum coverage.
HB 1223HB1223authorize informed consent to certain procedures and medication by a pregnant minor.
HB 1225HB1225clarify informed consent requirements for the provision of prenatal and postnatal care to minors.
HCR 6005HCR6005Recognizing the right to contraception and supporting access to contraception for all adults.
HCR 6010HCR6010Encouraging the Executive Board of the Legislature to establish a taskforce to study the availability of childcare.
SB 106SB106expand postpartum medicaid coverage.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1041HB1041provide an exception to the definition of drug paraphernalia.
HB 1044HB1044establish scholarships for individuals pursuing careers in the behavioral health field, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1055HB1055increase the dollar amount of South Dakota opportunity scholarships.
HB 1059HB1059establish a community paramedic endorsement.
HB 1078HB1078make an appropriation to the Department of Human Services for the development and expansion of adult day services programs and to declare an emergency.
HB 1079HB1079make an appropriation to the Department of Health to provide grants to support mental health and suicide prevention programs, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1086HB1086create provisions for the Psychiatric Collaborative Care Model to be reimbursable for insurance.
HB 1092HB1092revise the definition of marriage.
HB 1095HB1095lower the state sales tax rate and the state use tax rate on food to two and one-half percent.
HB 1096HB1096lower the state sales tax rate and the state use tax rate on food to three and one-half percent.
HB 1098HB1098revise provisions related to juror compensation.
HB 1101HB1101ensure the proper labeling of American Indian arts and crafts.
HB 1103HB1103waive the fee for nondriver identification cards for individuals at or below the federal poverty level.
HB 1122HB1122authorize the participation of tenth grade students in the dual credit program.
HB 1155HB1155add dental practices as eligible facilities to participate in the rural health care recruitment assistance program.
HB 1162HB1162authorize employers to acquire and make available opioid antagonists.
HB 1168HB1168require active efforts to preserve and reunite Indian families in abuse and neglect proceedings.
HB 1175HB1175update references to the Governor, lieutenant governor, and other persons.
HB 1187HB1187make an appropriation for pediatric cancer research and resource projects and to declare an emergency.
HB 1204HB1204make an appropriation for the reimbursement of certain costs incurred in providing medical services to an adopted child and to declare an emergency.
HB 1221HB1221provide free school lunches for students.
HB 1229HB1229identify child placement preferences.
HC 8002HC8002Celebrating the life, legacy, and accomplishments of Lionel Bordeaux.
HC 8005HC8005Commending the South Dakota Air National Guard's 114th Fighter Wing for being awarded the Distinguished Flying Unit Plaque, the William W. Spruance Safety Award, the Winston P. Wilson Trophy, and the Major General John J. Pesch Flight Safety Trophy in training year 2022.
HC 8012HC8012Honoring the families who hosted the 2023 Legislative pages in their homes during the legislative session.
HCR 6001HCR6001To recommend the Executive Board establish a task force to study a potential optional educational path.
HCR 6002HCR6002To encourage the Executive Board of the Legislature to continue researching childhood mental health and mental health services available to children in this state.
HCR 6011HCR6011Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan.
SB 3SB3prohibit the issuance of a written certification to a pregnant woman or breastfeeding mother for purposes of medical cannabis use.
SB 4SB4modify a court's authority to commit a habitual juvenile offender to the Department of Corrections.
SB 5SB5extend the termination date of the Juvenile Justice Oversight Council and modify its membership requirements.
SB 6SB6authorize community response teams to recommend alternative community-based resources for children alleged to be delinquent and children alleged to be in need of supervision prior to adjudication.
SB 59SB59make an appropriation to the Department of Education for grants to support career and technical education programs, and to declare an emergency.
SB 70SB70revise provisions related to courtroom modifications for child witnesses.
SB 78SB78create the South Dakota Board of Physical Therapy and make an appropriation therefor.
SB 107SB107facilitate the process of establishing election precincts and polling places by counties.
SB 109SB109require employers to disclose compensation or range of compensation to applicants and employees.
SB 127SB127revise the eligible disability level for veterans to receive state park benefits.
SC 802SC802Celebrating the South Dakota State University Jackrabbit football team winning the NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision National Championship.
SC 803SC803honoring the 2021-2022 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Dr. Steve Willard, Belle Fourche School Superintendent; Julie Marshall, Timber Lake Middle School Principal; Trista Olney, Douglas School Business Official; Chantal Ligtenberg, Meade Elementary School Principal; Collin Knudson, Tea Secondary School Principal; Brad Hartzler, Harrisburg Assistant High School Principal; Dr. Michelle Vande Weerd, Brookings Curriculum Leader; and Marie Ivers, Milbank Director of Special Education.
SCR 605SCR605Encouraging the Executive Board of the Legislature to authorize and form a legislative task force to study the issues on, and to consider, develop, and report recommendations and propose legislation on, sustainable improvements to the affordability and availability of childcare in South Dakota.